8 Must Follow Tips to Take Care of Coloured Hair


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Coloured Hair
Image source: mag.octoly.com

You do styling to your hair and make it gorgeous. Once you get that desired look, you forget to take care of your hair. This may damage your hair to great extent. So, your task is not done with styling but it is pending with some tips to care. The tips also keep the colour true and you will be able to maintain the colour for longer time.

How are you taking care of your coloured hair? Just brushing and shampooing your hair are considered as routine care. You need to take special care to keep coloured hair on safe side without damage. Styling your hair is great idea only when you are taking care of it properly.

Follow the below best tips to treat your coloured hair. You can also see the tips to avoid any damage to your coloured hair. If you feel that hair colour is worth of your special care, you can follow the below tips.

How to Take Care of Post Coloured Hair?

1. Prep your hair before colouring

Image source: allure.com

You need to prep and condition your hair before colouring. Let your hair take hot oil treatment before colouring. Your strands can take hair colour and colour can stay longer if you hair is well prepared and conditioned. The unconditioned and prepared hair is prone to lose the colour soon. So, whenever you are planning for hair colouring, keep your hair prepared to maintain the colour for good number of days.

2. Do not wash your hair for 72 hours post colour

Image source: Youtube

If you are washing your hair soon after or day after colouring, then there are less chances colour lasting longer. The immediate hair wash after colouring makes you hair look like washed out. To hair colour to lasts longer, you are suggested to wait for 72 hours at least post hair colouring.

3. No hot showers

Image source: wtpsports.com

You are never asked have hair wash with hot water. Hot water damages the your scalp and creates chances of hair loss.

Hot showers are a no for normal or coloured hair. Hot showers can fade the hair colour. So, you need to use lukewarm water or cold water to maintain the hair colour for longer time.

4. Cover your hair while swimming

Image source: womentd.com

You need to take care by covering your hair with a swimming cap. Chlorine and dirty water may affect your coloured hair. This may lead to damage and breakage of hair. Chlorine in pool water may also let the hair colour get faded away. Wearing a swimming cap is an after colouring hair tip which is must follow.

5. Avoid overheat

Image source: leaf.tv

Whenever you are drying your hair, try to dry it naturally. Over heat can fade your hair colour soon. Hair dryer, hair straightener must be used less which give too much heat to your coloured hair and results in taking off the colour. So, you can minimize your usage of hair dryer, straighteners for your coloured hair.

6. Wash less

Image source: bebeautiful.in

You must wash your hair less to protect your hair from dryness. Not only that often hair washing can fade the hair colour away. So, you can wash your hair 2-3 times a week and more not than that. The more you wash your coloured hair the more chances of lasting the colour for longer. You need to follow this tip without exceeding as an after hair colouring tip.

7. Use sulphate free shampoo

Image source: goodhousekeeping.com

You must use sulphate free shampoos to maintain the hair colour longer. As sulphate can be harsh on coloured hair and let the colour fade, you are suggested to use a sulphate free shampoo. You have some reputed sulphate free shampoo which are recommended for coloured hair.

8. Avoid sun exposure

Image source: self.com

Protect your coloured hair from sun damage which can let the colour go. As you cannot completely escape from sun, you must go for a possible remedy to keep heat away from your coloured hair. You can use heat protectants for your hair to maintain the hair colour even when exposed to sun.

You need to know that coloured hair needs your colour to maintain for longer time. You will have an idea and plan to re-colour your hair when you want. So, until then you must take care in every possible way to protect your coloured hair.

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