What should you know when you get hair bangs done


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hair bangs

In life, there is a decision that you have to take about your hairstyle and if you are looking and hoping to get your hair bangs done, then you have to make the right kind of choice. You should know that the hair bangs don’t look very nice and shiny and great on you just because it looks like that of the celebrities and all the top people. There are so many things that you need to know before getting hair bangs done and we are going to give you a list of things that you have to know right away.

While your hair stylist may convince you to have a stylish hair bangs hairstyle done, it is also very important to know that it is high maintenance and you need to know the right kind of hairstyles for your face. Everybody can have bangs done but, do you know how much work is involved in this? Well, if you didn’t, then here we are to tell you the things you should know before or when you get your hair bangs done!

Things You Should Be Aware Of When You Get Your Hair Bangs Done

1It is a high maintenance work

high maintenance work

While some people may think and consider that bangs are effortless, the effortless kind of existence of your hair will happen only in dreams and not in reality. No hairstyle is easy for that matter and you need to know that by experience. Your bangs will need an appropriate attention from you and you need to go to the parlor at least twice in a month. Well, if you think you are amazing with hairstyles and cutting your hair, then you can try it at home as well, but beware! The hair styling you do at home is much more different than that of what you get done in a parlor. A stylist may tell you that it is an easy process to trim your hair, but what if you trim more of it and it gets uneven? It takes time, money and definitely a lot of patience to maintain a bang.

2Adjusting time for bangs

Adjusting time for bangs

Well, not just the money, but you have to adjust even your time for having a bang hairstyle. Not everyone can have or own a hairstylist by their side. If you are ready to spend time and patience on this, then getting it done wouldn’t be a big issue at all. If you are an early bird, then it works magic for you. But if you are not, then you have to get up earlier than usual and ensure that your bangs look perfect for the entire day. It is almost like committing to a serious relationship. If you are a serious kind of a girl, then get it done. And yes, they are only for women who are very much serious about their hairstyle.

3Patience at heights

Patience at heights

Well yes, you may have all the time in the world to get your hair styled , but do you have all the patience in the world to get this done? Since getting hair bangs is an investment, you need to have good hair accessories to make sure that your hair is well styled. You need to have a good hair dryer by your side and a paddle shaped comb or brush that makes your hair look good.

You need to make sure that you have the perfect hair styling products like good shampoos, conditioners, sprays and gels for your hair to stand nice and pretty for the entire day. You need to talk to your hairstylists to find out what kind of hair products would be useful for your hair when it comes to hair bangs and what they recommend as well. You have to test your hair with the products they recommend and try out until you find the right one. It is most likely to be a trial and error method where you find out the various combinations of hair styling products with the hair styling techniques. This needs a hell lot of patience before you achieve the perfect look. You need patience, firmness and a lot of money so that you don’t budge on the quality products for your hair.

4Skin problems may occur

Skin problems

Since your hair is going to be touching your face almost always because of the beautiful hair bangs that you recently got done, there will also be its share of bad news to spread. Well, yes! Hair bangs can bring in acne to your face and can cause your skin to damage more than it has already been damaged. This is because your skin gets irritated by the constant touch of something that your skin is not used to. Dry skin, acne, skin problems like pimples might occur within a few days itself. This is why you should think of the overall idea of getting your hair bangs done if you have a very sensitive skin. Anyway, there is a remedy for everything. So, if you didn’t know this and got your bangs done, you have a lot of anti acne creams and cleansers available in the market these days that have salicylic acid present in them. This acid will help your skin get rid of the dark spots and keep your skin from drying up.

5Bangs are a disturbance

Bangs are a disturbance

Remember that getting bangs done isn’t an easy joke at all because you are not only taking a risk here for your hair styling, it is also one of the most painful things. No, I am not talking about physical pain here. Bangs are a painful process because you are going to disrupt your regular styling habits and this comes as a trouble when you are doing other things. Not always do you want your hair to keep coming on your face, do you? Well, a casual day out or a professional look is different, but everyday even at home your hair is going to be on your face unless you clip it to the sides. When you workout, do yoga or when you are going for ethnic wear, these bangs will come as a hindrance to you. When you workout, the hair is going to keep falling on your eye.

Or maybe even when you are driving. Not grooming your bangs regularly can lead to it growing rapidly and this problem starts to occur. When you go for a run, your hair is going to keep flying in every direction possible. Vigorous workout sessions are a problem when you have bangs. Of course, you can use the help of headbands or clips, but how long is a question.

Also know – Things that women with beautiful hair don’t really do like others

6Every face shape has its own cut


It is true and is a very good news that every face shape has its own cut and you don’t have to fret at the fact that you are losing your face shape or your hairstyle might not suit your face. You need to just know what kind of a face shape you have and what kind of bangs go really well for your face shape. There are various kinds of bangs like sleek side bangs, parted bangs, convertible bangs, choppy bangs, asymmetrical bangs, blunt bangs, rounded bangs, fringes, u shaped bangs and brow skimming bangs. With having so many options by your side, you can very much pick the one that suits your face and get one done. Have you seen Reese Witherspoon? She has a beautiful heart shaped face and so she maintains side sweep bangs as her choice. You can actually take inspiration from a lot of A list celebrities because they are famous in maintaining the best kind of bangs.

Like I already said, bangs are a huge responsibility and now you know almost everything you need to know before you get the hairstyle done. This could be your deciding phase and then you can go for the one you want to get. Since there is a 411 on what kind of bangs you want to get, you will know and research better about the different kinds, the products involved, the time needed to take care of your hair bangs and a lot more too. In fact, there is a special app on your phone, which you can download. This app will suggest what kind of hair bangs you should be getting. You can upload your picture and it will suggest the kind of results. It is important that you get suggestions from your hairstylist and speaking to him/her is important when you consider doing anything to your hair. Of course, hair bands and clips are your helper, but don’t forget that even that might not help if you don’t speak and understand the concept properly.

Have you had bangs already? Do you know how it is to handle and maintain bangs? Then, please write to us in the comment section about your experience so that our other viewers can benefit from your experience.

-Pavithra Ravi