5 Traditional Indian Bridal Jewelries that could never go out of Fashion


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Bridal Jewelries

A modest advice to all the ladies out there: Never ask your man to be, about, how to plan your wedding. While you dear lady, might take wishful pleasure in, going without food for the entire day, and sit in front of a smoky fire, as the learned one spells out your vows. Well men are not quite woven out of the same fiber.

You might although, find a common ground with your man, when it come to the deciding on each others’ get up. While the man might have, have to obey most of the suggestions put across by his better half. He, on his own part, might just happen to come up with some, pretty ground breaking ideas regarding a woman’s attire.

Men by nature, must be old school, somehow in the least bit. If your man is not, not even to the most minuscule level, then Ladies!, you should already be having second thoughts.

We are not here to talk about your men, in any case. What we are here to talk about, is traditional, Indian bridal jewelries that you could sport, if you are to stand witness, or participate in wedding in the times to come. Old School can never be out of fashion. Always.

Best Traditional Indian Bridal Jewelries



You might just expect a section of jewelry for women, to start with a mention of a dandy necklace, or a pair of gorgeous earrings. If you are to go by tradition , the waistband, would find itself pretty low down in the pecking order. We are here to adapt tradition, not to blindly follow it. If you are going out shopping for your wedding jewelry, you might as well splurge on a subtle waistband, if you want to give your overall bridal look that extra dose of elegant zest.

A very heavy piece might be too expensive, and uncomfortable to carry. A more delicate piece on the other hand is eternal. You could team it up with anything in your wardrobe that exposes your midriff. Western or ethnic, it does not get better than a waistband, when it comes to accentuating those curves.



The feet, are again one of the less noticed parts of the body when it comes to ethnic bridal dressing. That should by no means, give you any reason to neglect them. Although sparsely visible, a pair of bedecked feet, of a bride, would always be a sight to behold.

Anklets are the grooviest way, for a bride, to celebrate matrimony. They signify prosperity, fecundity, and if accompanied by trinkets, are an elegant way to announce one’s arrival. The best part of anklets is that, they look as suave in gold, as they do in silver. One only needs to be careful, with matching them, with the overall theme of the other Jewels..

3Nose ring

Nose ring

The American punk revolution of the nineties, has made sure that, the nose ring is no longer a prerogative of women. Yet the Indian bridal look could never be deemed complete without a flashy nose ring.

For your every day nose ring fetish, you could make do with a stud, or a simple ring perhaps. In order to give your bridal look that ultimate ethnic touch, your ring has to scream for attention. Preferably the ones, with an overhanging fob that attaches to your ear. Dangling bells and trinkets, are always a pleasing variation when it comes to bridal jewelry.

4Ear rings

Ear rings

No Indian woman, in her correct mind could ever go for a toned down pair of ear rings for their bridal getup. More so because, the symbolic head gear, which all women have to wear, according to most Indian customs, would invariably cover up a smaller piece.

Overhanging ear ornaments could be the best way to flash your gems, as the stones get room to dangle around, which reflects maximum light.



The marriage season in India simply reeks of bangles. This is the reason we left it for the last. They are a must for any woman attending the marriage. In some tradition bangles cover the length of the entire arm from the wrist to the elbow.

In case of the bride, bangles are a must, as they further accentuate the henna paintings on the hand. They further give the arms an opulent shape and are always accompanied by their typical jingling sound, which might be nothing short of music to the attentive ear.

More on: Bridal Dresses

More on: Bridal Grooming

By Abhro

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