Beauty Hacks Using Baking Soda


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Beauty Hacks Using Baking Soda

Baking soda or as it is chemically known as sodium bicarbonate is basically the chemical compound with the formula of NaHCO3. It is composed of the sodium ions and biocarbonate ions. It has many health benefits and can be used for cooking, skin care, hair care and many more things. Here are some uses and beauty hacks using baking soda that you must know.

Uses of Baking soda:

Clean The Brushes And Combs

Clean The Brushes And CombsTo get more lustrous hair with shine, always try to keep your brushes as well as combs clean. You can remove all the natural oil build-up and residue of the hair product just by soaking the combs and brushes in the solution of one teaspoon of baking soda into a small basin of warm water. Try to rinse and allow it to dry.

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Clean The Coffee And Tea Pots

You can remove the coffee and tea stains as well as eliminate all the bitter off-tastes off by washing the mugs and the coffee makers into a solution of one fourth cup of baking soda in one quart of warm water. For more stubborn stains, try to soak the utensils overnight in this solution of baking soda and detergent or even scrubbing with the baking soda on a clean damp sponge.

Clean the Oven

Clean the OvenFirst sprinkle some baking soda on the bottom of your oven. Spray it with some water to dampen up the baking soda. Then let the soda sit overnight. In morning, try to scrub, scoop the baking soda and grime out the sponge, or vacuum, and then rinse.

Remove Oil and Grease Stains

You can use the baking soda to clean up all the light-duty oil and spills of grease on the garage floor or on the driveway. Sprinkle some baking soda on the grease spot and scrub with wet brush.

Beauty Hacks Using Baking Soda

1. Teeth whitener

Teeth whitenerTooth discoloration happens because of many type of reasons. It do gets into a lot of discomfort. Baking soda is one of the most helpful product in giving you the relief from this kind of problem. In fact, baking soda have amazing properties that can work effectively in whitening the teeth. Just take one tablespoon of baking soda and mix it with some water and brush the teeth normally. Try to repeat this process once in a week for some months to receive much better results.

2. Exfoliates Your Skin

Exfoliates Your SkinThe presence of abundant beauty properties of the baking soda is highly potential in removing the dead cells from the skin. A skin which have dead cells looks very dry as well as dull. Therefore, exfoliation is very necessary. Baking soda mixed with lemon juice and apple cider vinegar can work fantastically in eliminating all the dead cells from skin. Just remember to mix all the ingredients properly and take on your palm. Then rub this paste on the skin for some time. Then, wash the skin by using some cold water. The skin becomes fresh, clean as well as supple after applying the paste.

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3. Nourishes Your Hair

Nourishes Your HairYour busy schedule can make your hair dry as well as rough. Moreover, when you use too much of harsh chemical products on the hair, your hair becomes very brittle. Then the baking soda come to the rescue in giving a relief. Just take on some baking soda and mix it with some regular shampoo. Take a head bath with this shampoo. Try to follow this process once in a week to get shiny as well as beautiful hair.

4. Keeps Body Odor Out

Keeps Body Odor OutBad odor from the body can trouble you a lot. Baking soda on the other hand can effectively combat with the bad odor of the body. Take at least one teaspoon of baking soda and mix with one teaspoon of coconut oil. Then mix all of these ingredients well and apply it in underarms. This prevents bad odor of the body. This method can really work in curbing the sweat stains.

5. Acne

AcneAcne mostly occurs because of the excess oil which is present on your skin. Baking soda can work greatly in absorbing the excess oil from skin and thus prevents from acne. First take a teaspoon of baking soda and in it add a small amount of honey. Then add drops of tepid water in the mixture. Try to mix these ingredients well to form in a thick paste. Then spread the paste on the acne affected area and let it completely dry for few minutes. Try to repeat this process everyday for two weeks until you notice better results.

6. Shining Nails

Shining NailsNails are very first thing that can get noticed pretty easily. So nails must have been taken utmost care. Take some baking soda in the nail brush and rub it on your nails. Wait for about 10 minutes and then wash out the nails using the tepid water. Try to repeat this process two times a week for beautiful nails.

7. Soothe An Insect Bite

Soothe An Insect BiteTry to make a paste of the baking soda with water, apply the paste on the affected area. Then let it dry for about two minutes and wipe it up by using a cotton ball.

8. Freshen Up Your Hands

Freshen Up Your HandsIf you want to remove odor from your hands, then you can add three spoons of baking soda as well as one big spoon of water in a bowl. Stir them well and apply it all over the hands. Rub this mixture on the hands and later rinse them off.

9. As A Mouthwash

As A MouthwashFirst mix one teaspoon of baking soda in the glass of water. Then stir them well using spoon. By taking a big sip, gargle for a few seconds. All that you will be left is with fresh breath and clean mouth!

10. Banish Blackheads

Banish BlackheadsFirst make a paste by adding a spoon of water in the baking soda and applying it around all the blackhead affected area for about 10 minutes. It can help to treat blackheads and make them come out more easily. Try to apply two to three times in a week for more better results.

11. As A Bath Soak

As A Bath SoakFor a more relaxing end to a long day, add half cup of baking soda to the bath to neutralize the acids on your skin and help it wash away the oil as well as perspiration while soak. When baking soda is combined with water, it can help softening as well as soothing the skin while calming all the irritants that the body can bring to the surface as a result of a bite, skin irritation, or even mild sunburn.

12. As a face wash

As a face washExfoliating the face can help to remove the rough dead skin as well as reveal a more brighter, and younger-looking skin. But if the scrub is harsh, you can also end up looking like you have got a bad facial. For a gentle, antifungal face wash, combine one tablespoon of raw organic honey and one teaspoon of baking soda in the palm and rub them together. Massage in circular motions, gently. Let the paste sit for a minute and then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

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