10 Perfect Ways to Make Him Commit To You- Don’t Worry and Hurry


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Ways to Make Your Him Commit To You
Image Source: Streetwise.pl

Are you finding your guy not being committed to you? Then, you are not working on the ways to make him commit. You may feel that commitment is mutual. But you need to create the chances of making him commit to you.

Check if you are giving you partner a chance to stay committed to your relationship? Now, you come up saying you are caring, loving and what is less. But think from his side, then you will get some ideas. He must be expecting you to be something and must be waiting you to understand it. The time you spend, the way you talk and the way you treat him, everything counts in a relationship to give you commitment.

If you are still puzzled, then go with these ideas which can make your man stay committed to you. You will find these ways to make him commit to the your relationship. Most of the tricks are simple which you are doing already but need to do it in a different way. The only thing is, they need to be a difference in tackling things.

How to Make Him Commit to you and your Relationship?

1. Do not be too available

Do not be too available
Image Source: Biznewsmedia.com

You are handy for him and he may not your value. You are never asked to ignore your love but you must be a little away from him. If you reaching him whenever you are missing him, you are also missing the spark in the relationship- Remember this.

2. Show love in actions not just words

Ways to Make Your Him Commit To You: Cut down the arguments
Image Source: Newlovetimes.com

Do not be feminist every where. Arguments are required but not to the level of destroying your relationship. The man gets bugged with arguments. When you notice him getting bugged, leave the conversation immediately. Take your time and go into a clam discussion. Fire raising arguments can kill the relationships but can never make him commit.

3. Take an initiative to sort out the conflicts

Take an initiative to sort out your conflicts
Image Source: Themodernman.com

No one would take the initiative every time which is always a one side effort. But you need to make the efforts as many times as it needed. Have patience and listen to him, then explain your point. Go deep into conversation but in a soothing way. You can do this when you feel it is needed. This will make you bond grow stronger and he also realizes his mistake if any.

4. Do not keep talking about commitment

Do not keep talking about commitment
Image Source: Patheos.com

Don’t you think, the chanting of commitment is annoying? And it is not just annoying but create the negative impact. Commitment starts with expectations. So, if you want to call yourself a matured woman, then you must have less expectations. Keep less expectations and the more you are happy in a relationship.

5. Play a confession game

Play a confession game
Image Source: Anewmode.com

You want to know few things related to him. You also cannot ask him directly. Then, take this idea of confession game. This also makes you closer to him. You get to know deep about each other. Do not aim to pull out all the secrets. Just try to make it a fun but needed conversation.

6. Love with Actions not Just Words

Love not words in but actions
Image Source: Buglefeed.com

You may just tell about your love in words. But actions work better than words. So, start showing your love more and talk your loveless. When you get a surprise, you jump up high and then you see the efforts of making it possible. Isn’t it? Surprises are magical because it is shown but not told. Hope you got the power of actions over just words!

7. Be wowed at him

Be wowed at him
Image Source: Bonobology.com

Yes! Everyone needs rewards. You need commitment as a reward for you. Then what you are rewarding him to get back your rewards. Never think that it love is not about rewarding. When someone deserves rewards or appreciations, it is your fault of not doing it. So, be wowed at him when it is needed. Express to him about his good looks, talent and his traits. You find hundred reasons to be wowed when you love a person!

8. Stand by him

Stand by him
Image Source: Vivmag.com

You need to stand by him when he needs you. Standing and supporting him in his low times shows you commitment. If you are letting him go and face it all alone, it is not fair to expect him to stay committed to you. Let it be mutual by giving when needed and gaining what you want. It may sound logical or cunning but it is beautiful exchanging the needs in a relationship.

9. Do not take him for granted all the time

Do not take him for granted all the time
Image Source: Womenpla.net

Taking your love for granted is common. You also tend to test the patience of your partner when in relationship. But do you think it is needed all the time? Not at all! This pushes him away to give you a word of commitment. When you are getting love, take it. It is simple not to be too much available for him and not to take your love for granted. Love with your whole and soul, then you will show your love in right way and right time.

10. Love his real sides and shades

Love his real sides and shades
Image Source: Gothamclub.com

Start loving his real side and shades. Do not expect him to change himself just for you. You must accept the flaws and little imperfections. Being what he is not will lead to losing himself. It will be bigger concern for you and your relationship. So, we suggest you to stop expecting him to change. His dressing style, looks, friendly nature like things must not be your concern. If you want him to be less short tempered, responsible and polite, then you can expect him to change. All that matters is what and how want to him to change.

At first, what is commitment in a relationship?

Commitment is about making him stand on his words that he promised. It can also be to promise to fulfill your expectations. It could be spending time with you or it can be a long run commitment which is marriage. Commitment is important in a relationship but love is beyond “just commitment”.

Why he don’t commit easily?

You may think that the problem is from your end or from his end. It can also not be a problem from either ends. He wants to give you time but see if his lifestyle is permitting to. Your partner may want to show you the love back but he may some issue related to family or any other personal issue. His career must be his concern which plays an important role for your future as well. Such reasons cannot let him commit for a word of marriage. If you are wanting him to commit for marriage, then he really needs time. So, get out of the box to think what is stopping him to stay committed to you.

All the above ways are creating a strong bond. When the bond is stronger, he stay committed to you in the relationship. You are also showing how precious your relationship is for you and how much it means to have beside you. These ways tell your man you are the one for him. So, go on and get him commit for you.

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