12 Impressive Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Uneven Skin Tone


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Features of the face are proportionate but the skin tone is uneven. The uneven skin tone is a kind of imperfection that is covered everyday.

We have many makeup products that can cover the uneven skin tone. As we have makeup as an easy alternative to even out skin, we don’t feel the need to set it right naturally. But it is to be remembered that makeup is not permanent solution for evening your skin. The home remedies can save a bit of your makeup when you have even skin tone naturally.

Here you have a bit more to know about the uneven skin tone. You can also find the effective home remedies to even out your skin.

How to get rid of uneven skin tone?

Uneven skin tone is not the layer on your skin to wipe it off. You need to follow the remedies for days to see the difference. Natural or medical treatment that you are trying shows the results gradually unlike the makeup coverage on skin.

I would suggest all the ladies to click a picture before using the remedies and after using the remedies. You will know the real difference how effective these home remedies are.

Causes for uneven skin tone

The scientific name of uneven skin tone is hyper pigmentation which is self explanatory. It is caused due to higher melanin content in the skin. Melanin is a pigment that gives colour to skin and hair. Some of the foods and fluids that you are consuming can cause the overproduction of melanin.

Your lifestyle also makes your skin tone uneven. It is explained in detail further-

Sun exposure

We mentioned previously that the overproduction of melanin makes your skin tone. So, when your skin is over exposed to sun, the melanin pigment increases. The pigment absorbs UV rays which damages skin cells. The exposed areas make your skin darker.


Pollution is the culprit for skin damage and skin issues. The polluted air gets into the skin and it creates the dark spots which can make your skin uneven.

Hormonal changes

Commonly, the melanin pigment increases with the hormonal changes during pregnancy. Hormonal changes can also occur due to wrong medication or contraceptives.

When your skin is wounded, it scars your skin. The scars also make your skin darker sometimes. The acne scars also can affect in uneven skin tone.


When you are ageing, it is common to get the age related spots on your face and other areas of body. The hyperpigmentation while ageing can make your skin tone uneven.

Home Remedies For Uneven Skin Tone

The home remedies that are listed are of natural ingredients. The ingredients consists the lightening properties that can give you even skin. Some of the ingredients are meant to glow and smooth skin naturally. So, it is all good for your skin to follow these home remedies.

1. Baking soda

Baking-sodaBaking soda has the lightening properties which can blur the scars. Texture of baking soda helps in clearing the impurities and give you even skin tone. All the dead skin falls off when you apply it on your face. The ingredient that is available in every kitchen must be tried to get rid of uneven skin tone.


1 Teaspoon baking soda
Drops of water

How to do?

1.Blend both water and baking soda.
2.Apply the paste to your face.
3.Leave it for 10 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water by scrubbing gently.
4.Pat dry your face and moisturize.

How often?

Apply 2-3 times a week.

2. Goat milk, gram flour and baking soda

Goat-milkGoat milk is the key ingredient of this remedy. Ph level of goat milk matches well with humans skin. The combination of goat milk, baking soda and gram flour helps you in getting rid of uneven skin tone at home.


2 Teaspoons goats milk
1 Teaspoon gram flour
1 Teaspoon baking soda

How to do?

1.Add all the ingredients into a bowl.
2.Apply the paste to your face.
3.Wait for it to dry and then gently wash your face.

How often?

Apply 3-4 times a week.

3. Orange juice and turmeric powder

Orange-juice-turmeric-powderOrange juice prevents from skin getting dark with melanin. Vitamin C in orange is takes the credit in lightening skin. Moreover, you have turmeric which is a main ingredient that helps fighting uneven skin. It stimulates blood circulation and results in removing dark circles, dark spots on skin.


2 Tablespoons juice
A pinch of turmeric

How to do?

1.Mix both the ingredients orange juice and turmeric.
2.Make it into a fine paste. Apply the paste to your skin.
3.Leave your skin for 15 minutes.
4.Wash off with cold water and pat dry your skin.

How often?

Follow this 3 a week.

4. Lemon, sugar and coconut oil


Lemon contains the astringent properties which fades the scars and blemishes. Sugar exfoliates the dead skin and gives the even skin tone. Coconut oil is to moisturize your skin.


1 Teaspoon coconut oil
1 Tablespoon granulated sugar
1/2 Teaspoon lemon juice

How to do?

1.Take a bowl to mix all the ingredients
2.Apply it on your face and scrub gently.
3.Continue to scrub for 2-5 minutes.
4.Leave it for few minutes and then wash off with lukewarm water.
5.Pat dry your skin.

5. Yogurt face pack

Get Glowing Skin with a DIY Yogurt Face Mask | Taste of Home

Turmeric consists of antibacterial properties which can fight the skin infections. Lemon in the pack is to lighten your darker parts of skin. Yogurt work in multiple ways on skin.


2 Tablespoons plain yogurt
1 Tablespoon turmeric
1/2 Teaspoon lemon juice

How to do?

1.Mix all the above ingredients.
2.Apply the pack to your cleaned skin.
3.Massage your face for 2 minutes in circular motions.
4.Let the yogurt pack dry.
5.Wash your face with cold water and pat dry.

How often?

Repeat 2 times a week.

6. Tomato juice and buttermilk

Tomato-juice-buttermilkTomatoes are meant to lighten skin. It is a refreshing ingredient and soothes the skin conditions. It is a wonderful remedy to treat sunburn. This remedy must be followed regularly to see the difference in your skin tone. Your skin also rejuvenates naturally.


2 Tablespoons tomato juice
2 Tablespoons buttermilk

How to do?

1.Mix tomato juice and buttermilk.
2.Take a cotton ball and apply the mixture to your skin.
3.Let it remain for 15 minutes.
4.Then rinse off with lukewarm water.

7. Cucumber and tomato toner

Cucumber-and-tomato-tonerCucumber is a natural toner for skin. It keeps your skin hydrated and also reduces blemishes. If there is any skin inflammation, it soothes. Tomato and cucumber toner also removes the pollutants effectively. It can be a remedy even to treat sunburned skin.


1 Cucumber
1 Tomato

How to do?

1.Strain the juice from both cucumber and tomato.
2.Mix the juices and pour into a spray bottle.
3.Use the toner whenever you want to sooth your skin.
4.Let your skin soak on.

Note: Store the toner in the refrigerator and it remains fresh for 4 days.

How often?

You can use the toner daily.

8. Sandalwood and milk face pack


Sandalwood powder is powerful in reducing the posts and blemishes. It also removes tan and lets your skin glow naturally when blended with milk. Red sandalwood has the power of nourishing the skin cells.

As it is a blend of red sandalwood and milk, we must talk about it- milk has lactic acid which can brighten skin. It can also remove the dead skin that settled as a layer covering you real skin tone.


1 Tablespoon red sandalwood powder
1 Tablespoon milk
1/2 Teaspoon turmeric

How to do?

1.Mix sandalwood and turmeric powder in a bowl.
2.Add milk to it and make smooth paste.
3.Apply it your skin and let it dry.
4.Wash off your skin with lukewarm water.

How often?

Repeat it twice a week.

9. Lemon peel and honey

Lemon-peel-and-honeyThis is a mask for all skin types. The lemon peel is loaded with the anti bacterial and antimicrobial properties. The lightening agents in the peel allows the dark spots and blemishes to fade.


Lemon peel powder
1 Tablespoon honey

How to do?

1.In a bowl, mix ingredients and make a smooth paste.
2.Apply the paste to your cleaned face.
3.Spread the paste all over your skin.
4.Let it remain for 20-25 minutes before washing.

How often?

Do it 3 times a week.

10. Oatmeal face pack


Oatmeal is a natural exfoliator for skin that removes dead skin. When you exfoliate your skin, the skin tone evens out naturally. Oatmeal improves the blood circulation and produces collagen which helps in aging delay.


2 Tablespoons oatmeal
2 Tablespoons sugar
1 1/2 Teaspoon milk

How to do?

1.Mix oatmeal and sugar, then add milk to it.
2.Stir the ingredients. Let the texture be coarse.
3.Apply it to your skin and massage in gentle circular motions for 1 minute.
4.Let it dry. Then rinse your face with lukewarm water.
5.Pat dry your face and apply a moisturizer.

How often?

Do it twice a week.

11. Raw papaya and milk

Raw-papaya-and-milkMilk is the natural brightening agent.Lactic acid in milk is a natural exfoliator and it removes the dead skin and give even skin. Papaya lets the dead skin cells come off as it contains enzymes.

This is a simple home remedy to peel of the uneven skin tone. It also helps in repairing skin by itself.


Papaya cubes
2 Tablespoons raw milk

How to do?

1.Mash the papaya to obtain smooth paste.
2.Add milk to the mashed papaya and blend.
3.Once you get thick consistency, spread the paste on your face.
4.Wait for 15-20 minutes for the paste to dry.
5.Then wash off your face with cold water.

How often?

Repeat it 3-4 times a week.

12. Tulsi, multani mitti and neem face pack


The face pack includes the neem which has the antioxidants and they helps reducing the melanin production. Gradually, this aids in evening out the skin tone. The dark blemishes and redness also can be reduced with this pack.

You have other two powerful ingredients multani mitti and tulsi. The mild bleaching properties in mutlani mitti can give you even skin tone. Tulsi is not only to remove uneven skin tone but also clean the skin pores and tightens skin. The combination of these ingredients is perfect to combat uneven skin tone naturally.


  • 1 Teaspoon multani mitti
  • One Teaspoon Tulsi powder
  • 1 Teaspoon neem powder
  • Tablespoon rose water

How to do?

1.Mix all the powders and add rose water.
2.Make a smooth paste and apply to your cleaned face.
3.Leave the face pack to dry.
4.Wash your face with cold water.

How often?

Do it 2-3 times a week.

13. Activated charcoal and bentonite clay


Activated charcoal cleanses the skin pore deeply. Charcoal also helps in exfoliating your skin. Addition of bentoninte clay can clear the skin pores and lightens the scars.
This is a home remedy that can exfoliate your skin and remove uneven skin tone.


0.2 Grams activated charcoal powder
1/2 Teaspoon bentonite clay
1 1/2 Teaspoons water

How to do?

1.Mix both bentonite clay and activated charcoal.
2.Add water into the powders.
3.Apply the paste to your face after cleaning.
4.Let the charcoal pack remain for 15 minutes
5.Wash off your face and pat dry.
6.Apply a light moisturizer.

Tips to get rid of uneven skin tone

1. Consume enough water

When you don’t have water properly, your skin becomes dehydrated. This leads to dry and lifeless skin which is also uneven. That is the reason, you must stay hydrated with enough water. You can also keep taking infused waters, juices to keep yourself hydrated.

2. Exfoliate your skin

Exfoliation must get the high priority for healthy skin. Dead skin can removed well with exfoliating agents. When your skin is free from dead skin and impurities, the uneven skin tone reduces.

3. Use sunscreen

Most of the times, try to avoid excessive sun exposure. If it is a must to expose your skin, then don’t step out with sunscreen. You have plenty best sunscreen products that can keep save your skin from sun damage.

4. Avoid unhealthy food

We already said that the food and fluids that you are also causing uneven skin tone. Prefer homemade food including fresh fruits and vegetables. Add antioxidant foods to your diet to keep your skin away from any inflammation.

5. Use anti pollution skin care products

You have number of natural and amazing anti pollution skin care products. You have the cleansers which can remove the pollutants from your skin. But also pick a chemical free product.

When the skin is even, you look flawless. You can try one of the home remedies to get rid of uneven skin tone. Then, you will start believing in home remedies for healthy and beautiful skin.

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