Perfect and easy Pancakes


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Are you a great fan of pancakes? Then, making them at home is as easy and simple as eating it. Making this delicious English breakfast is hassle free if you have some milk, oil and eggs with you. All you need is some patience and lots of love for food and you can get this easy breakfast. Children, adults and even office workers would love to enjoy this. Eat it with jam spread on it and make it a jam sandwich to enjoy the taste even better.

Did you know that your pancakes are healthy too? Well, making pancakes are incredibly easy and good for your taste buds. Here is how you make perfect and easy pancakes.

Prefect and easy Pancakes Preparation Process:


  • 200g plain flour
  • 3 eggs
  • 500ml semi-skimmed milk
  • 3 tbsp sunflower oil or vegetable, plus extra for frying
  • Pinch salt


Blending in the flour:

  • Mix the flour and a pinch of salt in a mixing bowl and try to make a hole in the centre.
  • Its now time to crack the eggs into the middle and pour about 100 ml of milk and add 2 tbsp of oil.
  • Whisk from the centre and mix the flour into the eggs, milk and oil.
  • Make a thick paste once you finish beating the ingredients given above. It will become smooth and thick now.
  • If the paste is thick and too stiff, add more milk to add to the consistency.

Finishing the batter:

  • Now, pour more milk and whisk to loosen the thick batter.
  • While still whisking, pour in a steady stream of the remaining milk.
  • Whisk and pour simultaneously until you have a batter that is slightly thick but not too thicky and is creamy. You will identify when you see the batter itself.
  • You could leave it to 30 mins, but there is no definite need. Remember, you can experiement and need not follow exactly what people suggest.

Getting the right thickness:

  • Heat the pan and wipe your pan with a oiled kitchen paper.
  • You now have to pour in a ladle full of batter into the pan and move it in circular motion, titling the pan to cover the area. Make sure it is consistant on all sides and thin for easy cooking.
  • You can pour the excess batter into the batter jug quickly if you feel your quantity on the pan is more. Turn on the heat and let it cook for 30 secs.
  • You will notice that if you have done everything perfectly well, your pancake will be ready to be turned and would have turned golden in color. 30 secs is your time. So, see if this happens in the given period.

Flipping pancakes:

  • You can hold the handle of the pan, use a ladle, which is a fish slice kind, and swiftly lift and flip the pancake in one swift motion.
  • You need to make sure that the pancake is lying straight and without folds on the pan. You can now cook it for another 30 secs so that the other side also turns golden.
  • You could do the same thing with the rest of the batter following the same procedure.
  • You can freeze the pancakes for 1 month, wrapped in cling film or make them up to a day ahead.

Your family will bless you for bringing out the best chef in you early in the morning. Enjoy and spend great time making pancakes.

-Pavithra Ravi

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