Nauli Kriya For Abdomen Health And Perfect Curves
Nauli or Nauli Kriya is a basically technique for the abdominal massage in the ‘Hatha Yoga’. There are many tremendous benefits of Nauli kriya for abdomen. It is considered as one of the six...
Health Benefits Of Batabi Lebu Or Pomelo
The batabi lebu or pomelo is considered as an unusual member of the citrus fruit family, that have surprisingly number of health benefits for those who are willing to do a bit of searching....
Home Remedies For Scalp Fungus
Fungus or fungal infections can wreak havoc on any part of your body, that is including – the scalp fungus, the feet fungus, skin fungus, etc. It can be a comfortable breeding ground for...
Shoulder Stand Or Sarvangasana Yoga To Increase Height
‘Sarvangasana’ in Sanskrit means ‘Sarva’ - ‘Entire’; ‘Anga’ - ‘Body Parts’ and ‘Asana’ - ‘pose’. It is considered as one of the few yoga poses which can help to stimulate as well as regulate...
Diet foods that will help you maintain/lose weight
Any diet plan works best when you plan the intake of the food, which provides the perfect balance of calories, carbs, proteins and vitamins. The body will not be able to resist over intake...
Amazing Health Benefits of Sabja Seeds (Basil Seeds) For Health And Beauty
You might have come across a lot of drinks on the supermarket shelf these days that have a gelatinous seed with black core and it is seen floating throughout the drink. You might have...
Reclining Hero Pose Or Supta Virasana Yoga For Knee Pain
The heart-opening as well as deep spine extension, can really make you feel more heroic when working on reclining hero pose or supta virasana yoga for knee pain. Kneeling on the shins as well...
Padmasana or The Lotus Pose – The King Of Yoga Asana
Yoga is basically a group of mental, physical, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India. The origin of yoga is believed to be speculated to the pre-Vedic Indian traditions. It is...
Health Benefits of Vitamin E Capsules for Hair & Skin
Does maintaining a good as well as healthy skin and hair is one of your major concern? Particularly when you have a dry skin or hair loss. Then put all your worries aside because...
Top 15 Amazing Health Benefits of Green Chillies
Green chilli is one of the most popular ingredient for food flavors in India. Indian cuisine can not be complete without a hint of green chilli and from times immemorial this has been a therapeutic...
GM Diet Plan for Quick and Balanced Weight Loss
We always want to eat healthily and lose weight, there lies the paradox. How can you even eat and expect to lose weight? Well, there are certain diets which aim at adding more and...
Bust Myths For A Luscious Thigh Gap
A thigh gap is the epitome symbol of a tone and slim body. It is the clear space under your crotch between upper and middle thighs. A thigh gap means you are largely devoid...
Chakrasana Or Wheel Pose For Obesity
The chakrasana which is also known as urdhva dhanurasana or wheel pose or Upward facing bow pose, is basically a backbend exercise and an asana in a form of the trail of exercises in...
Some Amazing Bottle Gourd Benefits
What is lauki vegetable, Well bottle gourd is a white flowered gourd also popular as calabash, opo squash, long melon, suzza melon, Tasmania bean and in India popularly called as Lauki, AAL, doohi, ghiya,...
Halasana (Plough Pose) And Its Benefits
Halasana (Plough Pose) is considered as one of the most advanced yoga pose, yet it is quite simple to practice as well as contains a lot of benefits. ‘Hala’ means ‘To Plough’ and ‘Asana’...
Top benefits of early morning Yoga
Are you not an early morning person? Well, not many are! But, when you taste the fruit of calmness and natural spirit, you can soon become one. Early mornings are generally very productive than...
Habituate for the Benefits of Mint Leaves
Pudina or Mint leaves are herbs that provide oral freshness. It can be used to add in your cup of tea, or to make ‘Pudina ki chutney’ or even as a salad seasoning. It...
How To Choose The Best Oil For Body Massage?
A body massage can be a perfect way to unwind after a hectic day at work. Although a body massage can seem like a luxury, but it has become more like a necessity these...
Healthy Digestive System For Healthy Living
Neglecting your digestive system means neglecting your body and health, because digestive system helps in breaking down the food you eat into nutrients for your body. Avoiding it can lead to irregular way of...
Healthy Food for Different Parts of Our Body
It is never late to opt for a healthier lifestyle! So, start with simple foods to set a start for better and healthy life. It is important to treat your body with healthy foods,...
Healthy summer drinks for everybody
Summer is here and with the heat you have a lot other side effects like pollution, heat waves, eyes burning, body sweating, heat strokes, etc. They say that your body becomes easily dehydrated during...
Various Benefits Of Black Grapes For Health, Skin And Hair
One of the benefits of black grapes is that it is known for their velvety colour as well as sweet flavour, that come packed with all the nutrients and antioxidants. With the cultivation that...