Chakrasana Or Wheel Pose For Obesity


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The chakrasana which is also known as urdhva dhanurasana or wheel pose or Upward facing bow pose, is basically a backbend exercise and an asana in a form of the trail of exercises in Ashtanga Yoga regimen. It is called wheel pose, because when the pose is assumed, it mostly resembles a wheel or an upward facing bow. This asana is known for giving spine a lot of flexibility. When this asana is done as a part of acrobatic or gymnastic routine, it is known as back bridge. So here is some ways, benefits as well as caution relating with Chakrasana, and why every one of us must perform it.

What To Know Before Chakrasana:

This asana or pose must be performed, when the stomach as well as the bowels are completely empty, that is, before breakfast. It is also best to consume meal at least four to six hours before the practice so that the food can get digested well enough and you feel energized enough for a proper workout.

Method To Do Chakrasana Or Wheel Pose:

Method To Do Chakrasanaa. First lie down on back with the hands on your side.

b. Then slowly bend the knees and bring the heels close to the buttocks as much as possible. The heel must be of one foot apart.

c. Now slowly raise the hands and bring it next to your ears. Then slowly place your palms onto the floor with fingers pointing towards your shoulders.

d. Slowly lift the body up with a proper support of your palms as well as the feet.

e. Try to rotate your head very slightly, so that the gaze is towards the floor.

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f. Then stretch the thighs as well as shoulders. In the final pose the body will look like an arch, almost just like a wheel.

g. Remember to maintain the position, in according to the capacity.

h. To get release from the pose, slowly lower the body till it touch the ground. Gently straighten the legs. Hands can also go back to the original pose as to your sides.

i. Chakrasana must be followed by the forward bending poses to counteract the pressure that is created by the back bend.

Precautions And Contraindications

Here are some points of caution and contradictions, that you must keep in your mind before doing chakrasana.

a. It is best to avoid chakrasana, if you are having tendonitis in your wrists or even carpal tunnel syndrome.

b. If your lower back start to hurt because of the extension, then immediately try to come out of this pose.

c. If your shoulder have impingement, then you must stay clear of chakrasana.

d. Try not to do chakrasana, if you are suffering from any headaches or even high blood pressure.

Beginner’s Tips

As a beginner, while doing this pose, you will find that your feet and knees are splaying as you try to lift the body to assume in this pose. This can help to compress your lower back. So, that you can use a strap on the thighs to keep it hip-width apart throughout this asana.

If you are in need to keep the feet in its place, try to use a block in between them as such that these sides of big toes press the edges of its block.

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Advanced Pose Alterations

Advanced Pose AlterationsTo intensify this pose, try to perform Eka Pada Urdhva Dhanurasana.

For this pose, once when you get in this Wheel Pose, try to move the weight on one of your foot.

Then, while you exhale, bend your foot from the knee, and pull the torso in. While exhaling as well as stretching it up.

Try to hold this pose for a few more seconds, and then bring the knee to the floor while exhaling. Then repeat the pose using other leg.

The Benefits Chakrasana Or Upward Facing Bow

The Benefits Chakrasana Or Upward Facing BowHere are some benefits of chakrasana:

a. It can give your lungs and the chest a pretty good stretch. It also help to expand the shoulders as well as the chest.

b. Charasana can give strength to the legs, buttocks, abdomen, spine, glutes, shoulder blades, hamstrings, wrists, lower back, and arms.

c. It can also help to stimulate the pituitary as well as thyroid glands.

d. By practicing the asana can give a good stretch to the hip flexors, core, and the wrist flexors.

e. It can give relief to the lower back pains as well.

f. It can cure infertility, asthma, as well as osteoporosis.

g. It give relief from the stress and reduces depression, by making you feel more energetic and full of life.


The Science Behind The Chakrasana Or Urdhva Dhanurasana

The Science Behind The Chakrasana Or Urdhva DhanurasanaLike most yoga asanas, chakrasana also work for your mind, body, as well as emotions. It can encapsulate the whole essence of the back bending and move you toward the joy as well as fearlessness.

It is known that this asana can enhance the vital force that surround the heart and distribute the force all over the body (pran and vyana), by helping you to become more aware of all the things and build the courage to battle any kind of challenge that come the way.

This asana can focus on flexing most of the the frontal part of your body that also include the shoulders, the wrists, the intercostal muscles, the hip flexors, as well as the quadriceps. It can also impart the strength to the sacrum, shoulders, wrists, and arms, and make them more stable. If it is done correctly, it can help to rotate the thighs as well as arms and engage the hamstrings.

Preparatory Poses

a. Bhujangasana

b. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

c. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

d. Virasana

Follow-Up Poses

a. Ardha Matsyendrasana

b. Supta Padangusthasana

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