Beneficial Uses Of Garlic For Acne Scars


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Beneficial Uses Of Garlic For Acne Scars

Acne and acne scars are one of the major problems among youth. The leftover scars make us look more ugly as well as unappealing and we tend to do anything to get rid of that. One of the most amazing natural process is the garlic for treating acne problems and the home remedies for acne with garlic that can really make you beautiful and amazing. So here, are some beneficial uses of garlic for acne scars.

Can Garlic Really Treat Acne scars?

We all tend to have this question and the answer is yes, it can really treat acne scars!

a. It has the presence of sulphur, zinc, calcium and vitamin E that can help for a proper skin tissue formation by clearing out the old as well as dead skin cells.
b. It can enhance the blood circulation that can help in regenerating the new skin cells for a proper pH balance.
c. The presence of allicin in the garlic can possesses anti–bacterial, anti-fungal, anti–viral as well as anti–septic properties that can help to kill the bacteria that causes acne.
d. It have many anti–inflammatory properties that can help to reduce all the swelling, pain as well as irritation.
e. It can help to improve the circulation of the blood which allows the skin tissues to receive all the vitamins and minerals that is essential for a healthy skin.
f. It has an excellent sources of various acne combating nutrients like the vitamins C and B6, selenium, minerals, copper, zinc, allicin, and other phyto-nutrients.
g. It can fight off the insulin resistance that is linked to the acne. The use of garlic oil can help to improve the sensitivity in the insulin.

Different Ways Of Using Garlic For Acne Scar Treatment

Here are some best uses of garlic for acne scar treatment, and how you can get rid of acne and pimples effective from inside with some amazing garlic for acne remedy and the use of garlic for treating acne and pimples:

1. Garlic Cloves

Garlic ClovesHere, garlic is being directly applied to your skin as it can cause some kind of irritation or even burning sensation. So, people who have sensitive skin must avoid use of this process.


a. First peel, mince, the garlic and make a puree at least of three garlic cloves.
b. Then apply them to all the affected areas of your skin.
c. Try to leave it for few minutes. You can remove the application immediately if it is causing any kind of unbearable burning sensation.
d. Later wash off with some cold water and pat it dry.
e. Apply a non-comedogenic moisturizer and try to repeat them regularly.

2. Garlic With Water

Garlic With WaterSometimes people are unable to tolerate the strong nature of the garlic if it is applied directly. So diluting with water can help to reduce the discomfort.


a. Crush three raw garlic cloves.
b. Then mix the cloves with a tablespoon of water.
c. Later rub this mixture over the acne.
d. Allow it to sit for about 10 to 15 minutes or leave it overnight.
e. Later wash off with some water and pat dry the skin.
f. Try to repeat this process everyday.


You can dilute the garlic juice in rosewater or water and directly apply on the acne. Rinse off after 15 minutes.

3. Garlic With Yogurt

Garlic With YogurtThe lactic acid that is present in the yogurt can dissolve the dead skin cell, and then gently exfoliate as well as rejuvenate the skin.

Process 1:

Topical Application

a. First wash the face properly and pat it dry.
b. Blend four garlic cloves to convert it into a fine paste and add one tablespoon of yogurt.
c. Stir them well and apply over the affected area
d. Gently massage for a minute, leave it to dry.
e. Rinse the face with clean water and pat it dry.
f. Remember to repeat the process properly.

Process 2:

Internal Consumption

For more added benefits, try to consume some garlic infused in yogurt to treat pimples from inside.

a. Combine half a teaspoon of honey, with few crushed garlic pods and two tablespoons of yogurt.
b. Stir them well and apply this mixture as a mask on affected area.
c. Wash the mask off with some water after 20 to 30 minutes.
d. Try to repeat this process regularly for better results.


You can also add two to four drops of garlic oil or half teaspoon of garlic powder instead of garlic.

4. Garlic With Vinegar

Garlic With VinegarThe acidic nature of the vinegar can help to balance the pH level of your skin. The presence of anti-inflammatory properties can help to reduce the swelling as well as pain.


a. First crush some garlic cloves and squeeze it to extract the juice.
b. In it add an equal amount of vinegar, most preferably apple cider vinegar, and stir them well.
c. Then dip cotton ball in this solution.
d. Apply this solution slowly on the acne affected areas of your skin.
e. Let the solution dry for about five to ten minutes.
f. Later rinse with lukewarm water.
g. Try to repeat this process everyday.

5. Garlic With Olive Oil

Garlic With Olive OilOlive oil can help to reduce the redness as well as inflammation without even clogging out the pores. It can help to restore all the natural oil balance from the skin.


a. First peel as well as blend four garlic cloves with four tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.
b. Then transfer the whole mix in an air tight container, you can easily store it in fridge for about 48 hours.
c. Apply this mixture on the affected area and then leave it for 15 minutes.
d. Then rinse with some cool water and pat them dry.
e. Try to repeat the process twice in a day.

For more added benefit:

Try to eat one tablespoon of this mixture with some water, twice in a day. Apart from it, you can also drink eight oz glasses of water every day for effective results.

6. Garlic, Honey And Comfrey

Garlic, Honey And ComfreyHoney can help to moisturize, soothe as well as reduce the irritation from acne. On the other hand, comfrey can help to speed up the healing process as well as lighten the scars.


a. First peel as well as crush at least three garlic cloves
b. In it add a pound handful of fresh comfrey leaves as well as sufficient amount of warm honey.
c. While using a washcloth or even a cotton ball, apply this garlic paste on your face.
d. Leave the mixture over the night.
e. In morning, rinse off the application with some warm water.
f. Try to repeat this process regularly to treat these acne.


If you do not want to apply this mixture on the face then try to apply it only on the acne.

7. Garlic And Aloe Vera

Garlic And Aloe VeraThe glyco proteins that is present in the aloe vera, can help to reduce the inflammation, irritation as well as redness. It can also stimulate the healthy growth of the skin cells.

Process 1:

a. Peel, crush, and then squeeze at least three to five garlic cloves to extract the juice.
b. Then mix the juice with two teaspoons of fresh aloe vera gel or juice.
c. Using your fingertips, gently massage this mixture on your skin.
d. Leave the mixture on for about 15 minutes, rinse with water, and then pat it dry.
e. Repeat this process everyday.

Process 2:

a. First crush two to three garlic cloves, in it add half cup of water.
b. Then after five minutes, add at least a teaspoon of aloe vera gel.
c. Apply the mixture on the acneaffected areas and leave it until it dry off completely.
d. Rinse with water and pat it dry.
e. Try to repeat this process everyday.

8. Garlic, Manuka Honey And Turmeric

Garlic, Manuka Honey And TurmericTurmeric has an amazing anti–inflammatory property, that can help to reduce all the swelling as well as other discomfort that is caused because of acne. Manuka honey, can help to heal all the blemishes from the skin and thus prevent the acne from any breakouts.


a. First crush at least six garlic cloves.
b. In it add three teaspoons of manuka honey as well as one-forth teaspoon of turmeric powder and then stir it properly.
c. Then apply the paste on the affected areas of the skin.
d. Let the mix sit for at least few minutes until it is dry.
e. Rinse off the mixture with water and pat it dry.
f. Try to repeat this process everyday.

Tips and Precautions while using Garlic

Eating garlic good for acne, but there are many precautions as well as tips that you must know about before using any medicinal ingredients regularly.

a. Be sure that the garlic is diluted properly in rose water or water as it can prevent from the burning or even from stinging sensation on the skin.
b.Try not to leave the garlic application for a long time as it can even cause blisters.
c. Some of the possible side effects from the consumption of garlic are nausea, bad breath, vomiting, skin irritation, burning sensation in mouth, etc. so remember to do a trial run first.
d. Remember that it has blood thinning properties that can cause some bleeding problems. Pregnant women as well as people who had surgery must avoid or even limit their garlic use. Also people who are on medications are advised not to eatgarlic in large amounts.
e. To reduce all the garlic smell, before consumption you can mix it with honey or lemon, or even soak the cloves in the milk for an hour.
f. Also to avoid bad breath, try to brush the teeth after eating garlic cloves.
g. After trying these garlic methods, if your skin do not show any signs of clearing up, then consult a dermatologist.