Carbohydrate Free Indian Food For Better Living


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Indian Food

While in dieting the very first thing that comes to our mind is that; is Indian food good for dieting? As because Indian food is mostly cooked in oil or ghee, a dairy product, that contains a lot of carbohydrate and fat. So, instead we stop eating these foods and start dieting on fruits and juices. So here, are some carbohydrate free Indian food that are good for living.

What are carbs?

What are carbsCarbs are considered as one of the basic nutrients, that is found in all the plant foods and based on the chemical structures, it can be classified as monosaccharide, disaccharides as well as polysaccharides. In simple terms, carbs can also be divided as simple carbs or complex carbs. Indian low carb diet, call for minimum or even no intake of carbs.

These complex carbs are healthy for the body and even allowed in Indian low carb diet for proper weight loss.

This distribution can change depending on an individual’s requirement as well as medical conditions. As you can see that the majority of calories, come from the carbs, so planning an Indian low carb diet is quite challenging, as we need calories through proteins and fats. We can never over do the fats of course, so it leaves us with the option of meeting the calorie requirements through the proteins. Each of the nutrients provide different amount of calories.

Carbohydrate Free Indian Food

1. Almonds

AlmondsAlmond is a species of tree that is native to the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent and North Africa. In its 100 grams of servings, you will get 576 calories, 49g of fat, 22g of total carbohydrate, and many more. It is the best food to start your day with.

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2. Rajma / Kidney beans

RajmaRajma or Kidney beans are one of the most popular food products in India. It is made into Rajma curry in many households, and serve as a delicacy with rice. It is also known as the meat substitute for the vegetarians. With its 100 gms of consumption, you will get 333 calories, 0.8g of fat, 60g of carbohydrate and many more nutrients.

3. Mung Dal / Green Gram

Mung DalMung beans are basically the plant species of the legume family. They are mostly cultivated in India, Korea, China and other Southeastern Asia. In India, it is basically prepared in the form of a dal, a special kind of dish in Indian cuisine. With every 100 gms of serving, you will get 347 calories, 1.2g fat, 63g carbohydrate and many more nutrients.

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4. Panner / cottage cheese

PannerYes, panner is the product of milk, and it is very tasty as well as nutritious food. It is mostly made of curdled milk. At every 100grams of servings, you will get 98 calories, 4.3g fat, 3.4g carbohydrates and many more nutrients.

5. Curd

CurdYogurt or curd is a type of food that is produced by the bacterial fermentation of the milk. The bacteria that are used to make yogurt are known as “yogurt cultures”. It is one of the most staple food in India, and is also considered auspicious. With every 100 grams of servings you will get, 59 calories, 0.4g of fat, 3.6g of carbohydrates.

Tips For Following An Indian Low Carb Diet:

Choose Complex Carbs: Indian low carb diet, calls on for giving up the consumption of the simple carbs and include more of amount of complex carbs through the whole grains like oats, brown rice, barley, whole wheat, whole wheat pasta as well as whole wheat breads. These whole grains are basically complex carbs that contains plenty of fiber. With proper intake of these foods can facilitate the weight loss process.

Increase Protein Intake: Protein can help to get the feel of satiety. They can help to stabilize the blood sugar level and control the cravings. You can also include more of the low fat dairy products, like lean meats, legumes, beans and a total of amount of 50 gram protein per day.

High On High Fiber Food: By having raw salads with the meals and good amount of fruits can ensure the increase of fibre intake in your diet. Green leafy vegetables are also very rich in minerals and they can help in maintaining certain health conditions like the blood pressure as well as diabetes. By being high in fibre, it can aid in the weight loss. Besides fruits as well as veggies, you can add fenugreek (methi) seeds, flax seeds, sprouts and whole grains to the meals.

Watch Your Fat: You need to avoid the Trans fats. Which means that you need to stay away from the fast foods as well as deep fried foods like cutlets, fries, cheese sticks as well as pakodas. You can also try to consume all the monounsaturated fats that are present in the olive oil, peanut oil and mustard seed oil as they can help in limiting the carb intake and in bringing the feeling of satiety. Try to avoid saturated fats that are present in butter, ghee and margarine.

Become A Wise Eater: Low carbs and desserts one of the rare combination. Many people think that by excluding desserts completely from their diet, it can allow them to lead a more healthy life. Actuality, it is not about the omission, but about selecting your food properly without depriving yourself! All you need is to eat in limitations. Every food, when being eaten in a certain limitation, can benefit the health with many undesirable consequences that begin to appear once when you stop watching the portion intakes. Staying in the limits can help in controlling as well as maintaining the weight apart from helping to avoid sugar hikes and also stabilize blood sugar levels. So try to eat wisely and be healthy.

Do Regular Exercises: After many years of research, many experts have claimed that a person who does regular exercise has a better health in comparison to the person who doesn’t. Exercise can help to maintain good body weight, can keep the blood sugar levels under control, aids inbetter functioning of the heart as well as other organs. You can increase the carb allowance window by exercising.

Avoid Binging: Most of the snacks, are carbs that we binge, whether it can be a chocolate, candy, chips, pastries or even fries! If you learn to avoid binge eating, you will get success in cutting down lot of unwanted carbs. You can try to eat all the meals in time and most importantly, you can eat them in regular intervals.

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