11 Super Sweet Ways To Pamper Your Husband After a Tiring Day


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Pamper your Husband

One of the worst things that we get used to after being married is the routine of being lazy and not caring to do enough for our partners. Well, we don’t blame you, it is just how life works. But the fact that you go to office every single day and come home to the same life chores is kind of boring. To see different perspectives of life, to appreciate life better and the things you have, it is important that you bring in a slight change in your life regularly. And one of the best things you can do for your best friend cum life partner is pamper him with love after a tiring day. Every partner deserves a little bit of pampering, after all we are called life partners right? So how do you pamper your husband after a tiring day at work? We know exactly how.

Just follow this list of 11 super sweet ways to pamper your husband after a tiring day and your husband will be pleasantly surprised and will greatly appreciate your efforts.

How to pamper your husband?

pamper your husbandWhile it may not be possible every single day but doing sweet little things for him can be easy enough. A lot of women take pleasure in taking time out to pamper their husbands, Not everyone can match their nurturing and caring nature. So, For other ladies who have no clue how to do it, here are some simple tips to teach you how to pamper your man.

1. Give him a head massage:

Give him a head massage
Image Source: whitegoldhealing.co.uk

Who doesn’t like a good head massage? Imagine if you return from work after a hectic 9 to 5 job and the moment you enter the house it has soothing warm lights and aroma candles lighting waiting to give you a great head massage. Well, it is like a dream don’t you think? Take time out to plan ahead and keep all the supplies ready. You may not be as dramatic like lighting candles and dimming the lights but you can still make him relax sit down and give him a great massage. He will absolutely love this sweet way of pampering he will get. Trust us.

2. Do his share of duties:

Do his share of dutiesThe worst thing to do after slogging everyday in the city traffic and at work is to come home to more work. If you really want to pamper your man, take some time off your everyday life and do his share of duties for a while. He will absolutely love you for this.We do not suggest you get over burdened in the process, but give him a slight time off and take care of his little house chores like doing the laundry, ironing his clothes or buying groceries. Instead you can become the super woman and buy stuff in advance so that when he comes home he can relax and instead watch a movie with you.

3. Leave him notes:

Leave him notesIf you are a working woman yourself and you spend less time with each other, this is a great way to pamper him. Leave him little cute notes. One of the best places is in his lunch box. Something to keep his day going good. An inspirational quote or a fun fact about you two that will make him smile. He will look forward to your packed lunches eventually. After he leaves the house leave around small notes in the house on the things that you know he will use as soon as he’s back. For example the key hanger, the glass he will use to drink water, his coat hanger and the food inside the fridge. He will be pleasantly surprised to see that even though you do not have time to spend together for a while you still take time out to think about him and pamper him.

4. Cook his favorite meal:

Cook his favorite mealIf it were up to us, we would declare food as the solution to everything. A good, hot, home cooked meal has no other matches. It is like therapy of your soul. If you ask us one single way on how to pamper your husband the best, it is by making him his favorite meal. When your husband will see that you put in so much effort to cook his favorite meal he will be utterly surprised and will feel completely pampered. Remember how Indian mom’s say that the way to a husbands heart is through his tummy? This is what she meant. A nice favorite meal after work, is like goals for all of us.

5. A foot spa at home:

A foot spa at homeIf you are thinking about pampering your man with a relaxing day there great way to do that is a nice foot massage. A relaxing foot soak filled with sea salt and essential oil followed by a nice warm oil massage can really make your husband feel pampered and cared for. Give him a great spa like experience by planning everything ahead and learning a thing or two off the internet about a nice foot rub. If you are super busy at work yourself and want simple tips to pamper your husband that shouldn’t require much preparation, this is it. Just grab your normal bottle of body oil and give him a nice relaxing foot massage.

6. Order his favorite movie:

Order his favorite movieWe all love our Rom-coms and love movies so much that we honestly ever want to watch anything else. But men tend to like completely different set of movies. So order a new movie on Netflix, Hotstar or Amazon prime. A movie that he was really meaning to watch but couldn’t find time. He will be really touched and feel pampered. Even little things like getting his movie can make him happy. Try to sit down with him and watch his style of movies this time. He does it for us too, so his movies also deserve a chance. Have the most perfect movie date and pamper your loving husband.

7. Prepare him a hot bath:

Prepare him a hot bathWhen your husband comes home surprise him with a nicely prepared warm bath with his favorite bath aroma. Give him a nice royal treatment and rub his back while he relaxes in the tub. This is the perfect way to unwind after a tiring day at work and better yet the bath was already prepared. He will sure feel completely pampered and will really appreciate your effort and thought. To make this bath even more pampering light fragrant candles and serve him wine. It just cannot get better than this.

8. Look pretty for him and go on a Date:

Look pretty for him and go on a Date
Image Source: www.jaumo.com

Men appreciate it when we put in efforts to get dolled up and look pretty for them. It is a biological trait that men are attracted towards feminine characters. After a few years into marriage, you tend to loosen up your appearance standards. You take liberty in staying in your pajama all day in unkempt hair and no makeup. For a change take time out to wear the sexiest dress you own and put on that fearless red lipstick and when he comes home take him out to a date. He will be so happy to see you all dolled up for him. After a few years of marriage, little things like these can also create so much of an impact. If he is not much of a going out after work kind of a guy, have a dinner date at home. Prepare food or order in and lay it out right before he comes. Place a small candle make your husband feel pampered.

9. Quit complaining:

Quit complainingIf you are really looking forward to pampering your man every single day or more so often then the best way to do it is quit whining. Women in general have minds that pay attention to details we want to know everything and it just seems so obvious, but when it comes to men, the lesser information you give the happy they are. Sure they want to know how your day went but not exactly how. Just an overview. While you start complaining and whining about what a horrible day you had explaining completely what you felt at that moment is only going to stress them out more. Instead the best way to pamper your husband is by telling them only limited information and in a tone that doesn’t seem like complaining. Constantly whining about the task that he forgot will only lead to your relationships downfall. Try to remind him nicely and focus more on all the thousand things he does instead.

10. Praise him:

Praise himDo you realize how you feel bad, when you wear a new dress and he doesn’t complement you? Well, it is a two way street sister. Men like complements too. Every once in a while take time out to complement him on how much he does in the house. Praise him for all that he does. Tell him how you like his specific qualities. If you pamper your husband every now and then with praising him, he will probably be more confident in his life too. Every one likes to hear praises, and our husbands are no different. So praise them ladies, they deserve it.

11. Give him a Gift / Surprise:

Give him a Gift / SurpriseGiving a gift to someone shows care. A simple way of pampering your husband after a tiring day at work is to present him a gift or a surprise. It need not be something really big, a grand gesture or something expensive. A small little something to show your care is also enough. After staying with him for so long you may know exactly what he likes. For example- If he loves a well decorated house then decorate the house. Hang small fairy lights, Put fresh flowers in the vase or put aroma diffusers. The moment he walks in he will instantly forget all his tiredness and feel so pampered and nice.Here are some small surprises and gift you can get him:

  • Buy him something he wanted for long.
  • Get his car washed and vacuumed.
  • Call his friends over for a match.
  • Bake his favorite Cake etc.
  • Buy him new Xbox / Playstaion games.

While these are not the only ways to pamper your husband you can certainly get an idea what we mean. Your ever hard working husband deserves a little more some days. Just take time out and tell him how much you appreciate him by pampering him with all your love. Don’t forget the good relaxed mood that he will be in will also call for rewards for you. Not that we were expecting though. Hope this list on how to pamper your husband helps you have a great day. Do tell us what you think.

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After following, all my dreams in life. I have always found myself coming back to writing. Be it about my travel adventures or my undying love for fashion and beauty. With a knack for all things fancy, I am constantly in search for the best fashion trends and age old beauty secrets, And as someone who considers herself a voracious reader, finding just the right advice isn’t that hard. With love for my pen, and my heart in the clouds I wish to make the world a prettier place to be.