5 Amazing activities that you can do solo


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Amazing activities

As a woman, you may have hundreds of insecurities and the feeling of ‘meh’ or ‘blah’ is there sometimes and you just wouldn’t want that to get into you. You wouldn’t feel like getting up and dancing, but you also wouldn’t want to just sit there and do nothing. When you feel this kind, you might have to consider doing something that you can do without feeling bored. So, it has to be something super exciting and fun. Doing some solo doesn’t mean, you are alone in it. It just means that you can get up, move your ass and accomplish something on your to-do-list. There are so many things that are not cliché that you can do when you are bored and solo.

Life isn’t fair at all times of life. It gives you brutal ideas and you might end up just doing some of them. If you are alone and you don’t want to feel bad about yourself, then don’t worry at all. All you have to do is to just get up and get going. It just takes a minute to decide what you want to do and to do that you need some motivation. So, here are some amazing activities you can do solo without getting bored.

Top Amazing Activities to do When You are Lonely

1Photo shoots

Photo shoots

Photoshoots!!! Ahhh! Aren’t they the best? Photoshoots will make you feel revived, it will make you feel like you are finally doing something for yourself and more importantly, you can click your own pictures and frame them. But, if you want to make it interesting, don’t think about what weight you are in. You are thin or fat, doesn’t really matter when you want to do something. If you want to have fun, then you might as well do the photoshoot in the most professional manner. Bring a cameraman, set up lights, pay him proper money and get your photoshoot done. Don’t bother about your clothing because the cameraman will guide you with that. You just have to have a rough idea on what kind of clothes you want to wear and the rest will be taken care off.

It could be extremely positive and beautiful because you would be glowing happily and the fact that you are doing something for yourself will make you feel super happy. Screw what others say and just be happy with how you are and what kind of clothes you have. Make it a fun and a gala evening with just yourself. If you can’t afford a professional photographer, then choose to bring a camera for yourself, set the timer and click away! Clicking pictures, no no, let me correct it! Clicking professional pictures and then framing it is a kick ass way to kill boredom.

[Also know – Some things only creative people understand]

2Don’t go to the gym

Don’t go to the gym

Yes, you are hearing it right. Don’t go to the gym. Going to the gym is too cliché and you will end up getting bored of it and you may discontinue it easily. Why pay for something that you think you want to do, but would end up not doing it anyway? Instead, go for kick boxing classes or cycling classes. That way you will end up experiencing something new and you will be revived of the fact that you don’t have to do the same old thing again and again. Swimming, trekking, yoga, Zumba classes or just group jogging could be few other healthy options if you want to consider. It is better to do things that you haven’t explored than doing things that you have already done to death.

3Makeup Makeup


Make up to Indian girls is all about just eye makeup, lipstick and a little bit of blush. There is so much more that you actually haven’t explored in the makeup area. There is foundation, hand makeup, eye lashes, eye brow make up and a lot more. Makeup is not just about dabbing some powder and going out. A proper makeup speaks the person that you are. If you are feeling bored and you want to do something solo, then find your nearest makeup counter and get a proper professional makeup done. Yes, it will cost you, but you will have the satisfaction that you are getting a professional one done. There are offers where you can also get free demos done. You could try that. If you can’t afford a professional makeup, then take the tutorial class and you can do the makeup all by yourself.

4Go down the memory lane

Go down the memory lane

Bring out all the albums and spread it in front of you. Start looking at all the old pictures. Pictures of your childhood, the one with your parents, relatives, friends and just go down the memory lane. If you want to make it even better, then try to link a story to it and write it behind the photos, so that you can save the memory for future as well. This will be a great pastime and you can definitely not be bored when you are looking at your childhood pictures, right?

5Sing, dance or drive

Sing, dance or drive

Sing, dance or drive – Or, do all the above! You can drive your car to a far place, aimlessly without having a place in mind and switch on the music. You can sing as loud as you want and shake your leg for fewer numbers. You will feel so much better that you wouldn’t feel alone or bored at all. It is something that will help you and your soul. It will make you feel much better than you actually think. Don’t worry about the people around you or about the noise you will be making. It will be hardly heard considering the lonely roads. But, be safe and drive safe.

These amazing activities can help you kill boredom and do something different during your holiday season

-Pavithra Ravi