10 Superb Homemade Remedies To Get Rid Of A Dark Neck


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Dark neck
Image Source: www.ekimplasticsurgery.com

We ladies spend the maximum amount of our skincare time trying to focus on our faces. We want it to look absolutely perfect and glowing all the time. In this bid, the other areas of our bodies are often the biggest losers. For example the neck. It is definitely one of the most neglected areas of your body. Especially then back of your neck. Since it is always hidden under your thick and luscious hair it tends to get the least amount of attention. This develops issues in such areas. Like the neck tends to get dark and pigmented, it can also develop wrinkles and patches. Over time it only becomes very pesky and troublesome.

But it’s never late to start ladies. We have with us 10 superb homemade remedies to get rid of a dark neck and make it glow like the rest of your pretty face. But before that here is all that you should know about a dark neck.

What Causes A Dark Neck?

Causes A Dark NeckWhile there may be many different common reasons for a dark neck it varies from person to person of what the actual cause it. In most cases, it is sheer neglect of your neck. Poor standards of hygiene and maintenance of your body is definitely one of the most important ones. But there can also be many other reasons for darkness around neck,

  • Weight gain and Obesity
  • Exposure to sunlight and Ultraviolet rays from it.
  • Health issues like thyroid can aggravate pigmentation
  • Diabetes
  • Genetic reasons
  • Environmental pollution
  • Chemicals in various cosmetic products and bleaches.
  • Poor hygiene
  • Skin infections. Fungal and bacterial both.
  • Hormonal imbalances etc.

How To Get Rid Of Dark Neck Naturally?

Get Rid Of Dark Neck NaturallyFirst and foremost start caring for your entire body. Keep your self clean and take a shower every single day. If you go out in dust and dirt, do not forget to clean yourself well before you go to sleep. Avoid staying in poor hygiene standards.

Other than that you can follow some of our natural home remedies to get rid of a dark neck naturally at home. Here are some simple DIY dark neck remedies.

1. Turmeric

TurmericTurmeric has been used for skin lightening by Indian women even before the advent of fairness creams. It is not just good for your skin colour but also an antiseptic that prevents any skin infections. Turmerics can be used very easily to remove dark neck pigmentation. It is one of the most healthy natural dark neck remedies.

What Will You Need?

  • Turmeric
  • Plain Curd
  • Mixing Bowl

How To Apply?

  1. Add the turmeric in the curd and mix well.
  2. Apply it all over your neck. You can also use this safely on your face.
  3. Let it stay for 15 minutes
  4. Wash away with warm water and pat dry.
  5. Repeat it every day till you achieve desired results.

How Does It Work?

Turmeric has healing properties. It can fight any underlying skin infection. It is a skin lightening agent and it can remove the neck darkness and make it look healthy like before.

2. Almonds

AlmondsAnother one of the great homemade dark neck remedies is almonds. They can cure your neck off the darkness and impart you a healthy looking skin. Almonds are great for your neck as well as your skin. Almonds in any form are great, wet paste, powder or even almond oil can be used for massaging the neck to get rid of the darkness.

What Will You Need?

  • Almonds
  • Honey
  • Milk Powder
  • Mixing bowl

How To Apply?

  1. Soak almonds overnight in a bowl.
  2. Grind it into a slightly coarse paste.
  3. Use this as a scrub on your neck for 10 minutes every day.
  4. Take 2 tsp dry almonds finely ground powder and 1 tsp milk powder.
  5. Add honey and mix well together in the mixing bowl.
  6. Apply a thick coat all over your neck and let it stay for 20 to 30 minutes.
  7. Wash off with warm water and pat dry.
  8. Follow it up twice every week for best results.

How Does It Work?

Almonds contain vitamins and essential minerals that are extremely beneficial for skin health. Almonds are a rich source of Vitamin E. Vitamin E is known to benefit skin complexion and texture tremendously. It is used extensively in skin cosmetics and other products.

3. Aloe Vera

Aloe VeraAloe Vera can also be a great way to remove dark neck

What Will You Need?

  • Aloe Vera leaf
  • Knife

How To Apply?

  1. Cut open an Aloe vera leaf with a knife.
  2. Apply it all over the neck and using the leaf itself rub it gently over the dark areas of your neck.
  3. Keep rubbing it for 10 minutes.
  4. Wash it later with normal water
  5. Repeat every day for best results.

How Does It Work?

Aloe Vera is a great skin moisturizing agent. It can internally nourish the skin and remove any damage caused due to dehydration. Aloe Vera contains ample amount of antioxidants that reverse skin aging signs and improves the health of your skin. On the neck, it can make your skin recover very soon. Aloesin present in Aloe Vera inhibits the growth of the pigment causing enzyme in our body. Hence, improving the skin colour to a great extent.

4. Cucumber

CucumberCucumber can treat the dark skin on the neck by soothing it through its cooling properties. Cucumber repairs damaged cells and removes any dead skin cell build up that may be causing darkness around the neck area.

What Will You Need?

  • Cucumber
  • Mask sheet
  • Mixing bowl

How To Apply?

  1. Grate cucumber and drain out its juice.
  2. Apply a small dry sheet of tissue over your face and slowly soak it with cucumber juice.
  3. Leave it on for 20 minutes.
  4. Gently apply more juice and rub your neck for another 5 minutes.
  5. Wash with plain water.
  6. You can repeat this every day for great results

How Does It Work?

Cucumber has great skin healing and soothing properties. Your neck gets pigmentation because of abrasive clothing or jewellery, cucumber is the best way to treat it. It helps removing dead skin cells and repair them over time.

5. Potato Juice

Potato JuicePigmentation is one of the leading dark neck causes. And to treat pigmentation, potato juice can be really great way to completely cure the darkness around neck. This is one of the most simple Home Remedies For Dark Neck.

What Will You Need?

  • Potato
  • Bowl

How To Apply?

  1. Grate the potato and extract its fresh juice
  2. Apply the juice all over your neck and massage well for 2 mins
  3. Apply another layer and let it dry.
  4. Wash off with warm water
  5. Repeat every day for great results

How Does It Work?

Potato juice is widely known for its bleaching properties. This juice is great to remove any pigmentation and dark spots around your neck. It is an effective cure to remove neck pigmentation from the roots.

6. Oats

OatsGet Rid Of A Dark Neck with this simple homemade oats remedy. Oats can exfoliate and misturise at the same time. For your dry parched and damaged neck skin, what can be a better option?

What Will You Need?

  • Oats 1 cup
  • Tomato juice
  • Honey

How To Apply?

  1. Slightly grind oats to make a scrub
  2. Add the honey and tomato juice for your desired consistency
  3. Apply it over your neck and scrub it gently.
  4. Let it dry for 2 minutes and then again massage with wet fingers.
  5. Wash it off with plain water
  6. Repeat twice every week

How Does It Work?

Oats can extract deep rooted impurities from the skin. It acts as a superb scrub and exfoliantion agent. It can remove dead skin build up and make your skin texture smooth. It also cures your parched skin by moisturizing it. The tomato juice and honey are great skin lightening agents. It makes your neck look fairer and healthy soon.

7. Lemon Juice

Lemon JuiceLemon juice with its great reserves of vitamin C can be a perfect remedy to remove dark neck. It is one of those dark neck remedies that require the least amount of time to show visible results. It can be however not be used by people who have skin allergies or infections. The acetic acid can really sting any infection wound.

What Will You Need?

  • Lemon Juice
  • Yogurt
  • Mixing bowl

How To Apply?

  • Mix the ingredients and blend well.
  • Apply it all over your neck and massage for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Leave it to dry.
  • Wash with a plain normal water
  • Repeat once every week

How Does It Work?

Lemon contains Vitamin C that acts as a skin lightening agents. The acids in lemon only promote skin lightening. It can easily remove heavily pigmented areas of skin and make them brighter and much more healthier.

8. Orange peel

Orange peelWith its amazing beauty and health benefits, orange peel can acts as a great remedy to get Rid Of A Dark Neck. Orange peel can rejuvenate your complete skin. It can also bleach away all the darkness of neck naturally and maintain the healthy skin of your neck.

What Will You Need?

  • Orange peel powder
  • Full fat Milk

How To Apply?

  1. Make a paste with the milk and peel powder and mix well.
  2. Apply it all over you problem area.
  3. Leave it on for 15 minutes and let it dry.
  4. Wash it with warm water
  5. Repeat every week for best results.

How Does It Work?

Orange peels contain a high amount of vitamin C it can keep all the acne marks, blemishes and dark spots at bay. It will keep the skin naturally looking fair since it has natural skin lightening properties. It acts a natural and mild bleach that can greatly solve the problem of a dark neck.

9. Baking Soda

Baking SodaIf you want to get rid of a dark neck baking soda can be used as a good homemade remedy for curing neck darkness. It acts as a skin exfoliant. It is known to effectively remove dead skin cell build up and keep your skin healthy and youthful. This is one of the best home remedies for dark neck since you can see its results in almost a week flat.

What Will You Need?

  • Baking Soda
  • Water
  • Mixing bowl

How To Apply?

  1. Add all the ingredients and create a thick paste like consistency
  2. Apply it all over your neck pigmentation
  3. ‘Leave in to dry for a while
  4. Wash with cold water and pat dry.
  5. Repeat it 2 – 3 times a week for the best results.

How Does It Work?

Baking soda is known to be extremely efficient in removing hyperpigmentation. It can easily remove the accumulated darkness and rough skin of your neck. It will also exfoliate and improve the texture f your neck. It can lighten your neck in really less amount of time.

10. Apple cider Vinegar

Apple cider VinegarAlong with it’s other amazing health and beauty benefits, Apple cider vinegar is also used as a way to treat the dark neck causes. It is known to heal and improves the health of the skin. It can be a great way to treat skin infection and dryness of the dark neck.

What Will You Need?

  • Apple cider Vinegar
  • Water
  • Cotton balls.

How To Apply?

  1. Dilute the Apple cider vinegar by adding little water
  2. Soak a cotton ball in it and apply it all over your neck area.
  3. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes
  4. Wash it away with plain water and pat dry
  5. Follow up with a good moisturiser.
  6. You can repeat this thrice every week.

How Does It Work?

Apple cider vinegar is known to improve the pH of your skin and heal it naturally. This healthy skin will glow and improve in complexion. It also helps in removing the dead skin build up on your neck. Make sure you follow this routine with a good moisturiser since ACV has dehydrating properties and can make your skin really dry.

Every person is different, what works for you may not work for another and Vice versa. So pick and choose one of these remedies and if you do not get the desired result you may try another one. The results may take time to show but they work like a wonder and we simple cannot stop gushing about it. We hope you find this useful. Do share ahead and spread the word.

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After following, all my dreams in life. I have always found myself coming back to writing. Be it about my travel adventures or my undying love for fashion and beauty. With a knack for all things fancy, I am constantly in search for the best fashion trends and age old beauty secrets, And as someone who considers herself a voracious reader, finding just the right advice isn’t that hard. With love for my pen, and my heart in the clouds I wish to make the world a prettier place to be.