Why should you wear comfortable clothes on first date


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First Date

It is all about making the first impression when it comes to first dates. It is actually important for you to know that first dates are your big chance to display your wit and show off your overall awesomeness to the person you are trying to impress. It is also true that you should reveal whatever other tools you like to use to dazzle a new potential partner. Dressing up on the first date is the key to doing all the above and it is a first date myth that you should be comfortable in the clothes that you wear. You might have to buy a new one, or alter one or try to fit into the old ones that you think will fit you. But, most of the girls nowadays don’t think about the comfort, they are more worried about the looks and forget how it is to be comfortable in your own skin on a first date. There are a lot of clothes in the market that are polished, dressy and comfortable, but a lot of women associate dressing comfortably to just wearing your sweats and T-shirt. That isn’t true at all.

There is something that you should be sure enough about when you wear a fancy dress and dress up for the date. Well, the thing is that you don’t want to be feeling restricted and miserable for hours in a fancy dress, right?  What happens is that you will feel the opposite  to hit it off with someone new when you are searching for reasons to go home because your dress and shoes are not letting to have a good talk with the guy. It has been proven by researchers that a lot of dates end up going bad and unsuccessful because of the outfit comfort. This affects girls mentally and they get irritated even before they are half way through the date.  You will lose your confidence level and very soon get bogged down if you are not wearing comfortable clothes. You are more likely to feel good and happening if you look gorgeous in a comfortable dress than wearing a strappy dress and wondering when the date would be getting over. Here we are to tell you why you should wear Comfortable clothes to first dates.

Reasons Why You Should Go For Comfortable Clothes

1Boosts confidence

Boosts confidence

It is important that you know that dressing nicely and showing that you made an effort for spending time with someone new is fine. But what about your own comfort? If you wear a comfortable dress, you will be self-confident and that could be one reason why the guy might like you even more. Your focus during the date will be turned to what you are wearing because you will be worried about the dress fitting, whether you are sitting properly, whether your flabs are seen or so many other random things. You can’t sit idle for two or three hours in a painful stress that you think you like. Instead, wearing a beautiful comfortable dress where you can breathe is much easier for you.  You don’t want to be fidgeting, adjusting, excusing yourself to the bathroom every 20 minutes on a first date, right?

2Tight clothes are never comfortable

Tight clothes are never comfortable

Yes, they are gorgeous, right fitting, helps accentuate your assets, but these clothes could be uncomfortable when you want to be comfortable. They work just fine when you are standing, but once you sit, there is a huge havoc that happens to you. You may never know how the hemlines can unexpectedly rise or seams can pinch your waist. It may also happen that your necklines can shift around and make you feel uncomfortable. All of this will only distract you more and not let you get to know the person or his conversation. How can you concentrate on where he went to college when you don’t know if you are revealing the appropriate parts of your body or not, right?

[Also know – Some things that you should consider when you wear buy high heel shoes]

3It will drive you crazy

It will drive you crazy

You might probably want to cut off your clothes into halves if they are not listening to you or your body on a date. If you are wearing spaghetti inside and if it keeps sliding down every ten minutes, you ill get irritated with that and it is definitely not going to be comfortable at all. It will drive you so crazy that you might want to cut them off with your knife that is kept on the table. Why do you want to go through that when you think you don’t deserve any of this? Your date will take time, you guys need to bond, talk and laugh. How can you do all this when something inside is driving you crazy. You don’t have to impress anybody by wearing a sleazy pieces because if you are not comfortable in what you wear, it will be seen very openly and  you may not like the sight on their face.

4Date will be a screw up

Date will be a screw up

Think of this – You will be so uncomfortable and awkward that your dress will not show a sign of you being uncomfortable. It will be you who will showing all the signs. You will sweat, you will cringe, you will make faces, you might be irritated, you will think of all the reasons how to get out of the dress. When you are doing any of the above, you will be totally unaware that the guy is going to be totally uncomfortable too. He will not have an idea why you are fidgeting with your dress or yourself. It may so happen that they will end up thinking that they are making you feel uncomfortable.

5Be ready for adventure

Be ready for adventure

You have to be ready and up for anything that your date throws on you. You can’t be up for anything if you are wearing a four-inch heels and ill-fitting jeans. The most amazing part of first dates is that it can be super unpredictable in an enthusiastic and fun way. But, there is a something you need to know and that is that you want to be ready for the unexpected and able to go wherever the night takes you without worrying about your feet, the pain it is causing you or your boobs. You may not want to have issues with the zipper on your dress, the flab that is shown if you let your stomach free, the irritating boil that is peeping out from your shoulder because you are wearing a halter neck dress and everything else.

6You will feel sexy in comfortable clothes

sexy in comfortable clothes

You have got to understand that this is the rule book of fashion. Getting into less comfortable clothes are fine for models. You are either a model, nor are you competing for anything. So when you are not comfortable, there is no sexiness that you will feel. But, when you know that you are comfortable in your clothes, you will be more confident and feel more sexy about yourself. This will make you a happy person to be with and that in turn will make you be the better you in front of the guy. Making yourself feel sexy and confident can be your first date’s impression rather than him thinking that he has come out with a creep who keeps visiting the toilet or adjusting the clothes continuously.

7Early night syndrome

Early night syndrome

If you are hanging out in the clothes that are not comfortable, you may not want to hang out with the person for long time. You are sweating and stinking probably because the dress is so tight. Your high fashion sense may be a disaster and you might have to get home early so that you don’t feel your zipper tearing off.

You can very much try to wear all the uncomfortable sleazy clothes probably on your following dates. When it is fashion vs first date, always pick first dates. You actually have to know that guys hardly see anything beyond your eyes, if he is a genuine and nice guy. If he wants to hang out with you, the only thing he will be concerned is the way you look and the way he makes you feel.
There is nothing to do with your dress or your high point heels that he will care.

He will not know if you are wearing a Chenal, Mochi or something else because basically guys are less fashion educated than you are. He will look into your eyes and see the confidence and smile that you pose outside. That is something that will lack if you don’t wear what you are comfortable in. So, you better be prepared for a good date night when you wear your comfortable clothes.

Make sure you rock the one without a doubt, because a girl with confidence and sexiness, is hundred times better than your sleazy small dress. After all, everything is not about the external appearance, right?

-Pavithra Ravi