Essential Oils For Babies : Soft and Safe Essential Oil for Childrens


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Essential Oils For Babies

Babies are a very delicate creature, and every adult must take very good care of them. Their skin is susceptible to many things like soaps, oils, chemical products and much more. Babies grow more when you do oil massage to them, and they immediately show the development. Here are some essential oils for babies that you need to know about and use it for more health as well as the well-being of your baby.

Aromatherapy, or the essential oil therapy, can easily be defined as one of the medicinal use of the naturally extracted plant aromas that can promote the physical as well as emotional well-being. Aromatic plants have many uses, that is from treating the burns to soothing skin, alleviating stress as well as a relaxing mind.

But, do remember that there are many side effects of using essential oils on the delicate skin of your baby.

For example:

Tips And Precautions On Using Essential Oils For Babies:

a. Essential oils must never be used on babies, who are younger than three months old.

b. Aromatherapy can also help to encourage sleep, calm the anxiety, and give relieve the symptoms of colic.

c. Essential oils are also potent and must always be diluted with the carrier oil or even cream.

d. It is because the essential oils are very widely available nowadays, remember to check product labels that can be sure that you are using the pure, unadulterated, authentic essential oils. Sometimes essential oils are premixed with alcohol, which can easily cause irritation. You must also try to avoid synthetic fragrances, that are completely different from the essential oils, do not carry any health benefits, and can sometimes be irritating to the skin.

e. Living essential oils are known to be very powerful as well as highly concentrated; so internal consumption is not recommended for infants.

f. With any of the new essential oil, try to dilute the oils and spot test on the baby’s arm or even leg. If there is no reaction after the application within minutes, then the oil is okay to use.

g. Try to avoid adding the essential oils to your baths. Baby can splash in or even swallow the water, increasing the risk of ingestion or entering the eyes.

Types Of Essential Oils For Babies

Every essential oil is different from each other. Some essential oils are safe to use on the infants and babies, and these essential oils can be deemed to be safe when used properly and in moderation. Remember never to mix it with carrier oil. Babies must never drink or even ingest essential oils.

1. Chamomile Essential Oil

Chamomile Essential OilGerman and Roman chamomile are known to be gentle essential oils which can be beneficial for the babies who are having trouble in sleeping.

Chamomile has a natural soothing effect and has also been traditionally used to treat insomnia in babies as well as adults. Chamomile, along with the lavender, can easily provide relieve from the symptoms of colic. Chamomile has also known to show anxiety and depression, and can even uplift, fussiness from babies.

2. Dill Essential Oil

Dill Essential OilDill is known to be a calming, antispasmodic oil which can easily help to soothe indigestion. To use, dilute the dill into a ratio of one drop per teaspoon of the water or oil, blending thoroughly, massage this mixture on the baby’s skin.

3. Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender Essential OilLavender is known to have to calm as well as sedative effect to the body. A lavender oil massage can help in relaxing fussiness in the babies and encourage them to sleep.

Lavender can also easily be used on the insect bites and reduce the itchiness. In a recent study, it shows that lavender is effective in alleviating all the symptoms of the colic.

4. Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Eucalyptus Essential OilEucalyptus is known to be a natural expectorant, which can help to unclog the respiratory congestion.

This also makes Eucalyptus a favorite oil during the winter months.


Eucalyptus Radiata is a very different species than the most commonly used and found Eucalyptus globulus. Children, as well as infants, must use Eucalyptus Radiata. While the Eucalyptus globulus is basically safe for the adults, it must not be used on the children who are under the age of two.

Also, contact your family pediatrician before you use eucalyptus to ease of the respiratory symptoms.

5. Distilled Lemon Essential Oil

Distilled Lemon Essential OilDistilled lemon can be helpful to lift the energy as well as mood among babies, and it is great for the post-nap wake-up call.

Distilled lemon is also preferable to the expressed lemon for babies. Expressed lemon is also a very potential photosensitizer, whereas distilled lemon might not even cause any of the skin irritation.

6. Mandarin Essential Oil

Mandarin Essential OilMandarin essential oil has a calming effect that is similar to that of lavender, and it makes a great nighttime alternative for the babies who are generally irritated by the scent of the lavender.

This sweet scent of the mandarin oranges is also favorable to another type of orange varieties because it is not phototoxic. That means that when diluted as well as applied directly to your skin, it might not cause any kind of skin irritation.

7. Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea Tree Essential OilTea tree essential oil is known to have natural antimicrobial, antifungal, as well as disinfectant properties. By adding few drops of this tea tree to the unscented oil can generally help with the diaper rash as well as fungal infections.

Tea tree is much stronger oil which can be harsh on the babies skin, so it must never be used on the babies who are younger than six months old and even carefully do the patch test before using on older infants.

Dilution Recommendations

Dilution RecommendationsEssential oils are known to be extremely potent, and they must be diluted with any of the carrier oil or cream when being used on the babies skin. No matter whatever brand you use, or whatever essential oil it is, or how many times you use them, it is not safe to use the essential oil without a carrier oil or even some other dilution material.

It is also very important to note that when you add essential oils to the baths of children, they must first be diluted to the water soluble carrier, such as the raw, unfiltered honey or even vegetable glycerin. By adding essential oils straight to the bath water, without any of the carriers, you run the risk of causing any irritation on the skin.

Essential oils must not be used in or around the nose the children.

Suggested Applications

Suggested ApplicationsEssential oils must never be used internally by the children and infants, and they must be kept out of the infants’ baths to avoid any of the accidental ingestion.

The following topical applications are safe as well as effective when a proper dilution ratio is being followed:

a. Blend With A Carrier

Vegetable oil, sweet almond oil, and coconut oil are known to be commonly used base oils which can mix well with the essential oils. They can bring out their own moisturizing qualities as well as help to nourish the babies skin.

To blend properly, dilute the essential oil at a ratio of 0.5 percent essential oil to the base oil. Shake or even mix them vigorously to blend. Once when the oils are thoroughly blended, perform the patch test on the baby’s leg or arm to sure that the formula is not irritating.

b. Spritz

Spritz are diluted with essential oil around the baby’s room as it can create a calming scent before the naps or bedtime. Do not spread spritz to the pillows, to make sure that the baby does not ingest the oils accidentally.

c. Diffuse

Essential oils are considered very effective, natural alternative to any artificial room freshener. Water-based vaporizers can easily make for a more safer, flame-free way to spread the scent throughout any of the room of the house.

When you are trying out for a new essential oil around the baby, test for a small amount of each of the new oil into a vaporizer before an hour to ensure that no irritation occurs.
