8 Common Mistakes People Make While Selecting The Spouse


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Selecting A Spouse

Marriage is the most beautiful experience in life, and selecting a life partner is the most difficult task ever. There are many aspects that you have to see in your partner, before you even agree on marrying him. But, do you know what qualities to select one? Then here are 8 common mistakes people make while selecting a spouse, that many people make and later end up in a bad phase of the relationship.

Biggest Mistakes People Make When Selecting A Life Partner

1Marrying only for love

Marrying only for love

‘Love’ is the most common refrain in the whole concept of marriage, but in real life that is not enough. A person’s love interest towards another human is very fragile, it is more when they are not even genetically connected with each other. So, believing that love is the only thing that can make your marriage last is quite very childish. Love cannot save your marriage when the fundamental differences like religion, kids, career, or even simple things like daily chores come in the way of a relationship. It is important to have love in the relationship. But, it is never going to work if you are expecting heavy lifting.

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2Ignoring finances

Ignoring finances

It is really great that you do not want to marry only for the money. Money must not be anyone’s sole reason anyway, especially if it is under deception. But, ignoring completely your partner’s financial situation can only be the bad news for the relationship. If you are earning more than him, then are you sure that you can additionally burden your income? Finances always get merged in a marriage, whether you agree or not. Suppose your partner runs out of money, will you be able to pay for his stuff? It is because, remember that you cannot ask him to give the money back, as you ask for your friend or someone else. Subsequently, if your partner is making more money than you, you must always be clear from the beginning, that this won’t effect in your relationship.

3Marrying a profession

Marrying a profession

From the early stages of your life, you might have been told that some professions are a lot better than the other. Like, why be a journalist, when you can be a doctor? Similarly, society has also set up, that marrying someone who is well-settled is very important than anything else. Well the truth is, it is not. Doctors can be busy 24hrs a day, just like lawyers, even teachers or journalists, or someone in any other professions. If marriages can work on the basis of profession, then no one in any profession ever gets separated. Profession must not come in between any relationship.

4Looking for accomplishments than compatibility

Looking for accomplishments than compatibility

It is not necessary, that is, a person is accomplished in life, then they will make a good partner. If they are like to get huge promotions, or insanely at work, then they might have been good at their jobs. If you are looking for someone with whom you can have fun then this relationship is not going to work for you.

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5Trying to find someone just like you

Trying to find someone just like you

If you think that by selecting a partner, who is just exactly like you, or someone who like exactly the same thing. Then, think who is going to bring the excitement of something new in the relationship? It is like you are marrying yourself. It can be like, repeating yourself.

6Ignoring the differences

Ignoring the differences

Even though you must not look for someone who is just the replica of you, then you must not ignore the differences either, no matter how small it is. Think about it very hard. Something very simple, which can wreck your marriage should be thought off. Suppose you like going out on the weekends, and he likes to stay at home, then you must think about this situation.

7Too much thinking into the looks

Too much thinking into the looks

This category is really a no-brainer. It is not necessarily that good looking people will necessarily have good thoughts. Everybody has preferences that, how their partner must look like, but their actual preferences must be on what their partner must be like. A gorgeous face won’t help you, when you are unable to handle personal crisis, or dealing with any problems.



Compromising is the part and parcel of life. Of course, any relationship need compromising on both the sides. But, some people get married because they find another person “nice”, and marrying someone just because he is nice, really isn’t worth it. Eventually, this niceness is going to take a back seat, when there is nothing much about them.

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