Top Fun workout ideas for a fun-healthy living


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Workout Ideas

Let’s face it, everybody wants to look and feel good about their body. Remember that your mind plays games with you than your body. Workout isn’t a big deal at all if you really want to reduce your weight or maintain your weight. Everything depends on your head and you have to just work it out properly Make sure that you think of working out as a way of relaxing and enjoying rather than thinking of it as a work or exercise. When you end up thinking workout as exercise, your speed might reduce and you may not like it as much as you like it when you think of it as a game.

You can choose any time for these workouts that we are going to list down for you. If you are a morning person, choose morning. Or evenings are also a good time. You might need around half to one hour to energize yourself and become a happier person. When you hit the gym, you are paying money. So, you are indebted to go there. Instead, try some of these workout ideas we suggest that need no money. Just your time is more than enough to have a fun and healthy living. Remember that you need to feel great from inside to look awesome outside. So, here are some fun and happy living workout ideas for weight loss.

Top Workout Ideas to Maintain Your Weight

1Yoga tricks

Yoga tricks

Yoga is one of the most creative kind of weight loss therapy. The best thing about yoga is that, you don’t only have excellent benefits, but you will also have inner peace. That’s the best secret of yoga. You will be able to reduce your tensions, put aside your anxiety, depressions and you will be able to make your body a stress-free system. Yoga is very useful for everyone, mainly women, because women go through a lot of hormonal and physical changes. The simple exercise of breath in breath out will give you relaxation and melts all your worries. There are also many weight loss postures that you can practice in yoga. It increases your concentration power, your mindset towards life will change and all over you will gain some confidence in your body.

2Jog Jog Jog

Jog Jog Jog

Think of a health jog amidst beautiful and green lush gardens? Or on a highway where all you can see is the road and nothing else? Well, instead of running on a treadmill on a close circuit, get out of the 4 walls and go out. Get down to the road and jog! Do you know that when you jog and see all the beautiful things around you, something called endorphins releases. This endorphin lets you relax and be a happy person after the exercise. You can actually lose yourself by listening to songs on headphone.



High intensity workout which is also called as HIIT (High intensity interval training) is intense, but will help you burn your calories in a jiffy. It is one of the best workout ideas that is better than any other. If you can do a 20-minute workout of HIIT, you will be able to reduce a lot of calories. You can get it done quickly because 20 minutes isn’t very long also. All you need to do is put on the headphone and just follow the instruction of your instructor. If you want to do it at home, there are a number of HIIT exercise videos which are real time. Once you finish it, you will sweat like crazy which is a good sign.

4Walk through the mountains

Walk through the mountains

Isn’t it fun to walk through the mountains and go for frequent treks? Well, if you go for treks, the thing is that you are not only exercising, but are also able to visit new places and explore the places. It will be a beautiful experience. You can make it fun by going on trekking with your friends, or a solo trekking experience is beautiful too. This could be your way of getting back to the nature and giving yourself a break from the routine. This could be a fun way to explore the creative-nature side of yours.

5Take a swim

Take a swim

Swimming is more of a relaxing activity where you meet a lot of fellow swimmers as well. The best thing about swimming is that you get to have fun in the water and still burn calories. This is one of the fun workout ideas that, you can try whenever you have time. Go for a swim and immerse yourself in the beautiful water and you will have no idea when you will start feeling relaxed. If you want to reduce weight, you can do that by learning different strokes and focus more on swimming.

6Just dance

Just dance

Dancing is a whole new level of relaxation. You have no idea when you will lose yourself and start enjoying the music. The best thing about dancing is that, you needn’t care who is watching you or who is saying what. If you want to dance, you can do it even in your room. When you dance, you are burning so much of your tension and burying your stress. You don’t have to know the steps or needn’t be a great dancer for doing this. You just have to shake your leg to any song you love and dance in the craziest way. Dance like this is the end of the world. You will simply love yourself for letting go!

-Pavithra Ravi