20 Ways To Enjoy Life Every Single Day


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Enjoy Life Every Single Day

Sometimes in life, we get caught up in the daily routine so bad, that we just completely forget about having a good time along the way. After a while, the mere idea of having fun may seem like a task. As if it requires a lot of drastic changes and big moments to enjoy life. What we tend to forget on the way to this monotonous lifestyle, is that having fun is only about keeping your mind open, and not about big indulgences. It is about feeling the small things in life being present in the moment. If you’re having a tough time trying to live a life of purpose and joy, follow these simple ways and know how to enjoy life every single day.

1. Focus on yourself

Amidst the chaos in life, we tend to forget the reason why we do what we are doing. Be it work, family, friends or even studies. Mostly in cases where the workload and stress level increases and you find less and less time to be with yourself and spend time trying to find the reason why you’re doing this. In times like these try to take time out and reflect why you have chosen to do what you’re doing. Try to shift the focus from routine to yourself and ascertain how it should be you who is of prime importance and not the thing that you’re doing.

Focus on yourself2. Make time for what you like

I know finding time out of your otherwise busy life may not be as feasible, But to keep in touch with your inner happiness and enjoy life every day, you have to find some time, if not a lot, for your self and indulge in doing something you like. Be it watching TV, going out to watch a cricket match, cooking, listening to music or literally anything you like. Just make sure that you have some time dedicated only for yourself and you keep spending that time doing what you like the most.

Make time for what you like3. Travel

We cannot stress enough on the wonderful effects traveling can have on your state of mind. If you’re really stressed out and you cannot connect with yourself or find the relevance of anything at all, just travel. Take some time out, choose a destination pack your bags and leave. Just don’t think about it much, do it spontaneously. Alone or with your best friends, Travel to a place you’ve never been before, this will show you some really unseen facets of life. Open your head to new experiences and keep you in sync with your life.

Travel4. Make new friends

Having friends by your side always helps. We have realized, that no matter how difficult times you face in life, Friends always make things much easier. They understand you and accept you and all your quirks. A friend id the best way to learn to enjoy life. If you have shifted to a new place for work or your friends have moved out, try and build newer friendships with those around. Although your old friends will always be your best friends for life, having some friend you can see every day makes you value your life more. It’s a tried and tested advice, so we know it works.

Make new friends5. Try new cuisines

No matter how fulfilling your life is if you keep yourself restricted to a few favorites you will miss out on so many really great things. One great example is food. If you end up having a plate of chapati, rice, and dal every day why do you want to try the same while you go out? Give a chance to try some other cuisines. Food can have a real therapeutic effect on your mind. A good meal can release stress and make you feel great. If you really want ways to enjoy life, try different cuisines. Sometimes you will just hate it, but other times you’ll find a true love. Take the chance.

Try new cuisines6. Make a wish list

We humans need something to look forward in life, an approaching exam, best friends wedding or some destination you want to see. So, to keep the life more meaningful and directional, make a list of things you want to do in life. It will act as an inspiration to keep you going. It will give your life meaning and direction to keep enjoying every single day.

Make a wish list7. Take time to de-clutter

A cleaner environment makes for a calm mind. The lesser things you have around, the lesser work you have to do to maintain them or clean them. If you want to feel at peace and enjoy time sitting in the room doing nothing make an environment that will help you achieve that. Lose all the junk and organize the clutter. It will help you so much in the long run.

Take time to de-clutter8. Take time out for prayers

Praying is one of the most powerful things in the world. Pray more often for yourself and for others. Use prayers as a way to talk to the divine. A prayer can keep you connected to not just the divine but also your inner voice.

Take time out for prayers9. Get a pet

A pet makes you learn so many things that no other experience or teaching can make you learn. A pet shows what an unconditional love means, Its give your heart warmth and compassion. It teaches being responsible and it is always there with you in all the times. A pet makes you value your life more and with him, you can enjoy life in better ways.

10. Exercise

Have you ever started a day with a nice gym workout or a yoga session and realize that the day went really well that day? Well, it’s not a coincidence. Exercise can not just keep you healthy, but it will also release a feel good hormone that will lift up your spirits and keep you going for the entire day. Exercise more often, this is the perfect way to enjoy life and be happy throughout the day.

Exercise11. Learn something new

Try to learn something new, the sheer joy of learning a new art, a music instrument or something completely different like rowing a boat will make you really happy. It will give motivation and confidence to you that you could do it after all.

12. Read books

Reading a book is like living a different life. In a book you can fly, you can love you forgive and you feel as if you have achieved. A book can give you perspectives, it can heal your broken heart and it can make you wiser. To appreciate your life more, Read a book.

13. Do some gardening

Did you know that gardening is known to improve and maintain your chakra balance? Gardening involves playing with the soil, The earth absorbs all your negative energies and heals you off all the turbulence. Gardening can make you bring your mind into a calmer space. If you love to be quiet and enjoy silence, there are no better ways to enjoy life than this.

Do some gardening14. Watch movies

Sometimes all you need a someone to show you what it feels to be out of the stressful life you lead. The easiest way? Watch a movie. Lack of motivation towards a goal? Watch an inspirational movie. Want to spend time relaxing? Watch a Rom-Com movie. The options are endless.

15. Take time out to relax

Like machines even our bodies need rest. To perform your best everyday all you need is time to rest and recoup. The best thing to do that is shunt out all of your work for a while and relax. Put out that hammock in your yard and sip on a lemonade. Enjoy the breeze and just relax.

Take time out to relax16. Take more pictures

Fortunately for us, we are born in an era that we have the luxuries of having a camera on our phones. We can literally click pictures every moment and have that moment saved for life. In later part of your life its just great watching old pictures and looking how you have aged, the friends you had, the amazing ice cream you ate 5 years ago and everything else. So click more pictures, enjoy all the moments you live

Take more pictures17. Watch the sunrise

There are some things in life that can only be felt, the experiences that not just change your life but alter it forever. Watching a sunrise alone can be one of them. The magnificent power of sun and mother natures canvas. It can be a beautiful experience that will enlighten you how to enjoy life again and make you appreciate the really beautiful things around you.

18. Spend time outdoors

When you are out, the possibilities are infinite. You may go for a walk and encounter some vivid butterflies or pretty flowers that really soothe your soul. Spend time outdoors, it is one of the best ways to enjoy life and feel alive. It will help you connect to your inner spirituality and boost your confidence. If you don’t find peace just listen to some soothing nature music or a heart touching melody. Here is one we greatly loved.

19. Treat yourself

Spend time outdoorsIn the hustle and bustle of life don’t forget to keep yourself pampered. You are the most important person in your life and for this sole reason you deserve a treat every once a while. Treat yourself to that walnut brownie oozing out chocolate sauce which you would otherwise never indulge in. Have some cheat days. Enjoy this snack once every month. Maintain your health by working out even harder the next day.

Treat yourself20. Sleep well

Nothing can make you appreciate things better and live a happy life, than a calm mind and a relaxed and well rested body. Catch up on a good nights sleep over the weekend. You are as such working hard otherwise, don’t work harder to party every weekend. Sleep on some days. Let your body rejuvenate by the sleep and then when you’re back and charged you can hit back the party scene with elevated energy levels.

While enjoying life may seem like a very abstract idea, this simple ‘to do’ list can help you make the most of every single day and have a great time while you’re doing that. To keep reminding you, that enjoying life is not that tough after all make sure you bookmark this page and return back whenever you are having a gloomy day. Remember, the bigger things in life take time and sometimes don’t even live up to the hype, so sit back and enjoy the little things life throws at you. In the end, this is that that will matter.

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After following, all my dreams in life. I have always found myself coming back to writing. Be it about my travel adventures or my undying love for fashion and beauty. With a knack for all things fancy, I am constantly in search for the best fashion trends and age old beauty secrets, And as someone who considers herself a voracious reader, finding just the right advice isn’t that hard. With love for my pen, and my heart in the clouds I wish to make the world a prettier place to be.