How To Treat Brown Spots On Face


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Treat Brown Spots

Every woman want to get rid of brown spots from their face. Brown spots are also known to be age spots, sun spots, dark spots, liver spots, or much more, as they usually occur on the areas where you will get a lot of exposure from the sun or ultraviolet rays. But do not worry as brown spots on face can easily be removed with some easy home remedial ways. These brown spots mostly occur to people who are over 40 or 60 and can be seen less on people who are under 40.

These spots are mostly harmless but are also considered unattractive. Brown spots appear on the exposed areas of the skin like the face, neck, back, chest, shoulders as well as hands.

What are causes of Brown Age Spots?

Mostly these brown spots, as well as freckles, are the result of hyperpigmentation on your skin. Humans get their skin color from the pigment known as melanin, which is also synthesized mainly into the basal layer of the epidermis. There are many reasons such as the prolonged exposure to the sunlight, hormonal changes, acne, improper diet, etc., that can cause the excessive production of the melanin. As because of this, the skin turn patchy and also look more blemished.

How Do You Remove Brown Spots From Face?

Are you thinking of natural remedies to get rid of brown spots? Then here are some to remove a brown spot on face, and get a glowing as well as beautiful skin.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider VinegarAs Apple cider vinegar contains alpha-hydroxy acids, it also makes for an excellent skin exfoliator, which is similar to those of the pricey anti-aging creams that can help to lighten age spots. Just dab on a little on the affected areas of your skin just before the bed and leave it overnight. To protect your skin from drying out, you can even mix a little olive oil that can leave you feeling soft as well as smooth. Repeat every day, three to four weeks, and you will see a noticeable difference.

You can also make this remedy more effective just by adding the horseradish. However, it might take more time to put together. To make a paste, grate a four to a five-inch piece of the horseradish and in it add apple cider vinegar. Mix them well, and allow them to sit undisturbed for at least two weeks. After two weeks, shake them well and strain the vinegar into a storage container with a lid. Apply this mixture to the age spots once or twice every day until you see any desired result.

Remember that it is ok to experience a slight redness or even to sting, but if the irritation is very severe, then discontinue the use, or even try to dilute the mixture with some water.

2. Buttermilk

ButtermilkButtermilk has the presence of lactic acid in it, that can not only help to restore as well as rejuvenate your skin, it can also help to diminish the age spots and make it much healthier in this process. All you need for is a small bowl of buttermilk and cotton ball.

Dip the cotton ball in the bowl of buttermilk, squeeze then remove excess of buttermilk. Apply this cotton ball on the age spots and allow the milk to sit for about 15 minutes; later rinse with some lukewarm water.

If you have acne prone skin, then add few drops of lime juice to the buttermilk before using it. Repeat them on a daily basis until the spot fade. You can take the remedy up by using buttermilk to wash the face or even enjoying a buttermilk bath.

3. Lemons

LemonsLemons are considered as one of the most effective remedies for lightening the brown age spots as well as freckles and other dark spots on the skin. They have a presence of a citric acid which can help to safely remove the dead skin cells to reveal the new layers of the skin, similar to the medical procedures, while also providing for a healthy glow. But it is also important to not go out into the sun right after applying, as it can really cause the skin to get dark more than it was ever before. Also if you have an extra sensitive skin, then lemons can even cause irritation as well as redness. So use wisely.

For this remedy, all you need is a lemon and knife. Slice up the lemon and rub one of a slice on your age spots. Allow its juice to sit for about 15 minutes before the rinsing. For the best results, try to repeat this process twice every day until the age spots completely diminish.

4. Onions

OnionsOnions can be an effective remedy for age spots as they have sulfur compounds which can help as an antiseptic, and acids that can exfoliate the skin. While the smell is not pleasant, this is an amazing home remedy for those people who find the lemons or vinegar irritating.

All you need to do is slice up the onion, rub it all over the affected areas two to three times every day. Then leave it for 10 to 15 minutes, later rinse well, until the odor has completely dissipated. For more effect, mix one tablespoon of the onion juice with two tablespoons of the honey, follow the same instructions above.

5. Dandelions

DandelionsMost of the time people work to get rid of the dandelions from their lawn or gardens, but dandelions are actually a herb who have many numbers of health as well as beauty issues, that is including being great home remedy for the brown age spots by helping it to eliminate the dead skin cells as well as rejuvenating the skin.

Just pull some of the dandelions from a yard and break off all the stem. Rub these sap which can ooze out on your age spots. Apply them twice in a day, leaving for several minutes before rinsing. You will notice that the spots begin to fade, and the complexion will be clear as well as more radiant too.

6. Papaya

PapayaPapaya has alpha hydroxy acids as well as certain kind of enzymes which can help to exfoliate the skin and reduce the blemishes, age spots, and another type of skin problems while also giving the complexion a more glowing appearance. Experts advise on doing 24-patch test first and waiting for 24 hours, and if you experience no reaction, you might proceed further.

To use this papaya remedy, you will need green papaya and knife. Cut a thin slice from the skin and then hold the fleshy side of this papaya to the age spots for about 20 minutes. You can cut the papaya into tiny chunks and press in a pulp using a fork, as an alternative. Then apply the pulp to the age spots, allowing it to sit for almost about 20 minutes before rinsing. Use the remedy once every day for best results.

7. Aloe Vera

Aloe VeraAloe Vera is well-known as a great remedy for many types of skin ailments, from poison oak to stinging nettles, eczema, age spots and much more. It also offers both the moisturizing as well as anti-inflammatory properties which can keep the skin from feeling fresh, young as well as hydrated.

If you have the plant, just break one of the leaves and rub a little of this gel which can ooze out on the age spots. Allowing it to soak, there is no need for it to rinse, though it is a little bit sticky. If you are willing to wash it off, always be sure to let it sit for at least of 30 minutes. Try to repeat it twice in a day until you see the desired result.

8. Yogurt

YogurtYogurt not only have lactic acid, but it also offers some mild bleaching properties which are known that can help to make the skin lighter by several tones, fading brown spots over the time. To use the remedy, you will need a tablespoon of yogurt, two tablespoons of ground oatmeal, a small bowl, a teaspoon of fresh-squeezed lime juice and some cold water.

First add yogurt, oatmeal as well as lime juice in a bowl and mix them well to form a paste. Then apply this paste on the affected areas and allow to sit for 30 minutes before even rinsing with cold water. Afterward, pat dry and then add the moisturizer. Repeat this process every day in a week, and then twice every week for two to three months for better results.

9. Sandalwood Essential Oil

Sandalwood Essential OilSandalwood essential oil has many anti-aging compounds which can make effective ingredients for fading brown age spots. You can use, by massaging few drops of oil being diluted into a carrier oil directly on the affected area. To better the effectiveness, mix in a pinch of sandalwood powder with two drops of lemon juice, glycerin as well as rosewater to make them into a paste. Then apply the paste on the age spots, allowing to dry before rinsing with the cold water.

10. Red Currants

Red CurrantsRed currants are known to have been packed with the antioxidants, and applying them topically to your skin, it can not only help to boost the skin healing abilities but also enable to naturally diminish the age spots, it also offers the protection from the harmful UV rays as well as free radicals which can cause the age spots, and even worse.

You need a quarter cup of unripe red currants, in a tablespoon of honey, adding few drops of lemon juice and few drops of rosewater. To make the pack, mash the red currants to form it into a paste. In it add honey and them mix well. Apply this paste on your age spot and allow it to sit properly for about half hour before rinsing with the warm water. Afterward, mix this lemon juice with the rosewater and apply to the solution to the age spots and rinse.

11. Chickpeas

ChickpeasChickpeas can be used for an excellent face mask for fading the age spots. To make this home remedy, you need one cup of chickpeas, some water, a quarter cup of tahini, and a food processor.

Cook the chickpeas and blend them in the food processor. In it add tahini, and a little water at the time until the mixture is just like the texture of a thick pudding. Then apply this paste to your brown spots, or all over your face, and allow the mask to dry out completely, for about 30 minutes, before rinsing thoroughly until it has been removed completely.

12. Tomatoes

TomatoesTomatoes are the age-old remedy for treating stubborn brown spots, thanks to the presence of certain enzymes and their high lycopene content, as well as powerful antioxidant, and it’s bleaching properties that are known to effectively lighten the skin tone.

Simply slice up one tomato and rub one of its slices on the affected area, or apply the pure tomato juice directly on the age spots. Either way, leave the tomato juice on for about 20 minutes, rinse using the cold water. To top up the effectiveness, mix a bit of organic honey in the juice of tomato.

Remember to repeat this process once or twice in a day until the results are properly achieved.

13. Castor Oil

Castor OilCastor oil is mostly famous for the ability to heal the skin from many kinds of skin conditions, that is including treating the age spots. All that you need is to use it to apply a bit of this oil on an affected area and then massage into the skin for a minute, or until it is properly absorbed. Try to repeat it twice every day to improve in a noticeable amount for about four weeks. Those who deal with dry skin might want to add a little bit of olive oil or even coconut oil for the moisture to prevent any added dryness.

14. Potatoes

PotatoesThe potato juice is acidic and offers bleaching properties, by making it a great deal for removing the age spots as well as blemishes and freckles. One of the most effective recipes for eliminating the brown spots is the call for potatoes, lemon juice, as well as honey. First, Wash the potato thoroughly, removing any kind of green spots or sprouts. Now, grate and place the potato shreds into a linen cloth, squeezing out all the juice, or even using a juicer. In it add three drops of lemon juice, few drops of organic honey and mix them well. Apply this mixture on your age spots, allowing it to sit for about 20 minutes before the rinsing.
