Ways to make your 26th birthday special and creative


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birthday special

No matter how old or young you get, birthdays are definitely the best time to click pictures, dress fancily, go out to a club, or spend dinner time at a posh restaurant with family and friends. Well the first 25 years of your life could have been something similar to whatever I just explained. But, when the 26 hits you, the one thing that comes with fun and interesting life is also responsible. Yes, there are still lots of things that you might want to do as an individual, like go to parties and drink, have fun and not think about your future. Let me tell you that the number 26 demands for you to think about others before you put yourself in the front row. You can definitely make your 26th birthday creative and more meaningful if you wish for it to be.

When you’re planning your 26th birthday everything might look glittery and shiny, but there is definitely something that you feel is missing or you might have the feeling that leaves you insatiable longing for a piece of your life. You would start thinking if you have to do everything right or if you could just scoop in something meaningful in the entire celebration party. When the clock hits 12, and you looked at the time in dismay, you will definitely wish for a simpler time when birthdays were just a simple thing. Mom, dad and you cut a cake and enjoying it by yourselves.

Well, yes, everybody ends up thinking like that because by 26, you will realize as to what all you have done and what all you haven’t. So, if you want to make a difference and make your 26th birthday creativeand meaningful, then follow these steps!

Ways to Make 26th Birthday Special

1Create a vision board

Create a vision board

You need not be a long term plan for creating a vision board. You just have to know what all you need and you need to dream so that you can achieve in creating a good vision board. You can always put on all your creative crazy ideas on a paper rather than just forgetting it on the go. You will eventually not remember what you wanted to do if you don’t have it in writing.

Well, your eyes believe what you see. So, when you see something that represents what you want for your future, you will start marching towards it. The thing is that, if you believe in something, it is not going to automatically happen. You need to prove to yourself that you want these dreams of yours to happen in real life. That is why the vision board is one of the most important ways of telling you how important your vision is in life.

2Do something that you have put off for too long

Do something that you have

There would be something in your life that you have always wanted to do buy haven’t done due to the silliest reason. Maybe, you wanted to bungee jump, but you are scared of heights, maybe you wanted to record a song but, you had no time. You need to plan something offbeat and prioritize that first in the list of to-do. It’s your day and birthdays are supposed to be used to explore the unexplored areas. You need to make yourself feel important and do something just for yourself.

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3Adopt something

Adopt something

It needn’t have to be only pet, it could also be a plant, a tree or even sponsor a child’s education. See, good deeds are done when you are strong enough mentally, physically and financially. By 26, you are definitely strong financially. You would at least be learning a good amount of money from your career. Try to put that to use sometimes.

Birthdays are the best days to adopt something and be selfless in life. If you are good with puppies, adopt a puppy and take it home. Gift yourself a child’s bright future and just enjoy the feeling of ownership and leadership. Or, just sow some seeds and watch the plants grow. Anything that you do apart from thinking about yourself or buying yourself fancy shoes or bag, is definitely worthwhile and birthday mandate.

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4Thank people

Thank people

You are 26 years old and trust me when I say this, in the last so many years of your childhood, your adolescence and your adulthood, you would have come across millions of people who have helped you cross through some hurdle in your life. You cannot thank mom and dad, for they have given you everything that you own now. But, you can be thankful to your teachers, your fellow mates, your school friends, your van driver, your college principal, your boyfriend’s or ex boyfriends.

Anyone and everyone who has taught you about life in a good or bad way, can be on the thank you list. Think of them on your birthday and raise above.

5Learn something new


However big or small, everything is a learning. Whether you are learning to be a better person or learning an art, do something worthwhile on your birthday. Learning something new and re-inventing the person that you are, is very important for you. You need to believe that, however old you get, you don’t get to know it all. There is always something new and inspiring waiting for you at the other end. So, try to adapt that by learning something new on this day.

-Pavithra Ravi

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