Reasons On Why You Do Not Have Orgasms
There are a lot of debates going on, on how a woman is very different as well as abnormal when she does not have orgasms or you can say does not reach the climax....
How To Keep Good Relationship With Your Ex After Breakup
Just broke up or broke up long back? Doesn't matter, being in a relationship you have understood how good friends, you were with your ex, right? Now, you miss him most as a friend,...
Maharashtrian Brahmin Wedding Rituals And Tips
No matter where ever you go, you can never ignore your roots. Though I am not a Maharashtrian, their rituals, as well as their marriage, always fascinated me. Maharashtrians originated from the Western state...
How To Enjoy Shopping With Sister
Are you a kind of person, who have a best friend in the face of a sister or in other words, is your sister your best friend? You have never found any kind of...
Dating Tips In Girl-Girl Relationship
It does not matter what kind of relationship you are in, there is always some kind of rules, but some rules in a lesbian or girl-girl relationship is something that many people do not...
Marriage Ritual Tips for Kerala Brahmin Wedding
Marriage, is one of the most beautiful experience in life. India has unity in diversity in its culture. Many different regions have many different ritual, traditions in their way to make the wedding very...
10 Reasons To Be Single
So, you broke up with your boyfriend. You are heartbroken and sad. Now you are single. You might be thinking "How can I be single? It is wrong. immediately need to find a boyfriend."...
6 Ways To Have A Perfect Anniversary
Celebrating a day of love is like celebrating the joy and signifying your bond and relationship. Being with the most special person of your life is like a celebration anyway. The best part of...
How To Have An Amazing First Vacation With Boyfriend
How do you explain relationship? It is a most difficult thing to explain a relationship, as it can be a very serene experience. When a person loves you, all you would want to do...
10 Secrets Of Happy Relationship
Relationships, come in all shapes and sizes. Some are married, some are living together, whereas some couples are romantic. Relationships can be sustained in a happy note, with some of the secret rules. Relationships...
7 Reasons Why Sex Is Better After Marriage
If you think that casual or any other modern version of sex is better than having ‘boring sex’ with your husband, then my dear you are misguided! Having sex is in itself is the...
8 Ways to Deal with a Jealous Boyfriend
Are you in a relationship? Is your boyfriend jealous when you talk to your male friend or some other guy? Jealousy is such a common problem with couples who are married or dating younger...
8 Common Mistakes People Make While Selecting The Spouse
Marriage is the most beautiful experience in life, and selecting a life partner is the most difficult task ever. There are many aspects that you have to see in your partner, before you even...
10 Marriage Advices For Newly Weds
Marriage - The most wonderful relationship in life, can be a bliss as well as a boon in life. One of the most fabulous things in marrying your soulmate is experiencing a unique connection...
Top 7 Health Benefits Of Sex
A healthy life is normally associated with living a healthy life, like eating healthy foods, exercising, leaving of desserts and many more. So, basically a healthy lifestyle is related to a lot of misconception...
How To Have An Amazing Vacation With Your Husband
There are things that are romantic as well as passionate in a relationship, which can be done with your husband. No matter how many years it has been into marriage, the most important thing...
Pros And Cons Of Being In A Relationship With An Older Man
A lot of pros as well as cons come when you are in the relationship with an older man. But, the same can be said with any other normal couples too. Obviously, it doesn’t...
How To Fix A Relationship After Cheating
When you find out that your partner is cheated on you, then there are many types of emotions that you will find within yourself along with heartbreak. "Shock", it is one of the common...
10 Ways to Identify a Fake Online Dating Profiles
Nowadays, online dating scams have become very common. Any girl can be targeted. It is not that, you have to be rich or stupid. You just have to be looking for love. This will...
18 Pre Wedding Celebrations of South Indian Families
Marriage is a very important day in a guy's and girl's life. Two different souls come together in a relationship with a consent of the family, relatives, and friends. In India, there are many...
How to Treat Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Do you have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)? Are you suffering from irregular periods or weight gain? You can get rid of all these problems by following some steps like exercising regularly, eating a healthy...
Best Things About Having a Boyfriend
A person, no matter whoever it is can be happy with or without anybody. It is totally a matter of choice. Everybody loves to be loved by someone, to be hold by someone. It...