9 Ways To Use Rose Water For Hair- Pamper Your Tresses


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Rose water for skin is a familiar and favourite home remedy for women. It is nothing strange in saying that rose water is good for hair too. Purely and organically extracts rose water is much better to any other product for hair.

Now you must find a best rose water product in the market and that too in bigger quantity. Asking why? After knowing the benefits and simple ways of using rose water for hair, you will need more quantity of it. Let the rose water do double duty for your skin and hair. To believe it, you must read further.

If you want give your hair the natural care, then rose water contributes hugely and that too in simple way.

Why You Should Use Rose Water For Hair? The Benefits

1. Removes excess oil


I feel oily scalp is the biggest hair problem. People with oily scalp would know it better. It catches dust faster and it is also annoying.

So, don’t cruse or hate your hair. Let your hair be soaked in the goodness of rose water. It remove excess oil from scalp and your hair will become non greasy. It maintain the ph balance of your scalp. The ph of rose matches with scalp. The production of oil reduces.

Best and natural way to get rid of oily scalp.

How to use rose water for oily scalp?
Here is a simplest way to use rose water for oily scalp. It is just an additional step of cleansing your hair. You can shield your scalp without producing more oil.

Steps to do
1. Shampoo your hair well.
2. Mix rose water with water and rinse off your hair.

How often?
Do this 2 times a week.

2.Prevents hair from dryness


Do you feel that your hair is dry and brittle? Then, you must not wait for it give some nourishment with rose water. Rose water hydrates your hair roots and tips as well.

Rose water calms the dry irritated hair. It is a workable remedy to rejuvenate your lifeless, pale tresses.

How to use rose water for dry hair?
This rose water remedy for hair retains the moisture. The fragile hair must be moisturized to become strong. So, you are making your hair stronger and protecting it from falling off with this remedy. Know that- lack moisture and dry hair is more prone to fall.

Steps to do
1. Take equal parts of glycerin and rose water according to your hair length.
2. Blend the ingredients fully.
3. Apply the mixture to your scalp and hair.
4. Leave it for at least 20 minutes and then rinse it with a mild shampoo.

How often?
Do this twice a week to protect your hair.

3. Stimulates hair growth

Rose water contain vitamins that are needed for hair growth. If your hair is weak and undergone hair fall, then you must rejuvenate it with rose water. It helps in regrowth of your hair naturally.

How to use rose water for hair growth?
The combination of the ingredients in this product makes your hair stronger. Addition of eggs provide proteins that your damaged hair needs. Vinegar cleanses your hair by removing dirt and pollutants. It is like a hair mark with active factors.

If you have oily scalp- then exclude yolk in it. People with dry hair can happily add yolk as it deeply moisturizes.

Steps to do
1. Beat 3 eggs and mix it with a cup of rose water.
2. Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Give fine stir to the added ingredients.
3. Now apply this mask to your hair.
4. Let it remain for 30 minutes and then wash off with a mild shampoo.

How often?
Repeat this remedy once a week.

4. Combats dandruff


Dandruff is a kind of fungus that form due to dust, moisture on scalp. Rose water is gentle remedy to remove dandruff from scalp as it has anti inflammatory properties. Improves scalp health fighting the conditions like psoriasis and eczema.

Steps to do
1. Take a half cup of fenugreek seeds in rose water.
2. Allow the fenugreek seeds to soak for 5 hours around.
3. The seeds will absorbs all the water. It is ready to grind into smooth paste.
4. Apply the paste to your scalp and leave it for 20 minutes.
5. Then cleanse your hair with a mild sulfate free shampoo.
6. Give a last wash with lukewarm water.

How often?
Whenever you want to get rid of dandruff.

5. Calms the frizz


Unruly hair is a task and you can simplify this task with rose water. A fine rinse with rose water can make your frizzy hair manageable. The wavy curls can be straightened with rose water. As it hydrates your hair ends, it comes easy for you to handle.

How to use rose water for frizz hair?
Can you think anything better than aloe vera when is to moisture your skin or hair? Also the addition of rose water makes this a effective way to calm your frizzy hair.

Steps to do?
1. Extract aloe vera gel from a fresh stem.
2. Add the gel to a half cup of rose water. Mix both the ingredients.
3. Apply this mask to your hair washed hair.
4. Let it stay for 20 minutes and rinse it off with mild shampoo.

How often?
Repeat this rose water remedy for 2 times a week.

6.Smooth hair


You need to condition your hair to become smooth. It adds the enough moisture balancing the ph of your scalp. When your hair is well moisturized and it reveals the smooth texture.

How to use rose water for smooth hair?
This combination is like a conditioner for your hair. Coconut oil moisturizes your hair and makes it shiny. It is the way of additional care for your hair. With this remedy you can rely less on artificial conditioners.

Steps to do
1. Take 2-3 tablespoons of coconut oil and 2 teaspoons of rose water.
2. Stir both the ingredients and apply to your hair.
3. Let it stay for an hour and then wash off.

How often?
Do it 2 times a week.

7.Cleanses hair


Cleansing with shampoos is not the effective cleansing. You must also try to cleanse your hair with natural cleanser. The inflammatory properties in rose water removes the buildup and pollutants from hair.

How to use rose water to cleanse hair?
Here, we are asking you to blend rose water along with witch hazel. Witch hazel protects your hair and reduces inflammation if any.

Steps to do
1. In one cup of rose water add 2 teaspoons of witch hazel extract.
2. Mix both the added ingredients and apply to your hair.
3. Allow your hair to absorb the applied mixture for 25 minutes.
4. Cleanse your hair with a lightweight shampoo.

8.Cures scalp acne


If you have mild scalp acne, then rose water helps to cure it. It soothes the bumps on scalps. As rose water is anti inflammatory, it reduces the redness and swell of the acne.

How to use rose water for scalp acne?
You must work with the remedies that eliminate the dirt. The dirt and build up clogs the hair follicles and it gives rise to acne. Here you have lemon along with rose water which unclogs the pores.

Steps to do
1. Squeeze and extract 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.
2. Add 2 tablespoons of rose water and few drops of coconut oil.
3. Apply this solution to your scalp and leave it for 20 minutes.
4. Wash it off using a mild cleanser.

How often?
Repeat this once a week.

9.Control hair fall


The vitamins A, B3, C, D and E are packed in rose water. When you are soaking your hair in rose water, it absorbs all the vitamins and becomes stronger. You can raise the power of rose water combining with some other powerful factors like essential oils.

How to use rose water to control hair fall?
This rose water remedy reduces the split ends and breakage of hair. Vitamin E oil is packed with antioxidants that strengthens the hair follicles from deep inside and control hair fall.

Steps to do
1. Take one cup of rose water and add 5-6 drops of vitamin E oil.
2. Pour this solution into a spray bottle. Mix it well with a shake.
3. Then spray this mixture to your hair before shower.
4. Leave it for 30 minutes and then wash it off.

How often?
You can use it 2-3 times a week.

10.Shiny hair


Shiny bouncy hair is what all women want. That is possible and with natural way. Rose water nourishes your hair and reveals the natural shine. Your dull hair must get a deep touch of rose water to shine out.

How to use rose water for shiny hair?
This is a moisturizing tip for your hair. Milk is full of proteins and your dull hair is in need of those proteins.

Steps to do
1. You need to take half cup of milk with 1 cup of rose water.
2. Stir the mixture and apply it to your scalp and hair.
3. Let it sit for 20 minutes and then rinse off with mild shampoo.

How often?
Do it 1 time a week.

Giving your hair what it needs is the best way to care. Rose water is beneficial for hair and the way you use it depends on your hair condition. So, use rose water for you hair in right way and grab the benefits.

When healthy hair is your goal, include something natural.

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