Yoga Work Plan For Weight Loss


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Yoga Work Plan For Weight Loss

Yoga is always beneficial for human body. No matter whatever you do the whole day, just a simple yoga work plan for weight loss can really help out the whole body system to function properly. So here, are some yoga workout plan for losing weight and toning the body.

Yoga Work Plan For Weight Loss

1Supta Baddha Konasana or Reclined Bound Angle Pose

Supta Baddha Konasana
  • To perform Baddha Konasana, first exhale and lower the back torso towards the floor, leaning on the hands. Once when you are leaning to the back on the forearms, then use the hands to spread the back of the pelvis and then release the lower back as well as the upper buttocks through the tailbone. Try to bring the torso all the way to the floor, supporting the head and the neck on the blanket roll or even bolster if needed.
  • With the hands try to grip the topmost thighs and then externally rotate the inner thighs, pressing the outer thighs away from the torso. Next, slide the hands along the outer thighs from the hips toward your knees, widening the outer knees away from the hips. Then try to slide the hands down along the inner thighs, from the knees towards the groins. Then push the hip points together, so that the back of the pelvis can widen, and the front pelvis narrows. Lay the arms on the floor, angled for about 45 degrees from the sides of the torso, as well as the palms facing up.
  • One of the natural tendency in this pose is just to push the knees toward the floor, believing that this can increase the stretch of your inner thighs as well as the groins. But, if your groins are tight, then pushing the knees down can have the opposite of any intended effect. The groins can harden, as will the belly and the lower back. So, imagine that the knees are floating toward the ceiling and also continue settling the groins deeper in the pelvis. As the groins can drop towards the floor, so even the knees will.
  • In the beginning, try to stay in this posture for at least one minute. Gradually extending the stay anywhere from five to 10 minutes.

Types Of Yoga For Beginners


  • It can help to stimulate the abdominal organs like the ovaries or the prostate gland, bladder, as well as the kidneys.
  • It can stimulate the heart and improve the general circulation.
  • It can help stretching the inner thighs, groins, as well as knees.
  • It can help to provide relief from the symptoms of stress, menstruation, mild depression and menopause

2Ananda Balasana or Happy Baby Pose

Ananda Balasana
  • First lie on the back. While exhaling, bend the knees to the sides of the belly.
  • While inhaling, try to grip the outsides of the feet with the hands. Open up the knees slightly wider than the torso, bringing them up towards the armpits.
  • Now try to position each of your ankle directly over your knee, so that the shins are perpendicular to the floor. Then flex the heels. Gently push the feet up in the hands (or the belts) as you pull the hands down creating a resistance.

Easy Yoga Workout Routine For Flexibility


  • It can help in calming the brain and helps in giving relief from the stress and fatigue.

3Garudasana or Eagle Pose

Garudasana or Eagle Pose
  • Start this asana by standing in tadasana.
  • Then bend the knees, lifting the left foot up to cross it over the right foot.
  • Then ensure that the right foot is firmly placed onto the floor and the left thigh is over to the right thigh. Your left foot’s toes must be pointing down.
  • Then bring the arms forward while keeping them parallel to the floor.
  • Crossing the right arm over the left one and then bend the elbows so that the arms are now being perpendicular to the floor. Ensure that the back of the hands are facing each other.
  • Slowly turn your hands so that the palms can face each other.
  • Press the palms together, and then stretch the fingers up.
  • Keeping the gaze focused in one place, try to stay in this pose for a couple of breaths.
  • Slowly release the hands and bring them to the side of the body.
  • Raise the left leg and then place it back onto the floor, slowly come back into tadasana.


  • It can help stretching the hips, shoulders, thighs as well as the upper back.
  • It can help to improve the balance.
  • It can strengthen the calves.
  • Can help to alleviate the sciatica as well as rheumatism.
  • Can help to loosen the legs and the hips, making them more flexible.

Easy Yoga At Home For Weight Loss


Consult your physician before working on any of these yoga pose, as they are not fit for some people who have suffered from injuries, like back neck or knee or many others.