19 Awesome Ideas To Utilize The Spare Time During Quarantine


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What keeps you alive in life? Vacation with family and outings with friends are in general. The time changes and then everything changes. Even the unexpected situations must not leave you lifeless. The fun and happiness must be generated from within. The outings and hangouts with your loved ones is not everything. Just staying together to relax is another level of fun. That is what this quarantine time taught us. You can have a fun time at home itself.

As women are the one who bring everyone together at home, we are giving away the interesting ideas to make this quarantine time the most happening. Let these social distancing days be the best memory for you and your family.

Be an enthusiastic source to boost the energy of your family members, For that you don’t have to be super creative or go out of your way. If you are ready to have some fun, just go on reading it.

What To Do During The Quarantine Period?

These ideas are to kick off the boredom, have fun. You don’t regret being unproductive or doing nothing. As you have a lot of things to do during quarantine, you will know staying at home is not just safe but fun and comfortable.

1. Make a Family/Friends Collage – Filled With Love


Gathering memories at once in thoughts is overwhelming. The flow of memories in the mind makes you excited and refill the energy. When you can spread love and energy that you have within, just dont wait.

Share the joy by gathering the memories into a collage. You have many apps that allow you to do digital collages. If you want to be more creative, then make a video and show it off to your dear ones. This is a lovely idea for a woman to do for her family, friends or someone special.

2. Focus on Fitness – Alive And Well


Are you a fitness freak? The fitness freaks are more enthusiastic during the quarantine period and it’s great. They are not to give up on their fitness goals. If you are one among them, then also inspire your family to be like you.

Take up the role of fitness trainer. Inspire them with your knowledge, focus and energy. Teach your family the simple exercises. Ask them to join you for the workout and make it a healthy family which is very much needed now.

Exercising is the best way to boost immunity. It enables your body to fight against the health issues and life threatening infections.

You can practice the specially designed home workouts from here.

3. Read Out The Stories – The Informal Library


Reading the interesting novels and stories for yourself is simply great. But reading out a story for your loved ones is extremely joyful. When any of them come to you saying “I am bored” then pick an interesting story and read it out for them.

You can also read a story together. The thrillers, fun oriented and feel good books are great for this idea. When you are reading a story, time doesn’t stay still. It runs and leaves you happy, satisfied by the end of it. This way you are making your house an informal and fun library!

It may also make you feel the nostalgia if you did back then in school or college days. I would suggest switching from netflix to books is a super cool change for you during quarantine.

4. Play Some Silly Games – Indulge In Fun


I guess, it’s been ages since you played any silly games with your family or friends. We are all engaged in leading serious lives and taking ourselves away from such fun.

So, utilize this time and play some silly games. The games that you fought over who is the winner and catch holding the cheater cock- these are the games that take you back to really golden days. Gather your family members and start an old game.

You can play digital games with your friends. We modern people do this but now it goes a bit extra and that’s okay!

5. Bring a Progressive Change In Yourself


There was always something that you wanted to work on but had no time for it? Simple changes like controlling your temper, managing time and many more. Now, you have plenty of time to adopt the change.

The daily stress that you had with traveling, work, targets never let you be what you wanted to. The busy life stopped you from being or doing something better. This the chance you must grab without leaving it.

And it is not a piece of cake to work on a positive change or quality. You will need some time to infuse it into yourself. Now, you have more time and no excuses to be good!

6. Detox Your Home – Clean House, Clean Mind


We are unaware of the toxins that are filled in our own space of living. Dust and insects occupy corners which don’t notice. Dusting the furniture and cleaning the roof is a must do. But home detoxing is eliminating the toxins and dirt that is settled without your notice. This can affect your health. As you have enough time, just detox your home bit by bit and make it a healthy place. Home must be comfortable and healthy as well.

You don’t have to beat the clock for this task of cleaning and detoxing your house. Do it a bit daily!

Do you agree with this? If yes, just remove the dirt out of your house in this long leisure time!

7. Decorate The Walls – Bright It Up


Even the walls are bored to stay without any change. So, be an enthusiast and go splash some colour to the plain walls. Women who are good at papers crafts can create hangings for wall decor. If you are good at painting, then do the wall painting.

Take off the old paintings and decor from your walls with your own creativity. Self made art is great for your walls and quarantine is the best time to experiment these things.

You have creative ideas to decorate your idea with simple items. Wall paintings, DIY wall hangings and photo galleries are great for wall decor. Here are a few more to try out!

8. Love Your Skin and Hair More


DIY face masks and packs are watched but not tried. You are so exhausted on normal days that you don’t even want to try anything new or good for your skin. You are happy applying the gels and moisturizers.

Now it’s time to do something better for your skin. You can’t even complain that you have no free hours for skin care. You have enough and you also have caring tips for your skin. Love your skin more and more during the quarantine period.

Your skin is a healing as it is not exposed to pollution. And the home remedies and tips are extra care that you can’t miss. That too when you have ample time in your hands.

9. Make a  Mini Garden – Love For Nature


Are you missing nature? The greenery, blue water and the endless sky is a bit more far to us. Here is an adorable and interesting idea for all the nature lovers!

Make a mini garden with your favourite herbs at home. If you have enough space in your balcony, corridor or terrace, then try this idea out. It is extremely happy to see the growing plants that are planted by you.

The blooming flower and fresh leaves give you the hope and positivity that you need everyday. Watering them and looking after them makes your everyday a productive and special one. Here are some ideas to make a mini garden.

10. Socialize Virtually – It’s a Small World


You are asked to keep distance from people but not virtually. Just make use of technology and get in touch with your old friends. If you had an idea of having a long conversation with your cousin and couldn’t do it due to busy life, now you can make it possible.

Remember that we all are physically quarantined but not mentally. So, explore through social media. If you remember, you said to many “let’s keep in touch”. But lost the touch without an intention. Life was such- busy, hectic, non stop tasks. Now, it’s time to get in touch with everyone who matters to you a bit or more. How well are you connecting to people during this quarantine?

11. Photoshoot Sessions – Discover Your Best Shade

Photoshoot-sessionsAre you a poser? If you are or not, you must try a photoshoot session during the quarantine. Try a new look and click your pictures. This is how you give quality time for yourself. This is self love and there is no limit or it ain’t silly.

Photoshoot in your own and comfortable space. Dress up and accessorize like it’s a party. As you are surrounded with comfort and love, show off your happiness in the pictures you get clicked. If you are choosing to wear casual outfits, still you can sizzle with your bright smile and attitude. Keep on clicking and discover the new you with a perfect photoshoot.

It is not passing the time to kick off the boredom but to capture the best version of yourself. If best appearance is your routine then let then why don’t you appear best of best when you have ample time. Agree with me?

12. Become a Master Chef – Happy Tummies

Become-a-master-chefWe are always asked to be happy with what we have. Can you think anything better than food to be happy with?

Relishing the homemade food without any chase is a blessing. Try some wonderful recipes that your taste buds are waiting for. If you are the one who stays with your family, then gather everyone and let them reward you for food experiments.

You have simple and fancy dishes from different cuisines to try out. Serve your family with the joy of food. Go and find out the delicious dishes online to become a master chef in this quarantine period.

13. Try New Makeup Looks – Beauty Experiments

Try-new-makeup-looksWorking women and young girls have the desire to try new makeup looks. It takes hours to get a perfect makeover. As you have those free hours in your hands, just dont wait to experiment with the new makeup looks.

The desire to have a makeover for no reason is insane. But you are exploring your wishes and experimenting to bring out the beautiful shades that are hidden in yourself. This is also how a woman can have some me time!

14. Recreate Your Childhood Memories


It is an interesting idea to recreate your childhood memories. Be open for fun and recreate the beautiful, fun moments. Going back to childhood in actions generates immense fun, laughter. You will feel the beautiful nostalgia doing this.

This is a moment where you have to utilize the most. It is not just recollecting the memories in between the talks. It is to recreate and recapture all of them. Cherish the old moments and know why they are sweet for you.

15. Conduct Online Classes – No Boundaries For Passion


Do you have any creative or analytical skills? Then, why don’t you conduct online classes. Many are looking for ways to make their quarantine period a productive one just like you. So, you can just conduct the online classes for those passionate souls out there.

There is no better way than teaching to explore and stay in touch with your skills. You have an opportunity to teach as you have time. And when the going is good, you must not leave the opportunity. Now, make it ready for the people who are waiting to make this quarantine period useful by new learnings and new skills.

16. Create DIY Fashion Accessories

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You can be creative and passionate even staying indoors. We have many such ideas which are fun and useful at the same time. Try creating DIY fashion accessories like earrings, necklaces. The old accessories are great to turn out into new fashionable pieces with your simple skills.

You can create the eco friendly fashion accessories. Get inspired, watch some ideas, then learn and try them.

17. Learn Something New – Be Bright Eyed

Learn-something-newWe think we have nothing to do at home though we have a lot within and around. You have access to technology and the world outside sitting inside. You have many online courses related to art, technology and computers.

Check out your present interest and choose a short course. Become greedy to learn something that you want to be. Learning new things needs time and interest. You have time then what about your interest?

18. Browse To Research – Pick Your Brain


When you get to know about an update, you feel enough reading the headline. But that is not all!

You must read all about what you know a little. Make a research and know the ins and outs about it. Knowledge is power. So, gain more knowledge to gain more power.

A few days back you were in a hurry to board the train or bus. Still managed to stay updated with the news, trends and what was happening around the world. Now, you have several hours where you don’t have to rush. But sit, relax and be updated of what you are interested in. It can be about science, culture, anything that keeps you going, can excite you to research more and more.

You are locked down but not to stop gaining knowledge!

19. Karaoke – Swing With Music


Music and dance is the best to add fun to your leisure time. So, keep some snacks ready and then make it a dance floor. When there is unlimited music, you don’t feel bored staying indoors.

When you volume up with music and hit the floor, it keeps your energy levels high. If you are a solo woman, then learn some moves following the tunes. This is how you bring out your hidden talents. The madness with music and dance is always cool and fun!

You can’t quit or lose when you are meant to try, stay and make a life. You can kill the stress and boredom spending your quarantine period at home. Now, I ask all the women to recharge themselves during the quarantine and try out these ideas.

Happy and healthy quarantine!

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