Sweat proof ways to save your make up during summer


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Sweat Proof

With summer taking its primary place in our lives, we often tend to feel irritated and sticky. Sweat is a release of bad water from your body when you do excessive things like exercise, dance, running or by just simply spending a lot of time under the sun. With sweating comes itching, irritation and a lot other companions. Women, especially can find this very disturbing and it can cause a major distraction from their routine life. The main two things a working woman has to do is – Cooking for the entire family before she leaves office and traveling to the workplace. Both of this is the super tedious job and requires a lot of patience and endurance. With Indian traffic and roads, women end up spending more than half an hour under the hot sun on their vehicles.

Most of the makeup that women wear just goes away by sweating itself. There is no way to avoid the heat, but there are definitely ways to save your makeup. Sweat proof make up is something that has been in place for a long time in the fashion world. Not many know the small tricks to saving their makeup. But, we are going to give you a list of make-up sweat proof tricks that will keep you from looking hazardous after a hot drive to the workplace. By the time women reach their offices, their attire is filled with sweat smell and their make-up is totally spoilt. We know how it is, so we are going to list down the best sweat proof makeup ideas or simply stated as tips to save makeup during summerdays.

Top Sweat Proof Summer Make Up

1Skip powder

Skip powder

Even today, many women think that a powder can do magic to their existing look. Well, for ladies who do that, you are under a very wrong impression. In fact, usage of powder will make your face look so chalky and white and when you sweat, it all adds up to the disaster. All that will happen is your wrinkles and age lines will be highlighted because of the failed make-up. So, always remember that you should not use powder during summer season. At least, don’t use it on your face! If you want, you can use blotting paper instead of a handkerchief or a towel. That way, it absorbs all the sweat and doesn’t rub off your make-up.

2Apply makeup when skin is dry

Apply makeup when skin is dry

It is very important for you to know that application of makeup should be done when your skin is dry and normal. A lot of women think that rubbing the face with towels or tissue paper, will absorb the water. Ladies, no! It doesn’t absorb at all. What you have to do is, you have to wait for your face to dry off. Warm skin actually opens up the pores. When you put makeup on warm skin, the ingredients actually get absorbed which will create blisters and breakouts in your skin. You have to either wait for your face to cool off or it is also fine to splash cold water and use blotting paper. You can do the cold water splashing if you are in a rush or anything.

[Also Read – How to Wear Makeup for Glasses]

3Use a primer make up

Use a primer make up

Primer make up is something that comes in very handy when you are traveling long distance. Primers are basically something that keeps your makeup on for a little longer. And the best thing about primers is that, even if you sweat, a primer will not let you make-up come off. Moisturize your face and then apply the primer.

Remember that you need to apply the primer before you apply your foundation. The whole idea of a primer is to keep your foundation intact. But, to keep your skin safe and blister-free, you need to moisturize before applying a primer. Make sure your primer is oil-free product.

4Avoid heavy foundation

Avoid heavy foundation

Personally, if you ask me, I would suggest that a foundation is just a foolproof. It doesn’t keep your skin original and you might end up looking very different because of your skin tones. Your hands might not be the same color of your face and your neck. So, make sure that you don’t use a lot of foundation. But if you think a foundation is important, then go for the ones that are subtle and not strong. During the summer days, you tend to travel and sweat, right? So, when you sweat, your face will wear off and your foundation will melt. Keeping this in mind, use a lighter foundation that is oil free and has some natural ingredients in it!

Also know, different summer face packs for home usage

5Go the water-resistant way

Go the water resistant way

Make-up nowadays have water-resistant option in them. So, if you want to wear heavy makeup for a wedding or function, go for water resistant so that your makeup doesn’t wear off by the time you reach the destination. Liquid liners, water resistant mascara and lipstick are some of the main make up sets that are good for a sweaty evening.

6Use less makeup

Use less makeup

Overall, it is advisable that you use less makeup on your face and skin. The whole idea of makeup is to make you look better and beautiful. But summer is the time when better and beautiful combination is hard to achieve. So, remember that you can stick to the basic essentials. Probably a low key foundation, liner, Kajal and a very light lipstick can do wonders. Overloading your face with makeup will only make it worse. Try to keep the strong makeup away until summer is over. Another problem with heavy makeup all the time is that, you are not letting your skin breathe happily. So, that could also lead to breaking of skin, blisters and pimples. Skin is very important and during sweaty-season, you have got to be very careful.

Take care!

Check – Take these summer drinks for healthy and glory skin

-Pavithra Ravi

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