Things you should know before coloring your hair


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coloring your hair

If you are coloring your hair for the first time, you need to know certain things about hair coloring and how it affects or doesn’t affect your hair. It is extremely important for you to gather all the information about coloring your hair before you sit down and start choosing the color. One main reason why you should try to know about hair coloring and its process is because sometimes, coloring can affect your skin and you can get allergic. Other times, if you don’t like the color after coloring your hair, you cannot go back to undoing it. So, before even considering anything, try to note down that there are certain things you have asked your salon staff or the specialist who has convinced you to color your hair.

When you ask your specialist questions, she or he will be able to answer them and clear your doubts for you. They will also know that you are aware of certain things and even if they want to, they can’t cheat you in this. You don’t have to know inside and out. Basic questions and information about hair coloring is what you should know. Every girl fantasizes about getting funky hair colors done. It isn’t wrong at all. But before you jump into anything, just consult a few friends, ask around, do your research on the internet and then go ahead. Going unprepared and getting something unexpected done, could not be very pleasing. If you know everything and you are still looking for what to ask, here are some things you should know before coloring your hair!

Top Tips on What You Should Before Coloring Your Hair

1Meet the colorist beforehand

Meet the colorist beforehand

It is very important that you make an appointment with the salon for at least half an hour before the actual appointment. The entire process of coloring takes up to an hour or two. So, you don’t want to use that time to ask questions and change decisions. You and your colorist have to be on the same page. Both of you should decide on the color, the texture, how long this would take and many more things, so that there is no last minute confusion. If you don’t book an appointment and just show up for hair coloring, it may delay the process and you may not achieve what you wanted. Always book in advance and meet your colorist beforehand to talk about various color and method options for better experience.

2Ask about root touch ups

Ask about root touch ups

The slight problem with coloring is that it is a reoccurring processes. You need to have your roots touched every once in three weeks. If you are going for root touch up, this process has to be followed. If you aren’t even getting it done on the roots and just going for ends, then there is a different process for it. You need to clarify to your colorist about the intensity of the color that you want with your hair according to the number of touch up appointments that you will use later. If they know how often you want to visit the parlor, they will narrow down an appropriate color for you and use the same. This way both of you will have clear clarity.

3Call social media for help

Call social media for help

It isn’t wrong or isn’t a shame to ask people around and check out for pictures and videos. If you are choosing a particular parlor, make sure they are renowned in their own way. Check their blogs, visit their Instagram, Facebook page and check out for before and after photos. Ask around if the parlor does a good job or post your enquiry online. If you get good reviews and if you find it trusting, then go ahead. There isn’t anything wrong in enquiring about the parlor. After all, you trust them with your hair, which is very important for a woman, right?

4Take references

Take references

It is good to carry references of what you want your hair color to look like when you go to the coloring. This is an easy way for you to share your vision to your colorist and he/she will be on the same page. If it is your first time and you don’t have a clue about coloring, then it is very safe to bring pictures of videos of how you want your hair to look. That way the colorist will know what you want and can replicate the same thing on your hair. Don’t go without a clue, because that may be misleading. This way your colorist will also know that you are taking your hair coloring process very seriously and will respect you for the same.

Also know – How to get J’Lo’s hair color!

5Apply hair mask in prior

Apply hair mask in prior

It is highly important that you keep your hair hydrated. So, apply hair mask the previous day of your appointment so that your hair is well moisturized. That way, even if the chemicals are harsh, it will not hurt the raw hair tips and won’t break your hair. It is fine to apply hair mask at home itself.

6Get something simple

Get something simple

If you are getting it done for the very first time, try to keep the coloring simple and neat. This is because, the first time is always for testing purposes. If you are extremely keen about getting one done, you can go for something simple so that you know how it looks on you. Later in life, you can get ones that are super bright and totally cool. For starters, simple is better than complicated.

7Maintenance is the key

Maintenance is the key

Getting your hair colored is not just it. Maintenance is the key to having a healthy looking hair. So, always remember that you should use the appropriate hair shampoo, conditioner and moisture it properly. That way your color stays longer and your hair won’t break any further too.

Happy experimenting!

-Pavithra Ravi

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