Home Remedies for Sun Tan Removal


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Home Remedies for Sun Tan Removal

The summers could be harsh on your systems. Be it in your overall level of hydration, be it the mineral contents, or just the general feeling of well being. The soaring mercury spares none with its treachery. What we often may tend to overlook is the attention that our skin pigmentation requires.

When beating the heat is on the mind, then minimal clothing is what most of us go for. We heed not the obvious warnings, and the ricochet is there, stark in front of our eyes. Grotesque, tan marks in all the wrong parts of our body.

Read about these home remedies for sun tan removal, and do not let the scrutinizing, scorching rays of the sun get the better of you.

Tips for Tan Removal

1Cucumber, Rose Water and Lemon Juice

Rose Water and Lemon Juice

This just may be one of the most effective home remedies for sun tan removal. All the ingredients are easily available and have what you may realize to be game changing effects on the tanned section of your skin.

Cucumber and Lemon are natural bleaching agents of the highest order when it comes into effect. Lemon juice is rich in vitamin c and citric acid, which alleviate the lightening of the skin tone and leaves a clear reflection on. Vitamin c is all muscles, when it comes to anti-oxidizing capabilities. It evens out the free radicals, thus removes age and dark spots.

It is usually recommended to use a sunscreen with high Sun Protection Factor (SPF) numbers, when you are undergoing any sort of therapy for your skin that includes lemon, as the acidity in the juice makes the skin vulnerable to Ultra Violet (UV) rays of the sun.

2Gram Flour and Turmeric Paste

Gram Flour and Turmeric Paste

This particular type of gram flour we are talking about is called, Besan, in India. Its combination with turmeric could be used for bleaching and scrubbing purpose, besides lightening skin pigmentation.

Turmeric is individually used as an antiseptic, and also adds the glow factor to the skin. Whereas the gram flour exfoliates the dead cells.

3Papaya and Honey

Papaya and Honey

Papaya has a healthy enzyme, known as papain which brings about lightening of the skin pigmentation, and even lightens old scars. Whereas honey scrubs the oil and tones the skin. What’s more, the combination tastes heavenly.

4Tomato, Yogurt and Lemon Juice

Tomato, Yogurt and Lemon Juice

This face rub packs in powerful bleaching agents and also works wonders for your skin pigmentation. The dark spots due to melanin concentration are also removed. Tomato juice has natural toning properties, opens up the pores and washes away the oil deposits. Yogurt acts as the moisturizer.

5Aloe vera, Red lentil and Tomato

Aloe vera, Red lentil and Tomato

This combination lightens the pigmentation of the skin and also hydrates the skin. Red lentils have deep cleansing properties and removes even the most extreme case of tanning.

The natural steroids present in Aloe Vera, is known to reinforce burns and wounds, besides it also has vital hydrating properties. Whereas tomatoes, rejuvenates the skin from within.

6Oatmeal and Buttermilk

Oatmeal and Buttermilk

Oatmeal would more often than not would make it to any diet list concerning weight loss. It also acts as a great Exfoliator for the skin. This may be the easiest fix you may have for sun tan removal.

Buttermilk moisturizes the skin and soothes the inflamed areas, and even blisters. Oatmeal acts as a natural exfoliator and removes dead cells and blackheads.

7Orange Juice and Yogurt

Orange Juice and Yogurt

The sheer stock of vitamin c not only removes skin blemishes through its bleaching properties, but also encourages the generation of new cells. Orange also contains collagen, which slows down the aging process by acting as a natural toner. Yogurt moisturizes the skin, and also provides it with a much needed protein boost.

8Potato and Lemon Juice

Potato and Lemon Juice

A Potato can be very beneficial for the skin. They in fact are said to be among the oldest known remedy for skin tanning, as they are loaded with, proteins, minerals and fibers, which could be easily absorbed through the skin.

Lemon juice and potato can be extremely beneficial for dark circles as well.

By Abhro

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