10 Homemade Chocolate Face Masks – Chocolate Love For Your Skin


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When the chocolate messes your mouth while eating, you wipe it off. From now you better let it stay as it is a beauty ingredient. The chocolate skin care products got the good tag. You can get the goodness of chocolate with face masks that are made at home.

The homemade face masks are supernatural with simple ingredients. So, we have put together a few recipes of homemade chocolate face masks. You have the masks for all skin types.

I tried one chocolate face mask with a simple recipe and loved the chocolate even more.From then, I am applying chocolate on my skin rather than eating. If beauty is your passion over food like me, then you must try the chocolate face masks at home.

How Chocolate Benefits Your Skin?

Chocolate is a handy remedy for healthy hair and skin as well. For now, you will know how chocolate is good for skin. If you are looking for a unique and new remedy for your skin care, then it must be chocolate.

1. Skin Moisturizer:

You can use chocolate for moisturizing your skin. It is perfect for dry skin people as the moisturization lasts for long. You can rely on chocolate even for your sensitive skin. Getting rid of dryness and chappy skin is very much possible with chocolate.

2. Anti Inflammatory:

Chocolate has the ability in treating the common skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema. It soothes your affected skin and heals with gentleness. When there is chronic skin infection, you can try a chocolate mask to combat it.

3. Protects from Sun Damage:

Chocolate is a rich source of antioxidants which prevents sun damage of your skin. If you are applying chocolate to your face, there is less risk of causing skin redness. It is also a source of flavonoids which protect skin from UV rays. When you expose your skin to the sun, you can repair the damage with a DIY chocolate face mask.

4. Prevents Premature Ageing:

When there is reduction of collagen in your skin, it results in wrinkles and lines. Chocolate masks and packs can help in boosting collagen production and prevent the ageing signs like wrinkles. The vitamins and antioxidants in chocolate can remove the hyperpigmentation.

5. New Cell Growth:

There is a package of minerals in the chocolate which repair the skin damage. It allows the skin cells to regrow with the goodness it is potent with. It is also a purifier for skin pores and removes the dead skin.

DIY Chocolate Face Masks – Feed Some Chocolate To Your Skin

1. Chocolate and Yogurt:

Chocolate-and-yogurtThe face mask is great for exfoliating the dead skin. It makes your skin soft and supple with the antioxidant in dark chocolate. This is a must try for oily skin people as it contains gram flour. It keeps your skin moisturized after cleansing out the extra oil from your face.


  • 5-6 squares dark chocolate
  • ½ Tablespoon plain yogurt
  • 1 Tablespoon gram flour

What Should I Do?

1. Firstly, melt the dark chocolate and set it aside.
2. Then mix yogurt and gram flour and stir it well. Make sure there are no lumps.
3. Add the paste to melted chocolate and give it a fine mix.

How To Use It?

1. Apply the mixture to your face spreading it all over.
2. Wait for the pack to dry at least for 15 minutes.
3. Then add little water to your face and scrub it off.
4. Rinse your face with water and dry pat.

How Often?

Two times a week.

2. Chocolate and Clay Mask:

Chocolate-and-clay-maskThe chocolate homemade mask with clay is a blend of other variant ingredients. All are active in nourishing skin. Lemon juice is to balance the greasiness of yogurt and coconut oil.

It is a perfect combination for ph balance. Fuller earth is another key ingredient which makes your skin free from impurities. The more goodness is better to experience than to just listen to. So, just make this mask as it includes all simple ingredients.


  • 3-4 Tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 2 Tablespoons clay
  • 2 Tablespoons yogurt
  • 1 Teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 Teaspoon coconut oil

What Should I Do?

1. Mix cocoa powder with fuller earth.
2. Then add the yogurt and mix it well without lumps.
3. Now add lemon juice and coconut oil. Mix all the ingredients together.

How To Use It?

1. Cleanse your face before applying the face mask.
2. Then apply it spreading on your face and neck.
3. Allow it to stay for 15-20 minutes.
4. Wash your face with cold water.

How Often?

2 times a week.

3. Chocolate and Honey:

Chocolate-and-honeyChocolate and honey are two wonderful moisturizers for skin. Honey contains humectant agents which keeps skin away from inflammation. It is the main factor in many of the skin care products for its benefits for skin.

You can grab the benefits for skin with honey naturally. The combination of chocolate enhances the effectiveness of the mask.


  • 5-6 Dark chocolate pieces
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • Few drops of lemon juice

What Should I Do?

1. Melt the dark chocolate and add honey to it.
2. Blend chocolate and honey.
3. Then add lemon juice to the paste to make the mask.

How To Use It?

1. Apply the mask to your washed face.
2. Let it stay for 20 minutes.
3. Then rinse it off with warm water.
4. Now pat dry your face.

How Often?

  1. Two times a week.

4. Chocolate and Banana Face Mask:

Chocolate-and-banana-face-mThe combination of ingredients in this face mask are healthy for your skin. If your skin is affected with dryness, then you may need instant moisturization. Try this mask as it has extra moisturizing properties from banana, honey and cream.

Post using this face mask, the skin texture looks healthy and gorgeous. This face mask is only an excellent remedy for glowing skin.


  • 2-3 Tablespoons molten chocolate
  • Banana mash
  • 1 Tablespoon honey
  • 1 Tablespoon fresh cream

What Should I Do?

1. Mash half a banana and add molten chocolate to it.
2. Then add honey and fresh cream.
3. Blend the ingredients together to make the chocolate mask

How To Use It?

1. Wash your face with a cleanser
2. Apply the prepared mask to your entire face.
3. Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash your wash with lukewarm water.

How Often?

  1. 2 Times a week.

5. Chocolate and Coconut Oil Face Mask:


The mask is of two simple ingredients- cocoa powder and coconut oil. It is the super beneficial remedy to treat your dry skin. Coconut oil moisturizes your skin and prevents skin dryness. It is a natural way to lock the moisture. The other benefit of adding the oil is, it keeps skin inflammations away.

Cocoa powder is a much potent ingredient that can improve skin texture. It nourishes your skin and makes it soft. This mask is a must try to protect your skin sun damage. If you feel that your skin needs to be hydrated, then immediately give it this chocolate mask as it doesn’t take much time to prepare.


  • 2 Tablespoons dark cocoa powder
  • 1 Tablespoon coconut oil

What Should I do?

1. Mix cocoa powder with coconut oil.
2. Blend it into fine paste.

How To Use It?

1. Wash your face with a mild cleanser.
2. Apply this mask to your face.
3. Massage your in circular motions for two minutes.
4. Let it remain for 20 minutes.
5. Now wash your face with lukewarm water.
6. Pat dry your face.

How Often?

  1. Do this 2-3 times for every 10 days.

6. Dark Chocolate and Sea Salt Mask:

Dark-chocolate-and-sea-saltThe face mask is made with brown sugar and it works as a scrub for your skin. Sea salt and sugar combination is great for detoxing your skin. Your massage with it can remove the dead skin.

As it purifies your pores, your skin complexion also improves. This is a working remedy for evening skin tone. After the application of this DIY chocolate mask, your face glows. Milk and dark chocolate soften your face.


  • 2 Bars of dark chocolate
  • ⅔ Cup milk
  • ½ Teaspoon sea salt
  • 3 Tablespoons brown sugar

What Should I Do?

1. Heat and melt the dark chocolate following the double boiling method.
2. Let the chocolate cool down for 10 minutes.
3. Add all other ingredients to the melted chocolate.
4. Stir the mixture.

How To Use It?

1. Apply the mask to your cleaned face.
2. Leave it for 20 minutes.
3. Then scrub your skin gently and rinse off with lukewarm water.

How Often?

Repeat it 2 times a week.

7. Chocolate and Oats Face Mask:

Chocolate-and-oats-face-masThe chocolate face mask is super beneficial with all the natural ingredients. Oats is a great cleanser that removes dirt and exfoliates dead skin. Women with oily skin must use this face. It helps control oil production and keeps acne away.

The little quantity of honey is to moisturize and condition your skin. After using this face mask, your skin turns soft and smooth. Egg is another unavoidable ingredient here. It makes your skin firm and youthful. It is an ultimate remedy for youthful and tighter skin.


  • 2 Tablespoons oats
  • 1 Tablespoon cocoa powder
  • 1 Teaspoon honey
  • 1 Full egg

What Should I Do?

1. Ground the oats using the traditional method and make into fine powder.
2. Add cocoa powder to the oats powder.
3. Then add honey and full egg. Mix all the added components.
4. Leave the mask for 15 minutes to prep it goodness.

How To Use It?

1. Wash your face with a regular cleaner.
2. Spread the face mask evenly all over your face.
3. You can also apply it on your neck.
4. Leave it for 20 minutes and then rinse with water.
5. Pat dry your face.

Note: For oily skin, avoid using egg yolk.

How Often?

Use it twice a week for best results.

8. Cocoa Powder and Milk:

Cocoa-powder-and-milkYou can’t say no to this face mask! It is for all skin types and that too with easily available ingredients.

Cocoa powder consists of antioxidants and vitamins that revitalize your skin. You have milk which brings your skin the instant glow. Natural is added for both the reasons- it moisturizes your skin and anti inflammatory as well.

If you have dry skin, you add another part of milk for deep moisturizing. For this mask to do wonders for your skin, you must keep repeating the process.


  • 2 Tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 2 Teaspoons milk
  • 1 Teaspoon honey
  • Lemon juice
    (Only for extra oily skin)

What should I Do?

1. Take a bowl and add cocoa powder with milk.
2. Add honey and mix the ingredients with a clean finger or spoon.

How To Use It?

1. Clean your face before using it on your face.
2. Now spread the made mask all over your face.
3. Cover it evenly and leave it for 20 minutes.
4. Then rinse off your face with warm water.
5. Dry pat your with a clean cloth.

How Often?

  1. Use the mask 2 times a week.

9. Chocolate and Natural Oils:

Chocolate-and-Natural-oilsIf your skin is extremely dry, then the essential oils are the best for you. The antioxidants in oils penetrate your skin deep and prevent dryness. This DIY chocolate face mask also reduces the skin flaking and itchiness.

The mask helps in repairing your sun damaged skin. Skin texture improves with softness and smoothness. Women with sensitive skin are conscious about using the market products. This is the best mask for your sensitive to dry skin.


  • Melted chocolat
  • 1 Teaspoon almond oil
  • 1 Teaspoon rosehip oil

What Should I Do?

1. After melting chocolate, set it aside to cool down.
2. Add both the oil rosehip and almond.
3. Blend the mixture chocolate and oils together.

How To Use It?

1. Clean your face with a gentle face wash.
2. Coat your face with the face mask.
3. Leave it for 20 minutes.
4. Then wash off your face with lukewarm water.
5. Now pat dry your face.

How Often?

  1. Do this 2 times a week.

10. Chocolate and Mixed Fruit Face Mask:

Chocolate-and-mixed-fruit-fEating fruits hydrates your body. Along with consuming fruits, you can try applying to skin. Apple has plenty of vitamins which can boost your skin glow. Strawberries contain vitamin C which prevents skin from wrinkles and lines.

Watermelon is a huge source of water which keeps your skin hydrated. Ladies with oily skin must try this fruit mixed chocolate face mask.


  • Dark chocolate bars
  • Few banana pieces
  • A small apple piece
  • A small piece watermelon
  • 2 strawberries

What Should I Do?

1. Make a mash of all fruits in the above list.
2. Melt the chocolate with a double boiling method.
3. Allow it to cool down.
4. Mix the melted chocolate and fruit mash.

How To Use It?

1. Wash your face and spread it all over evenly.
2. Allow the mask to stay for 20 minutes.
3. Wash off the mask with lukewarm water.
4. Pat dry your face.

How Often?

Do this once a week.

Coat your face with chocolate for healthy skin. You have everything available with simple ingredients and simple instructions. Now start saving a few bites of chocolate and make a suitable DIY face mask from the above recipes. So, let your skin taste the sweetness of chocolate.

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