13 Clever Ways To Deal With A Lazy Husband- Be A Smart Wife


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Marriage gives you a companion for life. You need to work on all possible ways to have a healthy relationship. Healthy relationships make healthy lives which include love, share and care, respect for each other. You may admire the qualities of your life partner and that is amazing to have such a good man in your life.

What if you have a lazy husband? Isn’t it annoying to have a lazy husband and it may also affect your relationship. He may have many reasons for his laziness. But you have a deal with his laziness which also let him have a better life. Moreover, you will save the relationship from dangerous situations.

You need to change him and it is your responsibility as a wife. You may also feel burdened to manage all the household things. So, it is enough fair to ask your husband for help in daily routine works. But you need to be clever in dealing with him. Your ways should be like a gentle push out of laziness.

How to Deal with a Lazy Husband?

You need to notice his behaviour and reactions. If he is lazy once in a while, you must accept it. It must not be a daily problem that you have to manage all at home. Sometimes, there must temporary reasons. So, you need to analyze the change in your husband.

Ways to Deal with Lazy Husband

1. Observe him

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Yes! You need to observe him and changes in him. If your husband is newly escaping from responsibilities and work, then they must be something that is bothering him. So, notice his actions and reactions.

2. Ask the Reason

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Before going with actions, you must know the reason behind his laziness. Some times, the person may feel lazy with loaded work at workplace or going through stress. So, try to know the reason and then you can deal with it accordingly.

3. Assign Small Tasks

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You may expect him to cook once in a while or help you in cutting veggies when you are cooking. So, should expect him to do these kind of works initially. So, assign him tasks like handing over the things or ask him to place things. This can let him out from laziness and too much comfort.

4. Do not Display your Capacity

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You may be a superwoman who can manage all the work by own. But you may not continue with the same energy every time. Do less work even when you are able to manage all tasks like cooking, cleaning and organizing things. When you lower your capacity, you are giving him a chance to work at least the minor part. So, you need to take help from your husband which will be a burden sharing and which will not exhausting for both of you.

5. Appreciate His Efforts

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When he is making efforts to help you, first appreciate him not expecting more. Anyone would wait for rewards when they do the best. You must let him know how special you feel getting such support and how much mean to you. Knowing your comfort level and needs, your husband may support you when needed.

6. Stop Yelling and Bugging

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If you are chasing him to accomplish a task, he may get annoyed. Even though he is delaying it, hold on your patience. You can remind him once, instead of yelling at him. Your kind words can convince the person than your harsh words. It can also be a way of destroying your husband.

7. Help him out if needed

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When you are assigning work to your husband, you need to guide him. If you find him struggling, you can help him with easy ways. This shows your concern for him and he may feel good to work. The way you make people feel better will get back to you in no time. For sure, he will also help you out.

8. Make your Bond Strong

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If you both are not giving time to each other, you can share the burden as well. A couple can share the burden and worries when they have the strongest bond. You may also not feel good in expecting him to help you when you have a weak bond. So, try to make your bond strong.

9. Do not Point out the Mistakes

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Even after seeing his efforts but still pointing him out for his little mistakes. Being rude for his mistakes can create a conflict between you. You must let him know, the right way of managing the work. When you are rude to him, you are more provoking him to become lazy and make the situation unpleasant for you both. So, remember that you need to deal with patience and kindness.

10. Let Him do it in His Way

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Everyone has their own way of managing the task. You must accept his style of working and finishing the tasks. Your ideal ways of completing the tasks and restrictions of following your ways can make him laziest. In simple words, we can say you are creating the barrier of working, with your restrictions. You need to have an open mind to accept people’s work and style.

11. Do Not Ask Him to Redo the Task

Image source: psychologytoday.com

You must not ask him to redo the work. Once a person is good at managing the work, they will develop their ways. Do not expect perfection in every work. This can make cut own the interest in helping you. Then, there are more chances of leaving all the tasks to you. If there are some changes, you can adjust them by yourself. Making your husband redo the task may make him lose interest in helping you.

12. Let Him Take His Time

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Do not expect him to work at a fast pace. He may come up with easy ways with his own pace. He also gets a chance of accomplishing the work in the best ways. The sequence he tries to achieve the work may differ from yours. But all you need is to lessen your burden.

13. Enjoy the Work Together

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You both can distribute the work and enjoy doing together. This way you also feel less burden of completing your tasks. Cooking your meals can be enjoyed together. You can work on easy ways which can make your work complete.

You must be a smart woman who tackles the problems in a clever way. From next when you find your husband lazy, deal with in clever ways. Working together is a joy and have that joy in daily struggles too. It is all good for you both to make a better life. So, never hesitate to push him to manage the small household works. Remember that the way you push must be gentle.

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