Interesting alternatives to do on first date!


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first date

Are you going idea-less on what to do when you meet the guy who might be a prospective one? How many of you would agree if we say, going on first dates to bars and restaurants or taking a walk alongside a coffee shop has been done to death? Most of the couples end up either having lunch, dinner or breakfast on a first date. Why should it be always about food or drinks? The entire concept of a date should emphasize on what the other one likes and what differently, you can do with that one person who has a lot to explore about you. First date ideas as trying interesting places or doing thing together can make it easy to break the ice.

Dating should be fun and enjoyable. It shouldn’t make you feel forced into making decisions or talk about your childhood in a place where you have visited a hundred times before. You never know what your partner wants to do and how fun or boring he can get! Try new things, excite each other and enjoy your first date. These alternative ideas or choice will get you out of your comfort zone, into some action and definite fun.

Best First Date Ideas to Enjoy

1Theme park excitement

Theme park

Meeting at a theme park is one of the first alternative ideas, because you obviously get to have fun and know how cranky/crazy your partner is. This will not only bring fun into the picture, but if things go well, your partner will be your helping shoulder when you enjoy the rides in the sky. Aren’t giant wheels or flying roller coasters a romantic plus adventurous place to have your first kiss? If not a kiss, this will help you break the ice and move forward with a holding hand. Perhaps, theme parks are a silly excuse to have cotton candy and chocolate fudge! Hell yes, who wouldn’t like that?

2Swim it up

Swim it up

Going for a swim is a rare combination of relaxation and initial rush, you feel for each other. It might not be a great way to start off your date, but you can definitely do this after having a coffee walk. If you are not confident about showing a little too extra on a first date, you can skip this and do a long coffee-walk, which still can lead to quaint and enjoyable first meet. But if you are okay with swimming, it proves to be one of the easiest ways to break through each other. It is a great way to beat the heat, rush the adrenaline and soak into the moments and hidden silences.

3Bowl away –

Bowl away

Going for a bowling game would prove that you are a sport and it is pretty obvious that your partner would see much more than a feminine side of yours. Funny long shoes, pint beers, peanuts and lots of talking on your bowling track would not only be fun but you would enjoy playing the game together. It does not matter whether you know the game or not because either way, you would end up looking cute and irresistible. It is a sporty alternative where the guy can teach you how it is played and if you are a pro, teach him! Play a bet or two, doesn’t matter who wins it!

4Go for a trivia or karaoke night –

karaoke night

Trivia nights can be entertaining. If you are apprehensive about going to any of the above alternatives alone, Trivia night can be a group thing where you will enjoy the questions and play a little bit for charity or fun. You can also do a karaoke night if you are good at singing. Sing a nice number from one of the guy’s favorite albums or your favorite, which will prove you to be outgoing, fast and gutsy. If the date ends on a bad note, at least you get the feeling of singing your heart out or with a few new random facts up your sleeves.

5Play truth or Dare

truth or Dare

This might sound old school, but it would help you break your initial apprehensions. That being said, do not use a bottle or a pencil, which will make you look goofy. Just take turns, since it is just the two of you. A simple game, a couple of beers or coffee will take off the pressure of your head and keep an interesting conversation up and going. Plus, if everything goes great, dare him to kiss you by the night! Sure adds fun, doesn’t it?

6Go to a beach or sit alongside a fall

Go to a beach

If you want a calm first date that involves just you two, breeze and gushes of waves, hit the beach or sit alongside of a fall. The serine nature beauty will bring out your real romantic self and give a good first time experience. If you are a beach lover, you can also try diving or reading out to each other. Bring along some photos, share them and go down the memory lane. Draw, paint or write something nice and flatter one another.

7DRIVE drive and just keep driving –

keep driving

Get away from all the traffic, crowd, people and the city. Go for a long drive and remember, do not have a definite destination. Chat away and play some of your songs and sing along. You never know how you can hit it off by singing aloud and releasing the initial tension. Long drives always welcome great topics to talk and that is one of the best ways to learn about the other person. Just drive as much as you can and switch places after a while. Who knows, much more than talking and driving can happen in the car!

8Go out on a local expedition –

Go out on a local expedition

There would have been places that you always hesitated to visit alone or felt awkward. Do something adventurous and keep it going. Make the first date a super fast, rolling and interesting experience. Go wine tasting, cheese tasting, shop in the local markets. Use your date to go to historical places, click pictures and selfies. Going to historical places may not a romantic idea, but you will never know until you try. You can very much go munch around before or after your day!

So many ideas, so little time? Try and check out any one of these to experience a different first date. If nothing works out, ditch the date and try all of it alone. That will keep you busy and interested.

Also know what you should wear on your first date

-Pavithra Ravi