All About Hot Oil Manicure


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hot oil manicure

If you wish to have perfectly soft and supple hands with clean, polished nails, then this is the best manicure you can opt for. Hot oil manicure is the lavish treatment for your nails. You will not find an effective alternative to pamper your hands and nails other than this manicure treatment. This is the best solution if your nails are damaged as this hot oil manicure nourishes your damaged nails and cuticle. It is just not difficult to perform but also, it is an expensive nail treatment. Instead of spending a huge share of money on this expensive nail treatment, you can opt for our quick hot oil manicure treatment.

Beginning Quick Hot Oil Manicure Treatment

Hot Oil ManicurePreparation For Hot Oil Manicure:

1. Mix ozonized sunflower oil with castor oil. Add a few drops of almond oil in the oil solution. Mix them very well and then add Vitamin E oil, olive oil, and tea tree oil.

sunflower oil2. After mixing all the ingredients, heat the mixture for 30 seconds by putting the bowl over the burner. Add a few Vitamin E capsules to this solution.

oil solution3. Let its temperature drop down to a temperature where the oil is not too warm. Now, gently dip your fingers in the oil solution until the oil solution becomes cool. If you want, you can repeat this process after reheating the oil for another 10 seconds. Again, dip your fingers in the hot oil solution and let it soak the oil until the solution completely cools off.

palm and massage4. Now, take some oil solution on your palm and massage it on all over your hands.

rinse off the oil5. Once you are done, rinse off the oil from your hands.

moisturizing lotion6. Pat your hands dry with a clean towel. Apply a handsome amount of moisturizing lotion on your hands.

hitting the sackYou can repeat this process twice a week before hitting the sack.

Benefits of Hot Oil Manicure Treatment

This hot oil treatment has a plentiful of benefits which are:

1Slows Down the Aging Process

Slows Down the Aging Process

If you keep getting this hot oil manicure treatment regularly, then you can save your nails from getting aged soon. This nail treatment slows down the process of aging.

2Improvement In Blood Circulation

Improvement In Blood Circulation

While massaging your hands with this hot oil one need to use a different and a skilled acupressure technique. This acupressure technique is considered as a great solution in the betterment of your blood circulation.

3Improvement in Skin Health

This simply amazing acupressure treatment is also beneficial for your healthy skin.

4Keeps Skin Disorders Away

Keeps Skin Disorders Away

The benefits of the hot oil manicure are not short term. It has those benefits which stay for a longer period of time and keeps the skin disorders away in a long run.

5For Cleansing and Exfoliation

For Cleansing and Exfoliation

This nail care treatment is also beneficial when it comes to the cleansing of your hands and nails. It is also capable of exfoliating your nails by improving the texture of your cuticles for a longer period of time.



In case you are affected with hangnails then this nail care treatment will result in treating your problem of hangnails easily.

7Your Nails Growth Will Increase

Your Nails Growth Will Increase

With the cleansing and exfoliating effects, your clean nails will grow faster. Oils will strengthen your nails.

8Good For Flexibility

Good For Flexibility

The massage part of the treatment provides your hands with an ability to be flexible. You will experience a different level of flexibility of your hands and wrists.

Home Hot Oil Manicure Versus Professional Hot Oil Manicure Spa

To be honest, if you can afford a hot oil treatment at a spa then you should definitely go for it. Beauticians skilled and professional hands will make you fall in love with this nail care treatment. In fact, the acupressure technique used in the hot oil manicure is difficult to understand and perform in a single go. The professional services will satisfy you with a great cleansing, exfoliating, relaxing, and fresh experience.

You should go for a hot oil manicure if you want your hands and nails to feel pampered once in a while. This pampering will result into beautiful after-effects of supple hands with shining nails.

Tiru Dehariya