Weird and bizarre ways of losing weight
Eating ice cream and cakes can actually make you lose weight. Unbelievable? Well, yes, you saw that right and it is absolutely true. Losing weight or trying to cut down on calories doesn’t have...
Diet foods that will help you maintain/lose weight
Any diet plan works best when you plan the intake of the food, which provides the perfect balance of calories, carbs, proteins and vitamins. The body will not be able to resist over intake...
9 foods that help you in weight loss
When you think of losing weight, eating will absolutely be the last option. You start avoiding food and skip meals in order to lose. But, if you continue skipping meals, then you are prone...
How to lose weight healthily and naturally
Indians always have that amazing friend who just looks hotshot and can make heads turn. You are dying to become one of them. Well, losing weight has always been a difficult task keeping in...