Best Laser Treatments for Facial Hair


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laser treatments for facial hair

Every woman has facial hair, there is nothing to be ashamed about. Once you have discovered that you have got excessive facial hair, and if that is associated any hormonal imbalance hormone treatment will be given or should be given if the hair is fine hair and spaas hair then you are lucky and you can just treat it at home say easily bleach able or even threading can be done because the thicker hair is not going to be amenable to either bleaching or even threading. You may want to do waxing but here one word of caution they will get post waxing acne and that is very difficult to treat. So, if the hair is thicker, then we do have to go in for treatments in the clinic. The safe most affected treatment is laser hair removal. After your sessions of a laser, 80% of your hair will be gone, 10-20% will be there but that hair will be fine. Here are some of the best laser treatments for facial hair and its types.

Facial Hair Removal Treatments

Types of Lasers

Types of LasersWhen it comes to hair removal, there are different types The main types of laser hair removal machines are:

  • Diode Laser Hair Removal
  • Nd:YAG Laser Hair Removal
  • Alexandrite Laser Hair Removal
  • IPL(Intense Pulse Light Hair Removal)

The commonest and the most useful is the Diode Laser Hair Removal. Even the Nd:YAG Laser Hair Removal is also useful. These two are very effective on Indian skins. If you have white complexes skin with dark hair, these two techniques are useful. Now the Diode Lasers have evolved to painless lasers.

Diode Laser Hair Removal

Diode Laser Hair RemovalThe Diode laser hair removal system is modified to other laser systems in the way the laser is made. Diode laser hair removal systems are built up of diodes or semiconductors. The longer laser wavelength provides reliable and extensive skin penetration. It is Fast recovery. Also, reduces the risk of epidermis damage. The Severe side effects include burns and skin discoloration. The lasers are linked to urticaria

Nd:YAG laser hair removal

Nd YAG laser hair removalThis has solid state lasers. They work at wavelengths of 1064nm. Nd:YAG laser hair removal systems work on all skin types, including Asian skin tones. Large areas can be treated quickly.

It is the most advanced type of laser treatment.But the carbon present in the laser can cause a tattoo-like effect.

Alexandrite laser hair removal

Alexandrite laser hair removalThe laser wavelength is 755nm. Alexandrite system works on light to olive skin types. The treatment is effective for thin hair types and has an excellent penetration rate, Hair on Large areas of skin can be covered. But the system is not suitable for darker skin types. The treatment is painful due to the high laser repetition rate.

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Intense Pulse Light Hair Removal

Intense Pulse Light Hair RemovalThe system is a non-coherent laser. This is not rigorously a laser, but equal to it. The IPL is more flexible than laser hair removal, as there is no wavelength. The treatment works on most skin and hair types. It doesn’t if you have blond, red or white hair. The treatment is based on your personal needs. At the same time IPL system cannot be given on sun exposed skin. It also causes damage to pigment producing cells. It results in dark patches on your skin.

Why Laser Treatment?

Why Laser TreatmentIn Laser treatments, you need to take multiple sessions. Why? Each hair is an individual, it has a growing phase, it has a resting phase, and it has a shedding phase. The laser is a beam of light which penetrates the skin and it targets the roots. And the roots which are in the growing stage get Target. What about the roots which are in the shedding stage or in the resting stage. Nothing happens to them. So, therefore these hairs have to be treated one month later.

Now if some people do not have any hormonal problem, and they just have what we call is idiopathic excessive facial hair they would require somewhere between 10-15 sessions and especially the hair which are on the upper lip, requires a little more. If someone has a hormonal problem, like PCOs then they definitely require 15-20 sessions in between the two sessions of lasers. You can shave the hair,you can bleach the hair,but you cannot wax or thread it because the roots have to be treated next time. So, you have to leave the roots intact. The laser is not so effective on fine hair, especially these lasers were you have one or two white hair on the chin or on the sides that hair also cannot be treated by the lasers because laser requires pigmentation or melanocyte to be present in the roots. Having excessive facial hair is nothing to be ashamed about.