Essential Home Workouts For Women


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Home Workouts For Women

Working out is one of the biggest problem to deal with when you are at home. You feel like you must hit the gym and get your body in shape, but whether there won’t be enough time, or it is too much money and time consuming. What be best is doing those exercises at home. So, here are some essential home workouts for women that can be done at home to get your body in shape and melt all those fat away.

Home Workouts For Women




  • First place the hands directly under the shoulders.
  • Then position the feet with the hip-width apart.
  • Try to maintain this plank position; your body must be into a straight line from the back of the head to the hips.
  • Remember to keep the neck neutral, and keeping it in the line with the shoulders.

As you are lowering, keep the elbows close to the body.


  • Try not to let the butt sag or even stick up.
  • Try not to tilt the head up or even tuck it in.
  • Try not to allow the shoulders to come towards the ears.

Make it easier

  • You can widen the distance between the feet for more better stability.

Daily Exercise For Women At Home




  • First plant the hands under the shoulders, or even slightly wider.
  • Then you can squeeze the glutes.
  • Try to keep the body in a straight line from top of the head through the feet.
  • Then tighten the core.
  • Now tuck the chin.
  • Fix the gaze onto the floor, that can be either between or even beyond the hands.


  • Try not to let the butt lift or even sag.
  • Try not to lift the head.
  • Try not to Hold the position if you are suffering — the only beneficial exercise move is the one when you do it right.

Make it easier

  • You can hold the position for a much shorter period of time.

3Glute Bridge

Glute Bridge


  • First lie on the back.
  • Then place the feet flat onto the floor, with the hip-width apart, the toes pointing forward, with the knees bent.
  • Try to contract the abs.
  • Try to push through the heels to lift the hips off the floor.


  • Try not to contract the abs.
  • Try not to push the hips so high that the position of your hips and the back becomes compromised.

4Spider Lunge

Spider Lunge


  • First start with the top of the pushup position.
  • Bring the right foot outside of the right hand.
  • Then land with a flat foot.
  • Bring the foot back to the start position.
  • Then repeat on other side.
  • Try to maintain a strong plank pose throughout.


  • Try not to allow the shoulders to move away directly from the hands.
  • Try not to allow the hips to sag.

5Plank Tap

Plank Tap


  • First begin with a plank pose.
  • Try to lightly tap the left shoulder with the right hand.
  • Then return the hands to your plank position.
  • Do it alternately on the other side.
  • Try to maintain a very strong plank pose with a very tight core and the glutes throughout.


  • Try not to allow your weight to shift while you tap the shoulders.




  • Try to position the feet between the hip and the shoulder-width apart.
  • Then slowly turn the toes out as needed so that to accommodate the flexibility through the movement.
  • Try to keep the chest tall.
  • Look ahead and slightly up.
  • Be sure that the knees are in the line with the toes.
  • Try to squat as deep as possible for you.


  • Try not to let the knees travel forward passing the toes.
  • Try not to let the knees buckle in.
  • Try not to lift the heels off the ground.
  • Try not to shift the weight to the toes.

Make it easier

  • You can keep the squat shallow, if you feel that going deeper is difficult.

Types Of Weight Lifting Exercises

7Side Lunge

Side Lunge


  • First keep the chest up.
  • Then shift the weight through the midfoot and the heel.
  • You can lunge as low as the flexibility can allow.


  • Try not to let the knees travel forward passingthe toes.

8Squat Jump

Squat Jump


  • First try to squat until the thighs are parallel from the floor.
  • Remember to keep the chest up.
  • Try to hold the arms straight in frontas you squat, pushing from behind the back as you jump.
  • Try to jump as high as possible.
  • Remember to exhale while jumping.


  • Try not to allow the knees to travel past the toes.
  • Shift the weight to the toes while you squat.

9Jumping Lunge

Jumping Lunge


  • First keep your front knee at 90 degree angle.
  • Then lunge as low as possible or flexibility allows you, without the back knee even touching the floor.
  • Try to maintain a vertical torso.
  • Try to keep the weight very evenly distributed between the front and the back foot.
  • Now jump to switch the foot positioning — the front foot go back, and the back foot go front.
  • Try to coordinate with your arm movement so that your front arm can pump forward while the opposite leg can lunge back.


  • Try not to allow the knee to touch the floor.

Make it easier

  • Remember to not jump — just do some regular lunges.

10Single-Leg Deadlift

Single-Leg Deadlift


  • Try to maintain the back flat.
  • Try to keep the core tight.
  • Even keep the weight evenly distributed in the planted leg.
  • Try to raise one leg behind you remember to keep it straight, keep the toes pointed down, as you bend forward, hinging at the hips.
  • Remember to bend as low as much the flexibility can allow.
  • Try to pull yourself back to the standing position using the hamstring of the planted leg.
  • Remember to keep the head neutral.


  • Try not to reach the floor by leading with the fingertips, which can also causes the back to go round — instead, try to focus on keeping the back flat as well as hinging from the hips.
  • Try not to touch the floor if your flexibility is not allowing it.
  • Try not to alternate the legs between each of the rep — try to stick to one leg for every set, and then switch to the other leg for the next.

11Reverse Lunge

Reverse Lunge


  • First start into a straight standing pose.
  • Then step your one foot back.
  • Then try to keep the front knee at 90-degree angle.
  • Try to keep the chest up.
  • Try to distribute the weight evenly in between front and the back foot.
  • Try to allow the back knee to touch the floor very lightly.
  • Then push through the front heel as you are trying to stand up.
  • Then coordinate with the arm movements so that the front arm pumps forward while the opposite leg can lunges back.


  • Try not to shift the weight in the front foot to the toes.
  • Try not to allow the knee to travel beyond the toes.
  • Try not to allow the front knee to cave in.




  • Try to keep the legs as straight as possible.
  • Keep your back flat.
  • Try to bend from the waist and place the hands on the floor in front of you.
  • Maintain a very tight core as you are walkingwith your hands forward until the plank is in position and then back to the standing.
  • Try to push the hips as high as possible and press the heels into the ground as you walk the hands back.


  • Try not to walk the hands past your pushup position.
  • Try not to allow the hips to sag below the neutral.
  • Try not to sway from side to side from the hips.
  • Try not to bring the shoulders up towardsthe ears.

Make it easier

  • You can bend the knees slightly, if you are unable to reach the ground.But only with the goal of increasing the flexibility over time and also working towardsthe straight legs.

Muscle Building Workout Plan


It is recommended that these exercises must be practiced under the supervision of a trained professional.