8 Easy and Amazing Nail Arts You Must Try


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Image source: thefashionspot.com

The world of fashion is ruled by colours and shapes. The sensational fashion is always created by a blend of few things. It can be outfits, jewellery or any other accessories, all of them take a turn with various combinations. Nail art is also taking some turns and twists.

Nail art is not a small subject as it turned as a profession and an art. We try doing nail art which seems to be simple but hard in reality. Finally, end up by rubbing it off as it is not beautiful and easy as we thought. I experienced all these with my nails while trying hard to make a nail art and made some easy nail arts with little creativity. Now, successfully making simple but lovely nail arts.

Easy and Stylish Nail Art Ideas:

1. Nail Art With Imperfect Dots:

Nail art with mere imperfect dots can be a perfect idea. It appears stylish for a casual outfit with simple colours. If you want to match up nail art with party wear, then you can use glittery nail gels. You can also make a shape covering with dots. There can be many variations in dot designs.

Image source: proartcat.com

What you need:

  • A light coloured nail polish
  • A dark coloured nail polish
  • Transparent Nail polish
  • A dotter brush (If a dotten brush is not available you can use any thin tool)

How to do:

1. Apply a light colour nail polish on your nails.
2. Let it dry for some time. (Have patience until it gets dried)
3. On dried nails start to spot the dots with a dotter brush.
(size of the dots can differ a bit. Need not to be perfect in size and shape)
4. Let the spotted dots get dried. Then use a transparent nail gel to shine your nails brought.

2. Nail Art with Stones:

Nail art with stones is a cool idea. It is simple to make this nail art but appears beautiful. You can also try this art for your party wear outfit. It looks like your nails are embellished with precious diamonds.

Image source: picgrace.com

What you need:

  • A Nail polish
  • Transparent nail polish
  • Enough stones
  • Glue

How to do:

1. First, cover your nails with your fave colour nail polish.
(Let the nail polish get dried)
2. Then place the little shinning stones on your nails with glue.
3. Once the stones are fixed, apply a coat of transparent nail polish to lock the stone tight.

3. Nail Art with Stripes:

You can actually make several cute designs with some twists and turns. I know it is not so easy to take twists with a nail gel but it is not impossible. You can use the technique and here we give how to do it easily.

Image source: chattanoogasciencefair.org

What you need:

  • A dark colour nail polish
  • A light colour nail polish
  • A transparent nail polish

How to do:

1. You can cover your nails with a fave colour nail polish.
2. Take other nail polish with which you can make fine stripes.
(Better if you can use a liner nail brush)
3. Once it is dried cover your nails with transparent gel.

4. Nail Art with Floral Designs:

When you here floral, you get the difficult designs with small elements and variations. Making those small elements is not that easy. So, here are we are discussing something really can be made easy and still look wonderful.

Image source: Youtube

What you need:

  • A dark nail polish
  • A light nail polish
  • A transparent nail gel

How to do:

1. Cover your nails with a nail gel.
2. Make bigger visible dots on the dried nails and spread them slightly.
(To get a petal shape and make a little flower)
3. You can make the same little flowers as per your nail size.
4. Then cover your nails with transparent nail gel.

5. Nail Art with Fan Brush:

This stylish and simple nail art with fan brush looks stylish. Here colours you choose are important. Make a good combination of colours. You can also go for multi colours. After doing this fan brush nail art you can add on some stones if you want to decorate your nails for a party wear outfit.

Image source: cute-ideas.com

What you need:

  • A fan brush
  • Two colour nail polish
  • A transparent nail polish

How to do:

1. Take your fave colour and paint your nails.
2. Take a drop from different nail polishes.
3. Dip you fan brush into the drop and make a thin line on your nails.
(You can make the lines in the horizontal direction or vertical)
4. In the same way, make thin lines with a different nail colour.
5. Cover your nail with a top coat of transparent nail polish.

6. Nail Art with Embossed Designs:

This nail seems to be difficult. You may also feel that this nail art can only be done by a professional nail artist. But it is all possible on your own when you have all the required things and tools to do it. It looks flawless and loves your nails more and more with this idea.

Image source: nenuno.co.uk

What you need:

  • Coloured nail gel
  • Liner brush
  • Nail sugar powder
  • Transparent nail gel

How to do:

1. Polish your nails with a coloured nail gel giving proper coats.
2. Make a simple design like flowers or stripes.
3. Powder your nails on the designed.
4. Brush off the powder to see the embossed design.

7. Nail Art with a Sponge:

This nail art shows that something clumsy can also look amazing. The simple use of sponge can make perfect nail art. The blend of two different colours makes this nail art attractive. So, you need to choose the colours wisely. See that both the colours make a nice shade on your nail.

Image source: aliexpress.com

What you need:

  • Piece of sponge
  • Nail colours

How to do:

1. Firstly cover your nails with a light colour nail polish.
2. Spread the two nail colour on the sponge.
3. Gently attach the sponge on your nails.
4. Apply a coat of transparent nail polish to shine your nails.

Try these simple ideas for nail art. You can make them look wonderful with some add glitters and stones if your not liking it simple and plain. Something on your won is always satisfying and make you happy. That is how you love yourself even more.

8. Nail Art with Slight Turn:

You can make flawless nail art with gentle and slight turn on your nails. This is a simple thing to do as it seems and it will not upset you messing your nails. The only thing you should do is be a bit careful while choosing your colours. For this nail art, blue and white is my all time fave. I always try this and wonder it’s a beautiful combo. You can try with other colours of your choice.

Image source: naildesignsjournal.com

What you need:

  • Two Nail colours
  • Liner brush
  • Transparent nail polish

How to do:

1. Apply a nail colour of your choice.
2. Make dots with some extra nail polish.
3. Start spreading with a liner brush till the end of the nail.
4. Apply a top coat to shine your nails.

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