Home Remedies For Skin Rashes During Summer


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Home Remedies For Skin Rashes

Does the rashes on the face, hands, as well as body is damaging your all over looks? Did you try all the medications but can not come up with any of the satisfying cure? People do a dozen measures in keeping up their skin healthy as well as looking great, irrespective of the age and gender. However, whenever the skin rashes appear, it becomes the time to panic.

Skin rashes mostly appear to be as reddish bumps that happens through out the skin’s texture. Frequent contacts with water or even with the allergen it can result in rashes. Some rashes are painless, while others seems to be pretty bad. They can also appear on any part of human body, including the legs, neck, hands, and even face. It can either be widespread or even limited to the part of the body.

You can easily cure any rash on the face, hands or any other part of the body by using some of the simple home remedies. Unless the rashes are aggravated, you can use the following home remedies for skin rashes during summer, and get beautiful skin.

Causes for skin rashes:

a. It can happen for viral infections, like the measles, chicken pox, rubella and warts
b. Bacterial infections
c. Ringworm
d. Diapers for babies
e. Insect bites
f. Scabies
g. Allergies
h. Certain medications

Home Remedies For Skin Rashes

1. Olive Oil

Olive OilVirgin olive oil can work as an amazing skin moisturizer, it can help to facilitate healing as well as promote the skin renewal as it is very rich in vitamin E and antioxidants. It can help to soothe the skin and reduce the itching.

Just rub some virgin olive oil or combination of the equal parts mixing olive oil and honey on the rash for a few times everyday until it heals completely.

In another mix, you can add even some turmeric powder with olive oil and apply it twice or thrice in a day for few times. It is packed with antibacterial as well as anti-inflammatory properties, so turmeric can help soothing the rashes and provide relief from itching.

In addition to the olive oil, coconut oil and castor oil can help to heal the skin rashes naturally.

2. Oatmeal

OatmealOatmeal is considered as an amazing ingredient that can be used for alleviating any skin irritation as well as inflammation because of the soothing and other anti-inflammatory properties. It is also an excellent home remedy for skin rashes that is caused by poison ivy, sunburn, eczema, chicken pox and allergies.

First grind some oatmeal in the blender. Then mix a cup of this finely ground oatmeal in your warm bath water. Try to soak it for at least 15 to 20 minutes. Remember to do this everyday until the rash is completely gone.

Another mix, is just add one and half cup of oatmeal, one and quarter cup of milk powder and two teaspoon of honey. Then put this mix in the muslin cloth, then tie it with a string, ribbon or even a rubber band, then place the cloth in the bath tub that is filled with some warm water. Soak it in the milky bath water for at least 15 minutes. Finally patting it dry and moisturizing the skin. Repeat this everyday for few days.

For rashes on the face, try to apply a thick paste of the equal amounts of oatmeal and some yogurt with honey. Then leave it for about half an hour before washing. Try to do this everyday until you can see any improvement.

3. Basil And Garlic

Basil And GarlicBasil leaves as well as garlic are to be found in every kitchen, and they are useful for every purposes other than cooking. Garlic and basil, both have the presence of anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties in it.

First grind some of the basil leaves and mix it with crushed garlic cloves. In it add one tablespoon of olive oil, and just a pinch of pepper and salt. Now, try applying this mix on your rashes as well as skin spots. It is also considered useful to reduce the pain that is caused by these skin blemishes.

You can also crush the basil leaves and rub them on all over the affected skin area.

4. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile TeaIf rashes are seen to be very severe, large, as well as prominent, you can use chamomile tea for body rinsing. It can help to reduce the skin inflammation and keep the itchiness totally under control. The dried as well as irritated skin too becomes very clean and soft.

Make a cup of chamomile tea by boiling water and steeping in a teaspoon of chamomile flowers in it. Then cool off the concoction and apply it on your skin rash with the help of cotton balls. For the rashes on your hands, soak the hands for at least 10 minutes and then rinse it off. You can apply some of the chamomile essential oil on your rashes to get rid of the irritation as well as itchiness.

5. Aloe Vera

Aloe VeraIt is because of its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, emollient and antifungal properties, aloe vera is considered an excellent ingredient to treat a number of skin ailments that even includes home remedy for skin rashes. Apart from the healing, it can also soothe out the skin, give relief from itching and reduce redness.

Just extract the aloe vera gel from the leaf. Apply the gel on the affected area of the skin. Then try to leave it for at least 20 minutes, before rinsing off. Try to do it at least thrice a day until the rash clears off completely.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider VinegarRaw or organic apple cider vinegar is an excellent home remedy that can treat skin rashes and calm down the itching. Moreover, it is an acetic acid content that can help to fight off the skin infections which is causing or even aggravating all the problem.

Just dip a ball of cotton in the apple cider vinegar and place it on your affected area of the skin. Then leave it for at least for few minutes, before removing the cotton ball. Try to do this many times in a day for few days or until the rash clears off.

7. Tea Bags

Tea BagsTea bags that is full of green tea or even black tea is considered great when you want to treat all the rashes. Just dip the tea bag in hot water. Letting it to steep for some time. The tea must also be cool before you can dip the hand in it. Soak in it for 10 minutes later rinse off.

Green tea is just loaded with some tannin that is considered as a natural astringent which can help to clean all the skin pores, within. By using a tea bag compression on your affected areas of the skin which can reduce all the effect of skin rashes and makes the skin glow.

8. Cod Liver Oil

Cod Liver OilMany people do use cod liver oil as their potent supplement. But do you know that you can even use it to cure the skin rashes? Cod liver oil is known as an effective ingredient that can work well with the fungal skin rashes.

First, wash off all the affected area of the skin with water. Then mix vitamin E oil with cod liver oil. Use a Q-tip, dip in this oil mixture and dab on the affected areas.

9. Calendula Essential Oil

Calendula Essential OilCalendula can be used to heal all kinds of rashes. It can be prescribed for children who have sensitive rashes. It is basically found in the form of a cream or an essential oil.

First take a bowl of some water and boil it adding two drops of this calendula essential oil for at least of 10 minutes. Cool it down and then apply them on the affected area of rashes. It is also an amazing way to eliminate the bacteria, that can cause the rashes on your skin.

10. Peppermint Leaves

Peppermint LeavesAnother remedy to get an amazing relief from the skin rashes is by using peppermint leaves. It can give you a cooling sensation that is an effective relieving home remedy for the stinging sensation.

Try crushing the leaves and apply on the affected area directly. Try keeping the crushed leaves in the fridge for some time and apply on the affected area of the skin.