What lipstick hue should you wear for what tone


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What lipstick

Have you ever wondered how it gets extremely difficult for you to find the right kind of lipstick for your skin tone? It might mostly not be your fault, because the burgeoning fashion sense in you, is just kicking your ass. Well, to start off with, you should be updated with the hues that are present in lipsticks. It might be difficult, yes, but trying out one or two colors isn’t a big deal. You need to invest in good lipsticks because that is the very first thing a lot of people notice. You just have to wear the right kind to enhance your lips. There are a few lip shades that you would have yearned to wear, but never bought them, thinking it wouldn’t be just right on your lips or for your skin tone. We hear you! This is why, we have come up with different shades for each skin tone. Ladies, here are some lipstick colors selection tips that would complement your skin tone.

Tips To Purchase the Right Color Lipstick for Your Lips

1Start with the basics

Start with the basics

Every girl should know the basics first. Everyone’s skin has undertones of either yellow or pink. You should determine which undertone is your skin tone. If you have yellow, then your skin tone is warmer and if it is pink, it is cooler. Warm colors can be the most attractive on a yellow skin. Knowing your undertone is enormously helpful when you are trying to figure out which lipsticks look best on you. Women who have a yellow skin tone, can definitely prefer to wear lighter colors like silver, nude colors of different kinds and blue or purple tones. If you have a pink skin tone, go ahead with all those bright-plush colors like blood red, hot pink. If you seem to have a mixture of both yellow and pink, you are the lucky owner of natural skin color. You can wear whichever color you want and rock the day! Also read home remedies for pink lips.

2For Olive skin tone

For Olive skin tone

Olive skin tone is what almost every person has. Plus, the good news is that it goes with any kind of lipstick – Dark, bright, plush or even dull colors. So it is hard to go wrong with this kind of a skin tone. It also depends on what you are going to wear for olive skin tone. Any nude color would do good. Shades of blue, orange, pink would be exceptionally great. If you are wearing a warm colored dress, wearing a warmer yet bright lipstick works. If you take a look at Rachel Weisz’s lipstick style, she always sticks to shades of maroon, red which underplays her color and gives a great look to her overall tone.

3For Caramel skin tone

For Caramel skin tone

Creamy or caramel skin toned ladies are lucky because they get to wear all the bright colors. This skin tone matches every kind of lipstick hue. Try on some vibrant-super bright lip shade and you can just make an entry to any party without a doubt. Try to look at Ana Ortiz’s style – She wears it perfectly with a maroon chic hue for her tone.

4For Bronze skin tone

For Bronze skin tone

For bronze skin, try to wear a very nude lipstick. It doesn’t matter which lipstick in the nude category, because all the colors go great with this skin tone. Try to look at Jennifer Aniston’s amazing look. She tries to wear a nude color to enhance her skin tone. If you’ve got skin like hers (and if so: bless you), go nude or wear a strong color–anything in between risks looking too muddy.

[Read: Golden rules of applying lipstick]

5For Peachy skin tone

For Peachy skin tone

If you have a natural pink or peachy skin, then it works wonders when you wear the right lipstick. Pearly, peachy skin looks great with similarly-toned lipsticks. Try to wear what Lucy Liu wears it like, since it’s super subtle and lets you focus on her great eyes and facial structure.

6For Pale skin tone

For Pale skin tone

Girls who have pale skin tone are the luckiest of all. No, not discriminating, but this tone gets the green light for any kind of lipstick color. The secret to Margot Robbie’s memorable red mouth at the Academy Awards? She was wearing red with an orange undertone. Fruity colors like these add zing to a fair complexion without overpowering it

7For Dark brown skin tone

For Dark brown skin tone

Dark tones look fantastic with blingy lipstick choices like purple, which is intense and great looking. Trying out various colors of purple and lavender tone, would look great on thin skin tone. Lupita Nyong’o rocking selection for lipstick just made her look hot at the Oscars.

8For Beige skin tone

For Beige skin tone

If you have an even beige tone, wear a bright, clear color so your lipstick doesn’t appear muddy. Jennifer Lawrence’s bright fuchsia, for example, is beyond words. The color not only looks great, but brings a whole new look to the skin tone.

Of course, regardless of your tone and undertone, it’s up to you to decide what looks best and most flattering on yourself. You should go ahead with wearing what you think can look chic and greater on you rather than looking for ways to fit in the color somehow. You never know, beyond the tips and suggestions, some color tones look beautifully natural when nothing but a transparent lip gloss is worn.

So look beautiful and most of all, feel beautiful!

-Pavithra Ravi

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