Things that happen if you find the perfect job


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Well I don’t know if you love your job, but having a job to be loved and to love is something totally fantastic. Yes, if you have a loving job and the perfect job, every day will not look so bad to you. It is almost like finding your soul mate! There are millions of jobs out there wide open, but when you land on the perfect job, you just know it. You know for the fact that the job can be totally mind blowing and you would love to work every single day. When you find the perfect job, it will change your life forever, obviously in a better way! Let us see in this article as to what are the various things that happen to you find and fall on when you have the perfect job!

Here Are Some Amazing Things When You Find a Perfect Job

1No more Monday blues

No more Monday blues

Every single person in the world who doesn’t love his/her job may think that Monday is a day to be skipped. Well, if you think about it, yes, it could be difficult to get up and get ready for a day that comes after a weekend of family, fun and leisure. Acceptable! But what about those people who find every Monday boring and deadly? If you have the perfect job, you will never feel tired, bored, sleepy or even annoyed by the fact that Monday is arriving. Well, it is in fact going to be different. You are going to wait for Mondays and to get to work immediately. That is the magic of having the job your love.

2More talks about the job

More talks about the job

Your friends and you may get together only once a week and they may start complaining about their bosses, their lives in office, career etc. But none of this makes sense to you because you have the perfect job, work atmosphere, the job you love and the designation that is given respect. You talk more about the job, your growth in the company. Your friends may not understand you, but you are sure that you know what you are talking. You love to talk about all possibilities of working more and on a regular basis. Well, firstly, you will be considered as a dork, but if you really love your job, you wouldn’t care about it at all.

3You will miss office, even on vacation

You will miss office

Well, this is totally possible when you love the job. You will start thinking about your day, what you would be doing if you were in office, your boss. If you have a website that is published, you will keep checking it or you will definitely have a tab on what your office colleagues are doing. You will miss your boss too, if your boss is a darling. Well, a perfect job can make you forget even the best vacation. If you are thinking that this is impossible, well let me tell you that it isn’t impossible at all! All it takes is for you to land on the perfect job for you to experience this.

4Colleague friends

Colleague friends

If you think that you fall into the right place, you will start making friends with your colleagues too. Yes, friends outside the office are different from people with whom you spend most of the time with. Your office colleagues will start becoming a large family group where you can discuss anything, bitch about your other office mates, talk prospective career growth, take advices and impart knowledge. Well, you can basically do anything because you will start to think of office as your second home.

5Overtime doesn’t bother you

Overtime doesn’t bother you

If you like the work you are doing, why would you bother about the time? Until and unless someone tells you that you have worked overtime or start pulling your leg for working too much, you will not realize that you have overworked for the day. You are not doing it to raise or extra money or even appreciation. You are doing it because you like to do it and the work drives you around to successfully work even without realizing the time. Sometimes it so happens that if you love your job, you will forget your family, house and other things around you!

6Work will not anymore be work

Work will not anymore be work

Since you will love doing what you are doing, you wouldn’t feel like work is work. You will start working better and in an effective manner. That is what your success is all about. Work will never be all about work. Work will become fun; it will become something that you want to constantly be in touch with. Work will become something very interesting for you. That way you will know that you are working in an environment that lets you think as work as something that isn’t cliche or mundane. You will start to fall in love with what you are doing. When you feel that way, that is when you will know that there is nothing greater than being in a job you love.

7One thinking between you and your boss

One thinking between you and your boss

Even before your manager or boss tells you something, you will understand what you would have to do. It would not matter to you at all on what he thinks because you know that he is going to tell you something that you have either already done it or you would love to do it. You will be on the same line and understand each other’s language of work easily. You will understand what he wants you to do when he hints something. Working with your boss will not be like working with your boss at all. You will be on one team and get closer to each other, professionally.

Also knowHow to connect with your boss

So ladies, if you are in a job that you don’t like, why don’t you quit and do something that drives you towards it?

-Pavithra Ravi

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