Laughter Yoga- Healthy And Happy Laughing Session
When it is about health and well being, yoga tops as the first option. The yoga poses and methods play a crucial part of yoga. Some of the popular yoga poses contribute many health...
10 Yoga Poses for Beginners
Yoga is a practice which gives physical, mental, and spiritual peace. Yoga means union. Hinduism recognises that there are many paths to the divine and so there are many types of yogas. So, here...
A Healthy Diet With Green Tea
What is it that you love to drink when you get up in the morning? Coffee or Tea? If Coffee then you must read this article about the benefits of drinking Tea and if...
Best Yoga For Weight Loss And Toning For Abs Part 2
Abs are one of the most beautiful part in your body. We all dream of having that perfect body where you can see as well as feel those abs and what can be best...
Nauli Kriya For Abdomen Health And Perfect Curves
Nauli or Nauli Kriya is a basically technique for the abdominal massage in the ‘Hatha Yoga’. There are many tremendous benefits of Nauli kriya for abdomen. It is considered as one of the six...
Easy To Loose Weight, And Easy To Gain Healthy Life
Everybody loves to look healthy and fit. Healthy life brings us healthy and glowing skin as well as healthy life. We try many dietary processes to look fit, but it becomes difficult to follow...
5 Effective Yoga Asanas For a Flat Belly
In the present day of fast moving life and increasing stress, yoga gives breathe to keep a healthy life. Our eating habits are changing according to our need. So staying fit and keepiYogas For...
Possible Ways To Lose Menopause Weight – Grow Healthy
Woman suffer with some natural and common health issues. They keep taking pain and blood loss during menstruation which is called natural. The scientific and biological reasons behind menstruation make the pain simple for...
3 Best Indian Diet Methods with Diet Plans for Women Weight Loss- Women’s Health
Women work hard to get into a desired shape. The unnatural ways and path of losing the weight are growing these days. Women tend to get attracted to the offers that are...
Benefiting Aerobic Exercises For Your Body Fat
We all try so many things to reduce belly fat, like exercising, gym, yoga, dieting, etc. But many a times some of these things seem useless or doesn’t provide satisfactory results. When we start...
Upper Body Workout For Women (Push)
Did you like the body of Katrina Kaif on the song ‘Kala Chasma’? Uff, those lovely abs she made, and those gorgeous figure. Right? Who didn’t notice her amazing body? Seeing her, I feel...
10 Indian Home Remedies And Prevention For Gastritis
Do you often find yourself suffering from the constant pain and discomfort after eating? If there is a sharp shooting pain and irritation in your abdomen before or even after eating, gastritis could be...
Best Yoga For Weight Loss And Toning For Abs
Yoga is one of the best form of exercises, sometimes even yoga can be difficult as it have a lot of twisting and turning. But, this twisting as well as turning can also help...
Proven Health Benefits of Neem Leaves
The bitter tasting tree stem used as datoon may bring back memories from childhood for a lot of us. Neem tree has always been known for its numerous health and beauty benefits, from before...
Diet Plan For Orthopedic Patients
When you are orthopedic or have arthiritis then the only thing that come to your mind is how to heal the problem. Generally this disease happens in the much later stage of life, but...
14 Effective Ways to Reduce Belly Fat Without Exercise
Losing weight is highly tough and you don’t even know from where and how you got all the fat in your body. This is a sad fact that you were unconscious of gaining weight....
Eating Night Time Saves Your Time But Not Health – Ways To Stop It
What do we need to eat food? I know hunger is the answer but not the right answer. When you are eating food, you need to check the time. Everything runs according to the...
Food items that you cannot take during periods
It isn’t wrong at all to crave for some sugar delights when you are on the tough period days of your month. But the problem is that, your tongue might like it, your body...
Easy-To-Do Yoga Poses For Weight Loss
Yoga can be really beautiful as well as soul connecting exercise. It has been practiced for more than a decade. It can promote better health not only from outside but also from inside. It...
Three Power Yoga For Weight Loss
Power Yoga is basically derived from Ashthanga Yoga. Ashthanga Yoga, basically involves synchronizing your breath with a progressive series of the postures in a process to produce intense internal heat as well as profuse,...
GM Diet Plan for Quick and Balanced Weight Loss
We always want to eat healthily and lose weight, there lies the paradox. How can you even eat and expect to lose weight? Well, there are certain diets which aim at adding more and...
Amazing Benefits of Lemon Balm
Lemon balm, for those who know about it, is a potent source of healing and therapy. The nomenclature is attributed to the overriding scent of lemon. The plant has known to have a drastic...