10 Ways To Rescue Your Kids From Stress


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Women always treat their children with extreme care. They may have bundle of challenges in daily life as working women but nothing can pull them away from loving their kids. The little ones of working moms keep waiting for their mama to come home and cuddle them. Nothing can give satisfaction than a mother’s smile and a warm hug for kids. If mothers are homemakers, kids just wait to share the daily going activities in school and your little appreciation can make their day. Right?

We may think kids are carefree as they don’t have anything apart from simple studies, playing games or cartoon watching. It is not the same with all the kids and all the kids may not enjoy like our symbolic thinking. Even after taking care, few kids go through the mental stress and that may effect their physical conditions. Parents need to recognize the kid’s condition as kids may not express their inner voice and the pain. They also not recognize their own stress like adults.

What is Kids Stress?

Childhood is the most playful and enjoyable phase of life. But for going and upcoming generations, it is not being a playful phase anymore. Kids don’t hold a job and manage the bills to get stressed and this the basic thought of parents universally. Now, pause and think what can cause the kids stress. And give a thought whether the stress is at home, out or school. Here we shall get into the details of what is causing kids stress and the ways to rescue kids from stress.

Ways To Rescue Kids From Stress

1. Highlight the Positives:

Highlight their positive qualities. You may notice a few good actions of your child and miss to appreciate them. It is advisable to praise them for their little good things like helping others, friendly nature and nice behavior. When you appreciate them on their simple qualities, they build stronger and try to stay up to the mark with positive qualities.

Image source: fairytaleofasimplegirl.files.wordpress.com

2. Relaxing Activities:

Conduct any kind of relaxing activities, that is out of studies and syllabus. They are unlimited ways to provide your kids a relaxing time. You can just pick an idea to make them relax from any stress and see that the relaxing activity is suitable for your kid’s mindset. Relaxing activities are brilliant to rescue your kids from stress. Here, you have a few relaxing activities, see if you can follow any of them.

Image source: surfexcel.in

3. Reward them for Being Brave:

Let them know that being brave is an important quality. This makes them become outspoken and also helps them to explore at their best in every aspect. It can be a great and progressive impact on growing kids.

Image source: newsmobile.in

4. Boost Them Up at Lower Phase:

Children keep fighting with books and ranks. Sometimes, they may not reach the mark to achieve the higher grades. Give them a hope, that they can try for next time and to focus a bit more. Do not yell or shout at them, which frightens them and feel even lower. When you notice them upset, make them feel comfortable immediately and this is will help to rescue your kids from stress.

Image source: indianexpress.com

5. Educate them, about their mistakes:

When your kid makes any mistake, give them a chance to make it right. Educate them about the solutions and how to not repeat the mistake instead of reacting hard for their mistakes.

Image source: parent24.com

6. Play Time:

Give them time to play and have fun in the right path. When you give your kids a tight schedule, they may follow it initially but such no gap schedules stress them physically and mentally.

Set a time and leave them to play outdoor games. You need to allow space for your kids and keep guiding them often.

Image source: hiveminer.com

7. Give Your Time:

As we all know, modern mothers are busy with several tasks. But they should still make time for their kids. Let them know that they are the most important part of your life. Make them feel special showing your immense love and affection. This keeps them happy and also improves your bond with them.

Image source: thechampatree.in

8. No to Multiple Tasks:

New generation studies are no more simple. Kids get loads of work and assignments from school. Upon the school work, do not add the stress by sending them to talent classes. You may arrange for such activities in summer vacation or by providing them sufficient relaxing time.

Image source: eyeem.com

9. Monitor their Condition:

Keep an eye on their behaviour and changing habits. Monitoring kid’s conditions and state of mind is crucial at every growing phase. They may not open up to you about their tough times and challenges at school, within friends group. So, it is better you stay alert on their daily activities.

Image source: kkel.com

10. Safe and Happy Environment:

They may face something unpleasant at any time and anywhere. Let them relax once they come back from school or any classes. See that they go to a safe place to learn and get educated. Maintain peace at home at any cost. Parents and the entire house may have many issues and it is a common fact. But keep children away from any kind of serious issues to keep them happy. Any small conflict may impact the little minds and lead to stress.

Image source: momjunction.com

What Causes Kids Stress?

1. Comparison:

Never compare your kids with others. This is of the dangerous cause and leads to lack of confidence in kids They over think on things and a direct stress on their sensitive minds. Parents should realize that comparison brings nothing to children. In fact, parents should boost up at their low times when lost in any game or for securing low marks.

2. Domination:

We may not look in deep into kids daily life. But they go through domination by their siblings in parents absence and at school by classmates. The effect of domination are getting depressed and they lose the quality of being themselves.

3. Negative Thoughts About Themselves:

Kids don’t share their intentions with parents all the time. They keep it to themselves a few thoughts. Negative thinking is something like feeling that they are not talented, intelligent and weak at anything.

4. Overload Homeworks:

If go to a few years ago, kids had a playful childhood and they had ample time to distribute their day for studies and games or watch television. The present generation is literally missing the fun of their never coming phase. Their time either goes in loads of homework and continuous tests at school. This leads to mental and physical stress gradually.

5. Multiple Tasks:

In this fast forward generation, kids are expected to learn multiple things at a time. Parents want their kids to be extremely talented and super intelligent. Kids are forced to attend various talkent classes like dance, music and with no gap, they should manage their studies.

6. Parents Conflicts:

Parents discuss and yell at each other in front of their children. This creates an unpleasant environment for kids. Parents conflicts often, may destroy a child’s happiness. Kids are meant to be happy, stressfree and it is completely parents responsibility. If parents are itself displaying their rude attitude on each other, this will be a direct effect and lead to kids stress.

7. Financial Problems At Home:

Financial problems is the common issue in any family. It can be a bigger or smaller financial problem but it is better to keep kids away from these problems. You may tackle the issues on your capacity but children start to over think on it. Anything petty issue may cause a huge disturbance on young minds.

8. Grades and ranks:

Grades and ranks are the everlasting cause for children. At schools, it is displayed as a life failure when they are ranked low or secured a low grade. This affects kids in depression and they gradually lose interest in studies.

9. Unsafe Environment:

Any situation or incident that is dangerous to kids is unsafe. It can be at home, school or neighborhood. Such unsafe environment will not let kids focus on their studies and simple tasks as well. So, the parents need to keep should keep checking the kid’s condition often.

10. No Play time:

Kids don’t have any playing time in the present generation. They are either engaged with school work or extracurricular activities. We hardly find kids playing now a day. Obviously, they got to complete many challenges. Such a restrictive schedule for children may keep them low and calm. This leads to kids stress horribly.

Symptoms of Kids Stress

Children may not realize that they are stressed. So, we should observe the change in their behavior and habits. Following are the symptoms for kids stress.

Physical symptoms:

1.Loss of appetite.
2. Headache
3.No proper sleep
4. Anger, crying
5.Aggressive and stubborn behavior
6.Anxiety and worry
7.Isolated and cornered.

Every kid is special. Treat them special and lead them towards happiness. Do not miss to maintain a lovely bond with your kids. They learn and grow looking at you, be the role model. Give the best of you to your children and have a great motherhood. May you shower more and more love on your kids following all the bits of advices and ways to rescue kids from stress.

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