Top destinations women should definitely solo travel


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Solo Travel

Do you know that when you travel alone, one finds answers for a lot of his questions, both life wise and relationship wise? It opens up opportunities for you to understand yourself and gives you inner peace as well. You need to clear your head once in a while and you need to do it in peace without people around you telling you what to do and what not to. So, a solo travel is what you might need if you are a person who wants inner peace. When you travel alone, you tend to meet people, get in touch with their culture, learn new languages, and tend to attain some kind of soothing responsibility for yourself. That is why solo travels are always enlightening and enriching. 40% of women in the world prefer solo travel because of the experience and experimentation.

For a woman, is solo travel safe? If you are concerned about your safety issues, it is actually good because when you know that you are concerned about safety, you will not do something random in these solo trips. Safety shouldn’t be your major concern because everything around you is not safe even now. Your travel from work to home, you alone auto rides in the night, taking the MRT at odd hours etc., are also not safe. Safety has nothing to do with the place you go. It actually depends on the situations you are caught in. If you add some sensibility, trust and if you use your gut instinct, a woman can definitely do wonders and go anywhere she wants to. That being said, I am going to list down a few places where women should travel solo in her lifetime. These places are hand-picked for their beauty, their peace and definitely the striking experience. So, ladies, if you are ready, pack your bags, book your tickets and get ready to experience the unexperienced.

Here Are Some Top Places Women Can Solo Travel

1Paris – France

Paris – France

Bonjour jolies femmes!! (Hello lovely ladies)

Paris is all about wine, cheese, Gucci, historical monuments, serene beauty and of course the hot/cute French guys. Paris is one of the best places for solo travel because it is a country that has almost everything.

A lot of people and websites might tell you that you should go to Paris with your boyfriend or partner, But I strongly object that. Though the place is a popular lovable city, you can explore so much more when you go alone. Who knows you may find your love life there! The culture is rich, the people are helpful and you will love to learn the language too.

2Chiang Mai – Thailand

Chiang Mai – Thailand

Tucked in the bottom of the northern hills of Thailand, Chiang Mai is just a one hour travel from Bangkok. You can learn the traditional Thai culture of the people of this wonderful city while you are still in search of your Zen. Discovering the city for its architecture, hidden temples, traditions and adventurous rides will give you an out of the world experience.

It is the perfect place for women mainly because of the fun Sunday market where you get your share of shopping knowledge. The Thai food is definitely something to look forward too when you go to this city.

3Melbourne – Australia

Melbourne – Australia

Melbourne is known for its artistic culture, amazing food and how can we forget the live music culture? For a solo traveler, this place is the best since it is safe, secure and a very women loving-respecting country. The public transport will keep your travel expenses in line and of course you can binge on the amazing fries or whatever you want in the small tucked cafes around every corner of the city.

The best thing about Australia is that you can find a lot of mixed people. So, finding someone or meeting someone of your own wouldn’t be a problem at all. Try the numerous live music festivals and enjoy the soulful music.

Read – [Beautiful Places to Visit in India in Lifetime]

4Tulum – Mexico

Tulum – Mexico

If you want a beach themed destination for some enjoyment and inner peace, then this is the most amazing place for you. The beautiful beach side place Tulum is on the sets of the Caribbean Sea. The place is always quite, serene, lush with greenery and of course endless waves! You can definitely mingle with fellow travelers, like -minded people and discuss your thoughts with them since this is a famous place for solo travelers.

Look out for meditation centers or yoga classes in the area since there are many famous relaxing centres around. The main lookout in this city is the endless love for beaches. If you are a sea person, you should definitely try this place.

5Maui – Hawaii

Maui – Hawaii

people! Hawaii is obviously known for its rich culture, flowery cities and of course its fragrance. This is a perfect woman oriented place for all the right reasons. The beaches, the sand and of course the fragrance of the wonderfullycolorful flowers will floor you and would want you to keep traveling through the streets of Maui. Enjoy the lush greenery and the soft music through one of the ticked in cafes.

[Check with Travel Guide]

Solo travel is definitely a beautiful way to find your Zen and indulge into some relaxed activities. If you are a great fan of peace, aloneness and if you don’t mind the silence, you should definitely visit these beautiful places and find yourself in the process.

-Pavithra Ravi

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