Want a glowing skin – DIY!


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DIY Masks For Glowing Skin

We all love glowing skin. No matter wherever be it office or party, we want to look beautiful and glowing everyday. But most of us lead a very busy life from morning to evening, and hence it becomes difficult to take care of us regularly. But it is double important to take care of our skin in this busy and stressful life. We must keep ourselves hydrated and always eat a healthy diet without a miss.

Here are some super easy home remedies or DIY masks for glowing skin that are way super easy to make and try everyday at home. These face packs will make your skin replenished and rejuvenated.

Tips For Glowing Skin

1Olive oil, Honey and Baking Soda Mask

Olive oil, Honey and Baking Soda Mask

Olive oil acts as a natural moisturizer that can keep your skin glowing and doesn’t allow it dry. Whereas Honey and Baking Soda are a great combination that can prevent pimples and acne. To make a mask all you need is one teaspoon of Olive oil, half teaspoon of Honey and one teaspoon of Baking Soda. Mix them together properly and apply it in your face for minutes. Then wash it off with lukewarm water. Your skin will feel moisturized.

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2Turmeric, Milk and Honey Mask

Turmeric, Milk and Honey Mask

Turmeric is basically known for its Anti aging and Anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric mixed with milk are generally knownas skin healer and can give a natural yellow tone to the skin and honey can provide you with clear skin. To make this mask add one teaspoon of Turmeric, one teaspoon of Honey and one or two teaspoon of Milk. Mix them well and apply it on your face for fifteen minutes. Try to wash them with raw milk and lukewarm water, this mask can make your face even toned and also free from acne.

3Papaya and Honey Mask

Papaya and Honey Mask

If you feel that your skin have dull texture, then try this mask. It can give you an instant radiant and glowing skin. To prepare this mask you just need to slice a Papaya and add one tablespoon of Honey. Mix them well and apply it on your face for twenty minutes. Wash it off with cold water. Your skin will look much healthy and lustrous.

4Oat Meal and Cinnamon Mask

Oat Meal and Cinnamon Mask

Oats can be used for making face scrubs. They can help in removing acne and pimples. Cinnamon on the other hand can help in plumping your skin and make it look fresh.

To make an Oatmeal and Cinnamon mask you need two to three tablespoons of Oats, half Tablespoon of Cinnamon Powder and two tablespoons of Milk. Mix them well and while applying massage it on your face for atleast three to four minutes and leave it for twenty minutes. This can reduce your acne and pimples, and also make your skin feel flawless. This mask acts more like a scrub and can open your pores after washing it. So, remember to apply moisturizer soon after washing.

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5Orange-Peel Powder, Sandalwood powder, Honey and Saffro...

Orange-Peel Powder

If you combine sandalwood powder and orange peel then it can make your skin fresh and bright. This pack will not only clean your skin, but can also help in making it smooth.

To prepare this face pack all you need is one teaspoon of Orange Peel Powder, One Teaspoon of Sandalwood Powder, one teaspoon of Honey, four or five strands of Saffron, one teaspoon of Milk Cream and one fourth of Turmeric powder. Mix all of them properly and apply it on your skin for twenty five minutes. Later wash them off with lukewarm water. You will get instant bright skin and feel fresh.

6Lemon, Curd and Turmeric Mask

Lemon, Curd and Turmeric Mask

Lemon can help in cleaning impurities from your skin. If you mix curd and turmeric, then it can help in your soft and beautiful skin. To make this paste you may need half Lemon, one tablespoon of Curd and one teaspoon of Turmeric. Mix them well and apply this mask on your face for fifteen to twenty minutes. Wash them off with cold water.

7Rosewater, Multani Mitti and Lemon Mask

Rosewater, Multani Mitti and Lemon Mask

Mixture of Multani Mitti and Rosewater can have coolant properties for your skin. These two can be the best ingredients for your skin. To prepare this mask all you need is one tablespoon of Multani Mitti (Mud Pack), one teaspoon of Rose water and half a Lemon. Apply this mixture on your face for about twenty five minutes, then rinse off with water.

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