How to Remove Underarm Tan


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Skin Care

There are a certain places in your body that ought to look good no matter what? Yes, certain tans can be hidden, but certain others have to be removed before it makes you look bad. Summer is approaching and everybody wants to wear a summer dress, shorts and cute frill tops. But, none of these would look good if you have a an underarm tan. The blackness of underarm is a major turnoff for a lot of people. You sure can reduce the look of it without spending lots of money on parlors or at skin care stores.

Whitening underarm using deodorant and other soaps is totally eyewash. Unless it is done naturally, there is no guarantee that you will achieve a clean white look for your underarm. You need to understand that there are a certain specific reasons why your arms are dark and unpleasant. Don’t panic ladies! We have a solution for this. So, here are some tips that will help you reduce the darkness or tan from your underarm.

7 Remedies To Remove Underarm tan

11. Lemon and honey

Lemon and honey

Homemade remedies are the first and best ways to remove tan from your underarm. The first in the list is honey and lemon. These two ingredients work like magic and would help you see visible changes immediately. Honey is a great moisturizer and lemon acts as a bleaching agent. When both of them are spread on your skin where the blackness is more, it will remove the dirt particles in a jiffy. Apply honey on the lemon and rub it under your arms for a while. Using this on a regular basis will help you notice fast results.

22. Potato extract

Potato extract

Did you know that this amazing and tasting vegetable can do much more than sufficing your taste bud? Well, yes, potato extract or the potato by itself helps you remove tan instantly when used on a regular basis.

  • Cut the potato into slices or grind it with water to make a juice out of it.
  • Now apply the potato slices or the juice onto your underarm and leave it for a while.
  • When you do this on a regular basis, you will notice that the potato will extract the darkness and leave you with a clean skin. Potato can be a great agent in removing tan, so you could also use it on your face.

33. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

Like you already know, Aloe Vera has always acted as a helping beauty agent. Aloe Vera is good for both skin and hair, and so, using it would be giving you faster results. You can buy Aloe Vera and take the extract from it directly or buy the gel that is available in the market. Make sure it is fresh and all you need to do is to rub it like a gel and massage it under your arms. Aloe Vera will make your underarm patch smoother and make it soft and instantly remove the underarm tan. Use this treatment everyday and you will see the difference.

44. Milk and turmeric

Milk and turmeric

Turmeric is an age-old ingredient that helps in removing both tan and dead cells. The Indians use turmeric on a daily basis in their food and while taking bath. It is a known fact that usage of more turmeric will reduce facial hair. Turmeric is also a spice that has healing properties in it which will help your skin attain perfect benefits. Mix turmeric and milk and make a paste out of it. Now apply the same under your arms at least twice a week. This paste will help you in repairing the skin in the underarm region.

55. Lightening masks

Lightening masks

Apart from homemade packs, there are also some lightening masks that will help you do the needful for your skin. The mask will consist of gram flour, yogurt, lemon and turmeric, which is surely affordable both at home and from outside. You can take a break from your routine by applying this and resting for 20 minutes or so. Any clay based whitening mask will also do the needful.

66. Less usage of deodorants

Less usage of deodorants

You can actually give a miss to those deodorants that claim to turnyour dark skin into crystal clear and white. Trying natural remedies is way better than spending money on such chemical effluents. Once your skin is brightened after the usage of homemade packs, you can then shift to good fragrant cologne.

77. Waxing your underarm is better

Waxing your underarm

Many people make this mistake of shaving their underarm instead of waxing it. Trust us, waxing maybe a little more painful than you can bear, but it is worth it. Usage of shaving creams or removal creams is one of the biggest reasons why you have tans under your arms. The hair of your underarm will be removed completely from the roots and they will appear much fairer immediately. It also works as an exfoliating method. Electrolysis is an another permanent solution to get rid of underarm hair. But, for more reasonable and better results, waxing could be your best choicefor tan removal.

-Pavithra Ravi