Why We Must Watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S
F.R.I.E.N.D.S was premiered in about 21 years ago. A story that revolves around six mid twenty something, friends who are living in New York, and are always trying to get their life together. When...
Reasons why we all must watch ‘Game of Thrones’
We might have heard that ‘Game Of Thrones’ received the most Emmy Award this year, beating ‘Frasier’ in in fictional drama series and all we are thinking about is getting a Netflix subscription to...
Tips on how well you can celebrate April fool’s day
Lot of people may even get confused between dates of Republic day and Independence Day, but no one would ever forget what day it is today. April 1st is always celebrated as one of...
Top Holi events, 2016 in Hyderabad
Holi is a beautiful festival that is celebrated all over India. In Hyderabad, Holi is one such grand event where people traditionally start from home itself. Holi events basically have been only now where...
Top best TV Series of all times
Well, it is snowing there in the US and now is the time you can catch up on all the series. While India is still in the winter season, it is hard to get...
Signs that prove that you are a Grey’s Anatomy fan
Grey’s anatomy – The first thing that comes to everybody’s mind is the inoperable cases, the lost yet lovely patients, the beautiful relationships everyone has with each other and so on. You have probably...
Throwback Comedy shows of 90’s
Indian television comedy shows were laugh-out-loud funny earlier. It was just not the for the sake of being funny. They flatter us with one-liner at a time; these soaps can still give us a...
Things that prove that Carrie Bradshaw was a badly written character
While there are still rumors about making the third version of SEX and the CITY, it excites us! Doesn’t it? It feels like you know the characters and who they are and what they...
Some lessons “F.R.I.E.N.D.S” has taught us
Have you wondered if a particular series has been so intriguing that you keep watching it again and again? There are so many TV series that influence you on a daily basis. May it...
8 reasons why F.R.I.E.N.D.S could have made an amazing movie
F.R.I.E.N.D.S as everyone knows has been one of the most celebrated sitcom of the 90’s and early 2000’s. It is not only a sitcom that everyone watches on a daily basis, but was more...