Care For Your Hair With Aloe Vera


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Benefits of Aloe Vera

We all know how much Aloe Vera is beneficial for our hair and skin. Now-a-days we can see Aloe Vera in almost all the cosmetic products available. Aloe Vera has some natural ingredients which can cure many hair and skin related problems. It is also know in promoting moisture and shine in the hair, and preventing dandruff and hair loss. It is said that Aloe Vera have 75 nutrients for the benefit of hair.

With our busy lifestyle and constant rush, we forget to take care of our hair. Most of the time, we prefer cosmetic products to heal the damage that is done by hair straighteners and curlers and sometime we are not satisfied with the results and try to go for natural home products. Here are a few benefits of Aloe Vera, for hair which you can use by either making paste or applying directly to the scalp for more benefits or mixing it with essential oils.

Aloe VeraAloe Vera Benefits For Hair

1Promotes hair growth

Promotes hair growth

According to some research, Aloe Vera’s use for hair loss and hair growth can be traced back to the Egyptians. It contains a certain kind of proteolitic enzymes that can promote healthy hair growth. These enzymes are able to eradicate dead skin cells from the scalp, that can clog hair follicle and may not allow penetration of proper nutrients in the hair.

Conditions like seborrhea, on the scalp can contribute on your partial baldness. Aloe Vera’s keratolic action breaks down the dead skin cells, allowing hair growth. Also, Aloe Vera’s alkalizing properties can bring back the pH level of hair and scalp to a more desirable level, resulting in more hair growth, while helping hair to retain moisture and water.

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2Anti-Pruritic properties

Anti-Pruritic properties

Anti-puritic properties can alleviate dryness and itching. Puritus can reduce ailments that include vexing scalp and skin, like eczema and psoriasis. Psoriasis is generally an auto-immune disease usually happens by the excessive production of skin cells because of Aloe Vera’s enzymatic properties it can destroy excessive dead skin cells with skin and scalp conditioning.

It can also reduce redness, itching, inflammation and scaling of scalp psoriasis benefiting the hair, as well.

3Reduces dandruff

Reduces dandruff

Aloe Vera can be used for the treatment of dandruff because of its aforementioned enzymatic breakdown of dead skin cells. They can be many cause of dandruff like fat-eating fungus on the scalp or because of malassezia.

Aloe Vera also has anti-fungal properties because fungus thrives in acidic environment and it have alkalizing attributes that counters the proactive fungal environment not allowing for further growth.

It can be used for dandruff prevention and treatment. It can moisturize dry scalp which helps in alleviating pesky flakes and treating flaky scalp is the key factor on eliminating dandruff.

4Oily hair

Oily hair

With undesirable oil build up in the scalp oily hair can be difficult to get rid off. Aloe Vera can be used as a treatment for oily hair because of its unwanted effects like making hair dry or brittle. Only a part of Aloe Vera and two parts of lemon juice will do the magic.

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5Frizzy hair

Frizzy hair

Amino acids in Aloe Vera can provide strength and shine to your hair. So, it can be used to tame frizzy hair looking silky and glossy. It can improve smoothness of your hair and can also work as a detangler.

6Anti-inflammatory benefits

Anti-inflammatory benefits

One of the basic use of Aloe Vera is to reduce inflammation and redness both externally as well as internally. It has been used most of the time to reduce external wounds, burns, swelling and also eliminate bacteria.

Bradykinase, anti-inflammatory enzymes, salicylic acid and analesgic are responsible for this calming properties in Aloe Vera.

7Conditioner for hair & scalp

Conditioner for hair & scalp

With additional eradicating and soothing scalp and skin problems, Aloe Vera can also be a great conditioning agent for hair. The gel in the leaf of Aloe Vera, has a components similar to Keratin. This structure showns the penetration of the entire length of hair shaft.

Since our scalp is more absorbent than our skin, Aloe Vera benefits absorb upto seven layers deep. The lignins properties found in the Aloe Vera can penetrate the structural material found in the your hair cellulose content. Which is why it builds both luster and strength to the hair.

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