Different Types Of Hair Mask Using Egg


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Hair Mask Using Egg

We have all eaten it, and many of us like it. Egg, a fullfiling food for breakfast, has many more health credentials. In egg both its white as well as yolk are a rich product in many nutrients like proteins, vitamins and minerals with the yolk containing fat soluble vitamins, cholesterol, and essential fatty acids. So here, are some benefits as well as hair mask using egg that you can use to make your hair shiny as well as lustrous hair.


a. Eggs Are Incredibly Nutritious

Eggs Are Incredibly NutritiousEggs are considered as the most nutritious foods on the planet. A single large boiled egg have, folate, vitamin A, B2, B5, B12, B6, D, E, and K, phosphorous, selenium and a decent amount of zinc and calcium.

b. High In Cholesterol, Not Blood Cholesterol

High In CholesterolThe truth is that eggs are high in cholesterol. In fact, an egg have at least of 212 mg, which is little more than the half of the recommended daily intake of 300 mg. But these cholesterol doesn’t effect for the majority of people, because cholesterol diet does not necessarily raise cholesterol level in blood. Actually our liver produces, large amounts of cholesterol every day. When we eat more number of eggs, the liver produces less cholesterol, to even everything out.

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c. Eggs Help Raising HDL Or Good Cholestrol

Eggs Help Raising HDLPeople who intake HDL or High Density Lipoprotein or also known as “good” cholesterol mostly have lower risk of heart disease, stroke, and various types of health problems. By eating eggs you can have a great way to increase HDL.

d. They Have Choline

They Have CholineAn incredibly important substance called choline, which is, often grouped with vitamins B, is an important nutrient that helps to build cell membranes and plays a role in producing signalling molecules in your brain, along with many other type of functions.

Eggs are a very excellent source of choline. An egg contains more than 100 mg of choline.

e. Eggs Contain Lutein and Zeaxanthin

Eggs Contain Lutein and ZeaxanthinTwo of the most important nutrient, that can help to counteract some of the consequences of aging and its degenrative process to effect on eyesight is known as lutein and zeaxanthin. These amazing nutrients can help to build up the retina of the eye. By consuming adequate amount of these nutrients, it can significantly help to reduce the risk of cataracts as well as macular degeneration.

Egg yolk on the other hands contains a pretty large amount of both lutein and zeaxanthin along with vitamin A, as its deficiency is the most common cause of blindness.

f. Biotin Or Vitamin B7:

Biotin Or Vitamin B7Biotin or vitamin B7, in the egg, can help to renew the hair follicles as well as the roots of the hairs that are already growing. Biotin can help to maintain a healthier roots as well as follicles of your hair.

Most of the vitamins that is present in the egg can increase its oxygen production and also stimulate more number of blood flow on your scalp. This can help to prevent the hair loss and make the roots strong.

Eggs are quite rich sources of certain kind of minerals like the sulphur, iron, zinc, iodine, phosphorous and also of magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium. These elements can help to prevent hair loss by strengthening the hair. Sulphur in egg yolk can help to stimulate the scalp and also increase hair growth.

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Hair Mask Using Egg

a. Egg Mask For Hair Growth For Normal Hair

Egg Mask For Hair Growth For Normal HairThe egg yolk therapy can help lot of individuals to attain beautiful hair. Applying egg yolk can make the hair strong as well as silky. It will also help in minimal breakage. Hair which is frizzy and dull can become more manageable. By using egg, it can add more volume to the hair and give a natural healthy shine. It can also act as a natural conditioner as well as moisturizer which can help to keep the hair hydrated every time.


1. Egg
2. Olive Oil


1. First break the egg and empty the egg contents into a bowl.
2. Now take few tablespoons of olive oil and then blend it properly with the egg content.
3. Apply this mixture on your scalp as well as hair and then leave it for thirty minutes.
4. After that shampoo the hair with cold water as hot water can form lumps and also further lead to a pungent odour.
5. If by using only eggs is not suitable for you, then you can mix it with some curd or even with a good conditioner.

The yolk can help to penetrate your scalp and reach the follicles. It is a helpful product in mending the rough hair.

b. Egg Yolk Hair Mask For Dry Hair

Egg Yolk Hair Mask For Dry HairThis hair mask is considered as an intensive hair treatment. Egg yolk is being crammed with vitamins, protein, and fatty acids. Egg yolk also have very high amounts of vitamins like the A, D, and E. These vitamins can help to promote the hair growth as well as to prevent the hair fall. Olive oil is another ingredient of this mask, which can help to strengthen as well as soften the hair. Olive oil can help to exfoliate the hair, while strengthening the hair color and prevent premature greying. The presence of its nutrient-rich egg yolk and olive oil helps to make the hair mask ideal for curbing the hair loss.


1. Two egg yolks
2. Two tablespoon of olive oil
3. One cup of water


1. First add egg yolks in a bowl and in it pour some olive oil.
2. Then mix them well and in it add half cup of water.
3. Try to evenly apply the mixture
4. Once when the application of the mixture is done, remember to wear a shower cap and then let the mixture sit in for 15 to 20 minutes.
5. Rinse it off as usual.
6. Shampooing after this treatment is optional. But better if you do.

How Often To Use

This hair treatment is quite very effective. Hence, if you follow it for once or twice a month it would be enough.

c. Egg White Hair Mask For Oily Hair

Egg White Hair Mask For Oily HairThis amazing egg white hair mask is for people who have oily hair. Excess hair oil can also lead to many sorts of problems. It can block out the pores and can lead to acne as well as other different types of skin infections. It can also lead to many frequent tangling. This hair masks contains honey and olive oil. Olive oil, as we know has many emollient properties, while honey is a brilliant ingredient that can help to cure acne.


1. Two egg whites
2. One tablespoon of honey
3. One tablespoon of olive oil


1. First mix the ingredients properly, in equal quantity or depending on the length of the hair.
2. Then begin by using your fingers to spread as well as apply the mask evenly across the scalp.
3. Once when applied the mask, wear the shower cap and then let the mixture dry out properly.
4. Let the mixture sit for about 15 to 20 minutes. You will feel sticky after the mixture dries out. Then rinse them out as you usually do.
5. Shampooing after the hair treatment is basically optional.

How Often To Use

This hair treatment is quite effective just like the egg yolk mask. Hence, you can use this hair treatment for just about once or twice in a month.

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