Resolutions every Indian woman should make in 2016


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Indian woman Resolutions

2015 was a year of events that are unforgettable and unforgivable. So many things that are good and bad happened in this year and we as women are still the same. It is the time to change! It is the time to make resolutions and stick to these ones for life. Have you made your 2016 resolutions yet? If you think that you have nothing to think of, we will give you a list of resolutions every Indian woman should make in the upcoming year. Indian woman are a mix of modern, cultured, traditional yet strong sect. We need to take an oath on all the things that we have been facing and fighting. So, here are some of the most valuable and sensible New Year resolution every Indian woman should make in the upcoming year.

Resolutions Every Indian Woman Should Take



Make sure that you take an oath that involves giving importance to all the things in your life. Forget about others, remember that you are the most important person in your life. So, make sure you give the priority to work, your career and most of all, your family because they are the reason why you are what you are now. So, extend your importance to them and let them know how much you love them. This should be one of the first resolutions every Indian woman should make for herself.



Inspire women around you. There are still so many young women and girls who are suffering from not being able to come out and fight for their rights. There are women who are not able to take a stand on life and there are millions of women who are suffering something every day from the men community. Inspire them with your examples and explain to them why they need to get out and fight for themselves. Try to talk to few of them, so that you don’t feel that you haven’t passed on the knowledge you received from someone. This can also happen in small ways. You can also find out about your maid’s life and help her.

3Take charge

Take charge

Take charge and be socially responsible. But, before being socially responsible, you should also know that you have to come out of the cocoon and fight. Take charge of your life and fight for it. If someone is physically abusing you or people you know, don’t keep quite. Teach them a lesson. Don’t let anyone be a victim of physical abuse. If you see someone hitting a woman or a woman hitting someone, don’t hesitate to get into action. Trust us, you will feel better when you stop taking shit from other people.

4Show empathy

Show empathy

It is easy to gossip about others, but is very difficult to show empathy and actually think of them from their perspective. So, this new year can be all about feeling empathy for others and not gossiping about them. If you gossip, you might just get that minute’s pleasure. But, if you actually get down to work and talk to them, you can make some changes that can be miraculously beautiful for the other women. So, be the change that you are expecting others to be.

5Grow up

Grow up

Yes, relationships are important and boyfriends are important. But, don’t be a victim of that drama anymore. If you boyfriend has ditched you, feel bad for it, cry, brood, but get over it and grow up. Don’t make plots to make him feel bad or don’t play the wicked witch role here. Growing up is a part of breaking up. So, learn the art of growing up and forgetting and forgiving such silly stuff. In fact, if you are the bigger woman in the relationship, there are chances he may feel guilty and get back to you.

Also know – 50 kinds of resolutions you can take up

6Learn something new

Learn something new

Inspire yourself and learn something new that can benefit you and the society around you. You may be kickass with social media, so learn how to bring in a 100 people to form a club for yourself. If you have the popularity in social media, then even better for you. Leading a group and making a change can be the new good thing you do in 2016.

7Have a ‘me’ party


Yes, take yourself for party, dinner, lunch or anywhere – ALONE! Don’t bother to take people with you because you need your ‘me’ time and you will love it. You can explore the real person that you are. You can figure out what you want to do in life, professionally. Do you want to become the doctor that your parents force you to or become an editor in a good newspaper? ‘ME’ time can give you the answer to this because this is where you tend to think only for yourself. So, spend some quality time figuring out what you want to do in life

8Plan a ladies night out

ladies night out

Yes, go on a ladies night out! 2016, needn’t be just about helping other women, it can be about helping yourself also. Go for parties, let loose and enjoy once in a while. For all the work you do, ladies night out is the only time you can enjoy for yourself. SO, give yourself a much needed break!

These resolutions can take you far enough and make sure that every Indian woman is capable of thinking some new and nice for the surroundings around her!

Happy New Year 2016!

-Pavithra Ravi

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