4 Temporary Ways To Color Your Hair


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color your hair

Looking for a change in hair color, and not keen on permanent and damaging hair dyes? Then you can express your creativity with temporary and not-permanent hair dyes. It’s fun, fleeting and also easy to do at home for yourself. There are many temporary hair dyeing methods, and learn a few ways to temporarily dye or color your hair to give you the choices for coloring your locks quickly and also reversibly.

The results regularly vary due to different hair types, colors, and conditions. Temporary hair colors are great for experimenting with new looks at home and trying out a striking look for a party or a night out. Also, for simply expressing your current mood or your personality. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination!

Color Your Hair Every time you Want



A lot of the temporary ways to color your hair, which don’t show up well unless you’re a blond. This works really well for dark hair. You can buy a hair chalk, but it doesn’t work as much as chalk pastels which are not oil based which artists use. You can get them relatively cheap and the results are much better than coloring your hair permanently.

How to:

  • If you have dark hair, spray the sections you want with water until they are damp.
  • If you have a blonde hair, do not wet it.
  • Pick your color and rub it up and down your tresses, twisting the section of hair as you go to coat both sides.
  • Allow your newly colored hair to dry or blow dry it if you’re in a hurry.
  • To set the color in so it is less likely to rub off on clothing or furniture, use a hair straightener to seal the strands.
  • Using an old straightener, leave color remains behind.



Kool Aid to dye your hair is a trend that has been around for a while. The only problem with this technique of dying your hair is that, the amount of time it stays in is based only on the texture of your hair and color, so you can test it out on a small area before committing fully to the idea.

How To:

  • Depending on length of your hair, use of 1-6 packets of Kool Aid color. Use only the unsweetened ones.
  • Now, empty it into a saucepan and add water. It can be drinkable liquid consistency and not paste kind. The less water you add, more vibrant the color would be.
  • Bring it to boil on your stovetop.
  • Allow the liquid to cool a bit, and dip your hair in it and hold for 2-3 minutes.
  • Remove your hair from it and dab dry with an old towel or paper towels.
  • Don’t wash hair for the next 24 hours.

[Also Read: Onion Juice for Hair]

3Eye Shadow

Eye Shadow

After researching and finding this, you will set your laptop and stand in front of your mirror for a good half hour experimenting. The color is a lot more vibrant than chalking, however it comes out all over your hands and clothes you touch it. Manage to keep your hands off your beautifully colored hair, and then go for it. A simple way of sealing it is no better than a hair spray!

How To:

  • Work on one section at a time, spray hair with water until damp.
  • Rub a tiny dot of conditioner into the section.
  • Using your favorite eye shadow, start from the top and work your way down, sliding the tub of shadow down your hair while holding it against the shadow with your thumb.
  • Coat front and back until you get your desired color.
  • Spray your with hair spray and to seal it.
  • Allow it to dry, or simply blow dry.

4Colored Mascara

Colored Mascara

Find a colored mascara, the colors are a bit limited, but it stays in your hair until you rinse it out. If you have access to it, try using Hard Candy’s mascara because they have a fairly considerable variety of colors to choose from, as well as glitter mascara, which is beautiful. This temporary dye which is very simple and extremely fast.

How To:

  • If your hair is fairly dark and you are using a deep color, use white base mascara first.
  • Use the mascara brush to pull color through the tips of your hair, or add streaks.
  • Allow to dry before touching or changing clothes so you don’t stain anything.

-Nikisha Uddagiri

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