10 Best Pieces Of Career Advice For Every Young Woman


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Career Advice For Every Young Woman

Choosing a career path is something very personal, but amidst all the confusion and fear of making just the right choices, young girls tend to forget how much they are capable of. Young women these days don’t just have dreams and ambitions, but they also have the will and means to achieve them. And while we support all types of career choices they would make we just want them to follow these simple but genius piece of career advice which will help them achieve great heights in any profession they choose. Here is a list of 10 best pieces of career advice for every young woman.

Career advice for young girls

advice for young girlsTo all the young women out there, if you have joined a career or willing to take up any field seriously here are a few career tips for women your age should know and follow completely. This simple career advice will take you a long way in your work life and make you look really confident, professional and smart.

1. Believe in your ideas

Don’t get bogged down by what your colleagues say, If you have an idea that you think would be really great then just say it out loud. Don’t let people make you doubt your ideas. Believe in them, You may not be conventional, and people may try to bring you down, but what works more is that you actually don’t think conventionally. If you have an idea you’re passionate about, learn to believe in it.

2. Network

Image Source: pinterest.com

One of the most important piece of advice anyone can ever give you is to build relations and network as much as you can. In your work place not everybody is going to like you, Some may be of different wavelength, some may be threatened by your work and others may just be plain blunt. The best thing to do is maintain amicable relations with everybody, Saying hi never hurt anyone, learn to network and try to build good relations with people. You never know when you will need to ask a favour from someone.

3. Value your worth

While working in an office, learn to value your worth. Every body deep inside has an idea about their worth. You may some times underestimate yourself, but don’t let this become a habit. Eventually you may end up actually becoming very less productive if you initially let this feeling get to you. Make sure you know your exact worth in your workplace and learn to demand what you deserve. Only you can speak for yourself and being tough is a virtue all successful people have had. Get a clue.

4. Dress perfectly

Dress perfectly
Image Source: pinterest.com

You should always dress to impress girl, Don’t be shy to dress up like you are. Don’t feel affected by the corporate dullness around you. Dress smartly if you love to. Wear your sarees or the kurtis and your pants too. Do what your inner stylist thinks is good. So far you follow the office guidelines, don’t be scared to be yourself. Wear pink if you want, It is a perfect way to portray confidence.People tend to respect and admire you more if you dress confidently even if they don’t have the first clue about your work. Dress smart and work hard.

5. Don’t expect Praise

Do not expect to get a review of your work every time or get praised for a work well done, It doesn’t necessarily work that way. For young women just starting their careers, this can be a little difficult to digest. Confidence sells, and so far you know that you’ve worked properly and fine, you shouldn’t be worried. Know your worth and be confident do not wait for any appreciation of recognition to boost your moral.

6. Learn to refuse

Learn to refuseSometimes you may be at crossroads in your career, and even though you may know what you want you will face a dilemma of choice. At that point just remember, its perfectly fine to say NO, Don’t want to work after office hours? Say No. Don’t want to take up colleagues work? Say No.

People may try to push you aside to get themselves ahead and take you for granted if you don’t refuse to their will. Take a stand for yourself, work your best and say no to all that you can’t or don’t want to do.

7. Don’t get attached too much

We are not asking you to stay aloof, but sometimes getting emotionally involved in something and making family like bond at workplace can stop you from thinking logically. If you have a better offer elsewhere, you may not want to leave for the great people here. Your career is all about the choices you make. From the beginning make a foundation for a higher structure, take baby steps but don’t stop till you reach there. And you can always meet friends from office outside of work.

8. Step out of your comfort zone

Step out of your comfort zone
Image Source: www.britishexploring.org

The best way to step out your comfort zone is by saying yes more often. Take on new challenges, professionally as well as personally. You will not just make good strength but also improve your weaker zones. The employer will see you as a go-getter and a confident professional for your willingness and your ability to step out of your comfort zone. Stay focused and you will be able to do what you are scared of.

9. Don’t go after money

Think what is important to you. Some jobs pay really high but they wont give you joy. In the long run you do not want to be stuck doing a job you hate. So initially don’t run after money, take it slow. Test the waters, try doing what you like even if it is paying you less. You may eventually earn big when your job is your passion, because then no one can stop you from being the best.

10. Don’t buy the idea of age

Don’t buy the idea of ageA lot of old people who have worked for years into the work place will try to tell you what is best for you. They will often say “you’re young, you will know better when you are old.” Don’t buy this idea. There is a reason why young people are hired even though they have no experience. Young people like you have new ideas, you have the zeal to pursue something completely new. Slowly age will try to slow you down, it will ask you to do the conventional, you may start having second thoughts faster. But don’t let it come your way. Just always remain young at heart, Someone who doesn’t feel scared of change, Someone who isn’t scared to try the new idea. Be that person always and success will be your for sure.

A good career is everybody’s wish, but to make the most out of your career you should always have a great health to enjoy it. Keep yourself healthy and fit. Do not compromise on yourself. Maintain a work and life balance and with these simple yet brilliant career advice for young woman we are sure, you ladies will have a wider idea of what you should do once you start working. We wish you a good luck for life and all the success you dream for.

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After following, all my dreams in life. I have always found myself coming back to writing. Be it about my travel adventures or my undying love for fashion and beauty. With a knack for all things fancy, I am constantly in search for the best fashion trends and age old beauty secrets, And as someone who considers herself a voracious reader, finding just the right advice isn’t that hard. With love for my pen, and my heart in the clouds I wish to make the world a prettier place to be.